Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1008

I haven't felt like that for a long time.

Since he became famous, he had few opportunities to start his own business, and he had little life to make him really serious. Dan was one of them, and he died in Shi Ganxing. Now Chen Mo is the second.

The long lost power is released.

Chen Mo gives him a stronger feeling than Dan.

The black coated armor, with magical patterns on the pupils, looks like the gaze of a behemoth in the abyss. At the moment of body shaping, Tong Qing screamed and turned into a shadow and disappeared in the air.

Move, Tong Qing's body all strength restraint release.

His eyes are covered with dark light, his body becomes strong and tough, and his skin has colorful pupil lines, which makes him extremely mysterious.

The moment appears in front of Chen mo.

A strong breath came to his face, with an invincible momentum, breaking through the sound speed. When he appeared, the sound explosion had not spread.

His fists were flapping, and the long blade in his hand was shining. In a twinkling of an eye, the endless potential turns into a murderous spirit, like a giant beast in the abyss, opening its mouth and vowing to swallow it down.

It's hard to see the outside world.

Such a fierce side, and his relatively friendly image to the outside world is quite different, shocked.

Every movement of him transcends the speed of sound, seeing its shape first and then hearing its sound, like thunder bursts in a storm.

Any punch, as long as it is hit, will bear a huge impact, and his hand has a long blade with a short pulse laser, which can penetrate the body.

If there is any negligence in the fight between masters, the winner or loser can be determined in an instant.

Chen Mo's calm eyes are a little cautious, but not flustered. It seems that everything in front of him is in his expectation.

The body constantly twists, the hand also leg linkage reaction, dodge and resist. His movement is very fast, fast with aesthetic feeling, every movement is very natural, and there is no panic.

Chen Mo, who has calmed down, is paying more attention than ever before. Tong Qing's movements, which are fast to the extreme, have become slower in his eyes.

The atmosphere became silent, only the sound of battle collision in the high altitude, the life below was open mouth, unable to describe the shock of the heart.

"You are very good." Pupil green no temperature of the black pupil slightly flashing, with shock.

Chen Mo's speed is not inferior to him.

At this stage, the top players with extraordinary insight and vision can be compared. They can have a general judgment on the strength of the other side only with the movements shown in one round.

Chen Mo feels different to him.

Like a bottomless pit, strong is strong, never know where his limit is.

Tong Qing is one of the most powerful natural ways. He is also on guard in the attack.

Chen Mo's ability is very strange. So is his body. He has no limit. His limbs are linked together. His movements are different but accurate. He is like an individual with a sense of independent thinking.

He felt like he was fighting two people, even four people.

This strange situation made him unable to see the details of Chen mo.

He's growing!

This absurd idea comes to Tong Qing's mind.

Looking back on the process of fighting with Chen Mo just now, he seems to see Chen Mo grow from a small raft in a storm to a huge ship.

Solid growth.

He can't imagine that a life can grow so big in such a short time.

Suddenly, Tong Qing feels a sense of danger behind him. Chen Mo's body disappears in front of his eyes and moves behind him. The fighting sting of the armor is coming to his back.

"Hum." Tong Qing hums coldly, his body turns and his legs become whip, sweeping Chen Mo's waist.

In an instant, Chen Mo flies and disappears behind him again. Before Tong Qingxin's success, he sweeps down his legs and gives him a whip.

You come and I go.

The air became the center of the storm.


From time to time, the sound of the star map stele crumbled, and the forest of Steles became a mess. Every once in a while, there was an impact crater, as if the meteorite rain had fallen down and the whole scene was devastated. Plumes of smoke and dust emerge, accompanied by the sound of terror, each beat in the heart.

Tong Qing has a dignified face, but his movements are not slow.

He never underestimated Chen Mo, but he didn't expect to underestimate Chen mo.

The armor was scarred, but it didn't have any impact on him. The initiative of the attack was still in his hand. The raindrop attack was constantly testing Chen Mo's defense limit. Every punch was accompanied by a sonic boom, which aroused fog and storm cohesion.

It's terrible.

This is the inner activity of all the onlookers.

This intensity of fighting, beyond their image.

Even the thunder that has been chasing Tong Qing, seeing this situation, the corners of his mouth are full of bitterness.

