Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1009

The voice is not big, but it appears like thunder on the ground.

The fourth dimension of life.

Apart from this unknown life, they can't think of any other reason why a life has such a huge energy.

"No way."

"It's not impossible. His power is so weird. There are so many special abilities, which have never appeared in the history of universal civilization."

"The law of conservation of energy, even if every atom explodes and annihilates, it is impossible to have the huge energy shown by radar just now."

"Do you explain the power to me in terms of conservation of energy?"

"The rules of the fourth dimension do not necessarily follow the physical rules of our existing universe system."

Some physics researchers are very interested in the discussion. They are eager to catch Chen Mo to study it. Unfortunately, they dare not go there with their ten courage.

However, speculation about that mysterious energy did not stop.

"Is it really about the fourth dimension of life?" Fox Bing Xin's eyes flickered and fell on the books in the hands of the purple emperor.

Is it really that book that makes Chen Mo touch the secret of the fourth dimension of life?

Hu Bingxin hesitates for a moment and then looks at Chen Mo in the battle.

Ordinary life is watching the battle between Chen Mo and Tong Qing, and the life of top civilization and God level civilization, but their attention is in the book in the hands of purple emperor. But no life dares to grab things in the hands of the purple emperor, unless he is not killed.

The fierce confrontation between Chen Mo and Tong Qing is far beyond the height of the previous several games and changes rapidly. They have never seen such a picture in their only armour combat.

Even so, they still feel that both sides have not reached the limit.

The mystery of Chen Mo and the power of Tong Qing form a sharp contrast in the air, and the demeanor of the strong. This moment is vividly displayed in the sky above the forest of heavenly stars and steles. All the excitement and shock finally turned into the yearning exclamation.

Tong Qing's momentum is climbing, like a great beast, with great momentum, trying to topple the whole forest of stars and steles.

Chen Mo's body seems to be stimulated. Every quantum, like a fiery fireworks, is beating wildly. A steady stream of power is produced out of nowhere, and strands converge into threads and permeate every corner of his body.

One is ferocious and brave, the other is strange and mysterious, the other is relaxed and motionless. The collision between the two sides is like the overturning of ice water and magma, boiling fiercely.

The battlefield is expanding tenfold unconsciously. The forest of stars and steles, which has been exposed to wind and rain for hundreds of millions of years, is as fragile as tofu in their collision, and everywhere is broken and devastated.

Chen Mo is temporarily suppressed. He does not know how many times he has been injured and how many times he has been cut by Tongqing's sharp blade. Every time he is injured, his body recovers in an instant, and his armor is repaired under the nano robot.

As the battle went on, Chen Mo was injured less and less. However, Tong Qing's armor began to show scars. The balance that had been suppressed began to be pried.

The resilience of quantum body terror is displayed incisively and vividly at this moment. As Chen Mo's consciousness becomes more and more powerful, he feels that the power of his body is also stronger and stronger.

Almost at a perceptible speed, it's climbing.

When the control of consciousness becomes stronger, his body will naturally generate a kind of energy, full of every corner.

If they could see Chen Mo's body clearly at the moment, they would be surprised to find that every quantum, like a boiling ball ball, would be accompanied by unknown energy derived from nothingness.

This energy is produced out of thin air and comes from the beating void of consciousness, as if it does not belong to the energy of the universe.

When he is aware of the source of power in his body, Chen Moli condenses his consciousness, suppresses all doubts, carefully experiences this growing energy, and then controls it.

Maybe you can take the initiative to open its gate.

Chen Mo's heart moved. All the quantum leaping in his body seemed to stop in an instant. In the next moment, it disappeared and appeared again, generating energy several times higher than before.

It works.

When Chen Mo is aware of the higher energy, he is very happy. The greater the derived power, the greater the power he can control and the faster his speed. This is what he wants most.

According to this method to open the gate continuously, he can control the boundless energy in his body like a sea of stars.

Here comes the opportunity.

At the moment of the energy burst in his body, Chen Mo can obviously feel the speed of pupil green slowing down. It's not that Tong Qing gets slower, but he gets faster. The suppressed battle, let him instantly backhand, began to suppress a little disadvantage again pull back part.

This method of controlling the energy in his body, which was discovered at that time, was as good as a shower to Chen mo.

Carefully controlling the release of internal energy in the body, Chen Mo is versatile, but skillful. But because he had just touched the threshold of controlling the energy in his body, his consciousness amplified the energy carefully.

As long as this situation continues, the balance he has been suppressed will recover a little bit. At this time, we can't just let go of the shackles, or we will just mess up.His body also breathes with the blue light, and every breath is accompanied by the release of energy.

The battle between the two sides is more and more fierce, but Chen Mo has no sense of hardship. As Chen Mo's body continues to adapt, these energies quickly become tame and controllable, allowing them to be suppressed and spread freely in his body.

The coverage of battle armor makes it impossible for outsiders to notice the change of Chen Mo's body, and the growth of energy is also unknowingly. Compared with the fierce battle and the terror energy which has not been controlled just now, this change is insignificant.

The attention of the onlookers is attracted by the almost tragic battle between Chen Mo and Tong Qing.

But one person is very clear about Chen Mo's change.

Tong Qing's strength and speed show up to a high level. However, Chen Mo can always keep up with him slowly. Although not as fast as he is, it seems like a continuous stream.

The continuous energy, like rooted in Chen Mo's body, grows savagely.

That kind of feeling made her unable to see the end of Chen Mo's strength and speed, and the feeling that her gaze could not detect the abyss.

This kind of opponent is terrible.

What is the reason for Chen Mo's continuous energy in the empty field?

Tong Qing's eyes are full of shock and dignified.

A mysterious phenomenon that completely violates the existing physical foundation system.

Even if it is a super ability, it depends on its own conscious will and body energy, but Chen Mo's situation is unreasonable.

If he had not seen it in person, he would never have believed it.

The energy produced out of thin air seems to come from the void, and then it flows into Chen Mo's body and releases it. It makes him like a spring mouth in the air. The continuous flow of water comes from nowhere, which is unimaginable.

Is this really related to the fourth dimension of life?

This idea flashed through Tong Qing's mind and became an affirmative sentence.

Only the unknown and mysterious fourth dimension life can appear this kind of anti physical basic system, otherwise it will not be explained.

He now firmly believes that Chen Mo may touch the secret of the fourth dimension of life.

In this way, the battle is dangerous.

However, the speed of Chen Mo's control of energy should have just been controlled for a short time. He just opened a crack in the gate, and did not really open all the doors.

The height of the battlefield is getting higher and higher. From the original altitude of 100 meters, to the altitude of 1000 meters, and then to the altitude of 10000 meters, the binding force of the atmosphere becomes smaller and the action is so fast that it is so terrible.

Tong Qing did not expect that one day, he would fight with a newly famous life to this extent.

After laughing at herself, Tong Qing's expression became serious, and her black pupils were more dim. During the battle, Tong Qing's hand movements began to change.

In that case, he doesn't have to keep it.

Looking back on the process of his growth, Tong Qing's heart is surging.

In the battlefield, Tong Qing gave a light, five fingers spread out and turned fist into palm.

It's time for the outside world to see his card.