Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1007

The collision sound in the sky is like a big bell, as if echoing in the hearts of onlookers, each with a tremor, making people scalp numb.

They are staring at the battlefield in the air, the atmosphere dare not breathe, time seems to stop.

Chen Mo and Tong Qing are entangled in each other. They move so fast that they can't be separated by the naked eye.

Tong Qing takes the initiative and presents a rare offensive posture, which is like a storm, causing waves. For a moment, the pupil in the sky was faintly in the upper hand.

I haven't seen Tong Qing's hand for a long time. Maybe I played Dan on Shi Gan Xing, but the outside world doesn't know the specific situation.

Bang! The sputtered sparks appear on the weapons of the two men. The moment the two weapons collide, they break instantly and the short pulse laser goes out. Then, they both fly backwards at the same time and stop steadily in the air.

Chen Mo looks up and sees the armor on his body. Fighting thorns are floating on his elbows, knees, shoulders and fists. The shape is similar to that of Jingge. The black and red armor is floating in the air, as if the God of war had been born.

At the same time, Tong Qing's eyes flashed a fierce look.

When the right hand is raised, a sharp blade appears on the hand.

Their momentum is similar, such as the confrontation between the two gods of war, becoming the focus of heaven and earth.

Under the forest of celestial stars and steles, no onlookers dare to speak out.

Every audience, with shock on their faces, is echoing the battle picture of the two men just now. All the masters on the field become calm. When they re evaluate Chen Mo's strength and attack and defense, they seem relaxed, but there are many crises.

Momentum is invisible.

Two people move at the same time, just like two wild animals, are meeting each other with extraordinary speed.

Only for a moment, again, double blast.

Once up and down, Tong Qing's armor falls to the sky star stele forest, smashing dozens of picture tablets, bringing long traces on the ground.

Tong Qing turns over in the air, his legs curl up and kicks off at the moment of engine explosion, like a bullet flying down.

The shocking scene stirred the hearts of every onlooker.

The collision sound appeared under the forest of celestial stars and steles, and the smoke and dust aroused covered the battlefield of the two people. Onlookers could only rely on radar detection to restore the internal scene.

The forest of Steles has been falling, and the scope of smoke and dust is also expanding.

The surging smoke and sound of collision depict the intense occupation.

Before long, the two figures flew out again, with their long tails. When they stopped in the air, they rushed to each other again, without the slightest intention of stopping.

At this time, Chen Mo's armor had some scratches and blood on his shoulder, but the wounds of his armor had been repaired by nanorobots.

Tong Qing squints his eyes and makes new judgments about Chen mo.

He was astonished.

Just now he stabbed Chen Mo three times. Chen Mo's wound is just a blue light. After flashing, it's like nothing happened. The armor is filled with nano robots.

This kind of situation, just appeared on the Mo girl.

He is immortal again.

Just now, with the same means of death, the female ink will purple Yun Yin, he saw clearly.

If you have a high-level immortal body, you can either destroy the opponent's brain, or separate their heads, or destroy the opponent's energy furnace of battle armor, in order to truly defeat them.

Since he became a strong man, he did not have many chances to do it. The last time he did it, he fought Dan in Shi Gan Xing. The most powerful in the universe, belong to the top of the group, dare to fight with his life is not much, general battle, also do not need him.

Although he didn't do it often, his training never relaxed.

Instant movement, immortality, and the ability to escape into nothingness.

He is also a special multi ability person.

Chen Mo's weird, let him feel a little pressure, also brought him a lot of interest.

Why is Chen Mo and his assistant both multi capable? Are they all so special?

Is it his super ability development technology? Or

The secret of Mu's Celestial Star?

He was uncertain.

If it is caused by Chen Mo's super ability development technology, it shows that the other party's super ability development technology has reached a very advanced stage, which is advanced by all civilization technologies in the universe.

What if the secret of Mu's Tianxing letter?

The idea flashed through Tong Qing's mind, and a faint invisible look burst out of his eyes.

The secret of the fourth dimension of life?

Thinking of this, Tong Qing's eyes narrowed and his momentum became cold and fierce. He must win the will of Tianxing, and he must also win this battle. Now, Chen Mo has the body of immortality. If he wants to win, it means that he has to choose the means to deal with Chen Mo again.


Tong Qing is calm, but Chen Mo is in a lot of confusion.

He had three blades in his body just now. If his body was not special, he would be seriously injured. Now the armor is covered with dust and the coating is broken. It doesn't look good.

However, it also stimulated his desire to win or lose. Under the agitation of consciousness, his body also showed a light blue light, beating irregularly in his body, and he kept growing."The life with so many special abilities is the only one I've ever seen in my life. Is it the secret of Tianxing's letter?" Tong Qing's voice is full of admiration and doubt.

Chen Mo did not answer him.

Tong Qing seems to be surprised, but he is digging a hole for him.

When the onlookers heard this, their eyes burst into inexplicable looks.

Chen Mo and Mo Nu have special abilities, which are shown just now.

Why are only Chen Mo and Mo Nu special?

Tong Qing reminds them that they have to suspect, because only Chen Mo and Mo Nu have seen the secret left by Mu's Tianxing. In this way, Chen Mo has a good reason to keep the secret of Tianxing's letter.

He wants to swallow the secret?

In a word or two, he was suspected by the civilization of the whole universe. The life that can stand in this position is really not simple.

Chen Mo looks directly at Tong Qing: "guess?"

To Chen Mo's answer, Tong Qingzhi smiles. He doesn't choose to attack him. He stares at him and says, "if your means are exhausted, or you can't defeat me, it's good for everyone to admit defeat and hand over the legacy of Tianxing."

Tong Qing has the upper hand and does not give Chen Mo a chance in psychological warfare.

He is vaguely aware that Chen Mo's specialization is likely to have something to do with the fourth dimension of life, but he can feel that Chen Mo has not fully understood his own abilities.

The fourth dimension is the secret of life.

This secret makes Tong Qing's heart warm.

Only by taking this secret, he can evolve to a higher dimension of life, and his life and strength will reach a higher level. Now he can't wait to know the contents of Tianxing's will.

"If the first man beat his opponent just by lip service, then the first man is just like that."

A slightly sarcastic voice spreads on the public channel, making the life you hear murky.

"Ha ha, it seems that we need to be serious." Tong Qing's eyes are slightly cold, with a smile, the body is tense, and an inexplicable momentum spreads.

All the onlookers on the field were discolored.

Seeing the pupil green in the air, his body began to pull up, and his armor changed with his body. If you can see the body under the armor, you can definitely see the magic lines of his eye pupil, which are flowing rapidly, as if the eyes of the demons opened and awakened in the dark.

Black pupil civilization has a strong body, which is beyond the underworld civilization, and is comparable to the thunder body of Thor civilization.

The most powerful life in the history of Heitong civilization is only the body, which can withstand the explosion of sub light speed and smash the planet.

In addition, the pupil of Tong Qing's eye contains a dark light, which is, no mistake, black light.

The eyes of black pupil civilization are the most special pupil in the universe and the origin of black pupil civilization. The ability of copying action, penetrating the heart and soul, and various abilities make the life of black pupil's civilization awakening ability have incomparable strength.

And Tong Qing is one of the best.

In Chen Mo's eyes, he seems to be able to feel the giant beast rising in an instant.