In this state, he can't last that long.

The super state activated by special ability is very serious for mental consumption. After use, fatigue will appear, which is also the reason why super ability is only used as auxiliary.In the case of long-term combat, battle a is the mainstream, super ability to maintain the fight, and the spirit can not afford to consume.

And now, two evil like lives, here on such a terrible battle.

This kind of scene is not inferior to the famous war in history.

Emperor Wu looked up to the battlefield in the air. He finally understood why at the opening ceremony, God level civilization invited Chen Mo to go up, not to mention the forces behind them. They lamented that they were inferior to each other.

This is the battle between the strongest.


Chen Mo is in a strange state.

All kinds of molecules in his body are beating, rising and dying, very regular, like the quantum in his body breathing.

At the same time, an endless stream of energy is derived.

His consciousness is all over his body, and he can even see every quantum that makes up his body is entangled and beating, and he is distracted from dealing with the pupil.

Consciousness is the fourth dimensional substance.

This sentence flashed through Chen Mo's mind. He was in a very strange state.

He saw that every atom outside his body, the atom of armor material, and the atoms flowing in the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be cheering, as if everything around him would obey his command as long as he gave a command.

He seems to be the Lord of all things.

In his body, energy is growing infinitely and generating out of thin air. With the change of consciousness, the imagination of consciousness is as big as the energy of the universe.

Chen Mo has a feeling that he can easily destroy the whole planet.

Unfortunately, he has no way to control this kind of energy generated out of thin air.

But part of it can be mobilized, just try to mobilize more energy in the future.

Chen Mo tries to stir the molecules in the surrounding atmosphere with his consciousness.

Around him, a small whirlwind began to blow, which was not obvious at the beginning, but became bigger and bigger later. On the forest of celestial stars and steles, wind and clouds are surging.

Tong Qing is aware of the special changes around her body, and her expression is extremely dignified.

Intuition tells him that this change is absolutely extraordinary. Chen Mo has a sense of depression and danger. This sense of danger is very clear, and there is absolutely no mistake.

All of a sudden, an alarm sounded, which made Tong Qing suddenly change color.

According to the armour's radar, Chen Mo's energy exceeds the detection range of the armor, which means that the other party can destroy the planet or even the galaxy at any time.

Is this the energy that a life should have?

In an instant, the energy response disappears and the armor alarm returns to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"What's going on?"

Not only Tong Qing, but other people on the field have the same question.

Is Chen Mo's terrorist energy reaction just a moment false? Or are their armor all broken?

It is understandable that a battle armour radar fails, but it is obviously impossible for all the armour radars to fail.

Moreover, the changeable clouds and clouds over the forest of celestial stars and steles, as well as the atmosphere forming whirlpool, are absolutely true and have special ability to influence such changes.

"What a pervert."

The purple emperor stood in the air and looked up at Chen Mo's figure. After a word, he regained his calm and looked at the battle scene calmly. As for the letter of Tianxing in his hand, he seemed not interested in reading it.

"Does he have an energy compression weapon on him?" Fox Bing heart doubts to look around the lion dusk.

Thunder's face changed dramatically. He knew that it was not an illusion, nor a machine failure, but a real existence. The energy signal just now is from Chen Mo's body.

This kind of signal can't be fake, because when thunder body is used by the life of Thor civilization, the energy of the body will also increase dramatically, just like the signal on Chen Mo's body just now.

It's just that their thunder body is comparable to the energy response of Chen Mo Gang's body, a grain of dust in the universe.

Ziyun's body trembled. At that moment, she stimulated her ability to control her mind. She thought about it. However, it was as terrible as death strangled her throat. An invisible hand gripped her consciousness. She felt that she was facing the gaze of a huge horrible life.

"Fortunately, the teacher told us not to be enemies with him."

A palpitation occurred in Shuiling.

They have the power of prophets, and they have the clearest sense of that moment. When Chen Mo's heart palpitations come to her mind, she can finally receive the signals.

The whole planet was almost destroyed.

It scared her out of a cold sweat.

Suddenly, a confused murmur appeared on the public channel of the universe: "can the energy in his body be related to life in the fourth dimension?"