Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1006

Chen Mo's pupil shrinks and he is not afraid.

Now he is also the strongest time. He has no fear of Tong Qing. He is very curious about how strong the life is.

In mid air, Chen Mo bent his legs like walking on the ground, and quickly kicked. The engine of the leg of the armor broke out, and his body flew out.

From static to dynamic, the time is very short, accompanied by sound explosion, giving people a strong sense of visual shock.

Chen Mo's body arched again and entered super state.


The long gun in his hand lights up, and the blue light diffuses at the gun tip, which seems to distort the space and stir up layers of twisted water vapor.

The momentum of indomitable.

The gun shadow drags its long tail like a dragon, and its end is humming, as if excited.

With a big pupil and a small voice

He raised the sword in his hand and chopped it with a wave.


The shrill and shrill sound spread and made people shudder.

The attention of the onlookers is unconsciously attracted.

Before the contact, the sword in Tong Qing's hand is retracted, and his side leg kicks. The engine explodes and disappears in place, followed by two explosions.

The top fighting skill is "V". In a blink of an eye, Tong Qing appears behind Chen Mo and his sword is cut off. Chen Mo's reaction is not slow, and he forcibly turns his body to dodge.

With his left leg as the center, Tong Qing makes a turn in the air with his left leg as the center. His waist is twisted and his right leg is whip shaped. He sweeps Chen Mo's abdomen with a sweeping force.


Chen Mo shot down like a bullet, smashing the picture tablet below, and the smoke and dust stirred up, and the voice of alarm kept on.

One shot, is full strength, extremely visual shock.

There was no movement in the smoke and dust underground, and onlookers craned their necks, hoping to see the situation clearly.

After a while, when the crowd thought it was over, the cry broke out.

Chen Mo does not know when he appears on the flank of Tong Qing, and the spear in his hand is flashing blue light and stabbing at his waist.

Instant movement?

Four words flashed through the minds of the onlookers. They couldn't see how Chen Mo appeared beside Tong Qing. They could only move with special ability instantaneously.

The pupil green look moves, the body dodges, dodges the gun tip. When the castration is not reduced, Chen Mo takes advantage of the situation and kicks his foot at the waist of Tong Qing. When his leg approaches Tong Qing, the engine explodes and uses the explosive energy to impact on the waist of Tong Qing. Chen Mo's body flies in the opposite direction.

Before Tong Qing stands firm, Chen Mo's body disappears again and appears behind Tong Qing.

At the moment when the tip of the gun is close to Tong Qing, the back of Tong Qing seems to have eyes. Suddenly, the sword in his hand is cut off towards Chen Mo's neck.

The engine on Chen Mo's shoulder suddenly pushes him. His body falls down like a tumbler, and his sword cuts through his head.

The battle in the air aroused a lot of exclamations.

Emperor Wu and others are dignified. Judging from the current situation, the two sides are not losing ground. Tong Qing shows his top-level fighting skills, which is dazzling, while Chen Mo's means are unexpected.

In the battle of the strongest, the victory or defeat is only instantaneous.

If the details are not handled properly in the battle, then you will surely lose.

The fighting skills of the two sides are essentially different.

The style of the two is also obvious.

Tong Qing is a strong fighter with perfect skills and details. He has both offensive and defensive skills. He moves freely and calmly. He is a pure skilled master. Chen Mo is the representative of special ability assistance. His ability of instant movement is unexpected, which makes up for his weakness in skills and details.

Onlookers now find that Chen Mo is not as weak as they think, and even more capable than they think.

The scoffer had shut up and did not dare to speak again.

They don't have the right to speak. In this scenario, they are even cut off after three rounds.

At the moment, Chen Mo's attention is unprecedented, and his super state has reached the extreme. His mind is clear and clear. All the details of Tong Qing's actions are formed in his mind. He can even feel all the movements in front of and behind him.

This is the strongest of the universe!

Chen Mo's calm eyes are full of war spirit.

His right hand is straight, and the engine of his hand and leg pushes him in the opposite direction. It seems that he grabs the invisible horizontal bar in the air, turns around in the air, and kicks his feet at Tong Qing's elbow.

Combat in the air is different from that on the ground, but it is similar to that in space. As long as the weakness of the opponent is found, all eight quadrants can attack. However, the gravity of the planet only causes some differentiation between the two combat states.

Tong Qing didn't expect Chen Mo to do this, and his expression under the armor was slightly surprised.


The sonic boom exploded, the two sides quickly separated and stopped in the air.

"You are a good opponent." Tong Qing's voice is calm and does not fluctuate due to Chen Mo's strength.

"You're not bad.""It's been a long time since Dan."

The pupil is green and loose, the legs and body are arched, showing a rare offensive posture.



Yang siqingyue sits in the strategy conference room, staring at the battle in the holographic projection.

This battle is a battle over the forest of stars and steles. The whole universe is paying attention to this battle. As Chen Mo's base camp, they can't be indifferent here.

All the top echelons in the headquarters gathered in the strategy room, watching the progress and fighting.

"I didn't expect the boss to be so strong." Yang siqingyue said.

Many of them nodded in silence.

They know that the boss is not weak, and will train with Jingge, but it is very rare for him to attack. They never thought that their boss could fight against Tong Qing, who is famous for his military force.

The matchless brother and sister are looking at their father with adoring eyes.

"There are many things you didn't expect." LAN narrowed her narrow eyes and tapped the table with her fingers.

"Now that the main constellation of Mu's Celestial Star is closed, do you want to send troops to support it?" Zhu he asked.

"No, the Mu family is closed. In order to avoid the main star of Mu's Celestial Star being destroyed in the war, the Mu family urgently uses their blockade privilege. There is the most precious civilization property of the universe civilization. Although it is destroyed and can be rebuilt, its significance is different. " Lan said.

"Once the blockade is lifted?"

"Don't worry, the boss can't die. My wife is more calm than me." Lan said.

Everyone looks at Xiaoyu and finds that Xiaoyu is worried, but he is calm and seems not afraid to worry about the boss's problems.

Chen Mo and Mo Nu have quantum bodies. Xiaoyu doesn't worry about their safety: "I'm worried about Zhao Minjie. If we fight in an all-round way, Zhao Minjie's force value will be the smallest and easily affected."

"Mom, you just came back soon. Don't you use the same method to send aunt min back?" Has been quiet unknown mouth asked.

"It can be sent back, but the space is blocked. It takes time. Your aunt Mo is not very good at that kind of space ability. Now, there is no time at all, and they will not watch Mo Nu tear up the space to escape. " Xiaoyu explained.

This is the answer from Mo nu.

Now I have to wait here anxiously.

Suddenly, a cry broke out in the conference room.


"Is this the leader of the marching ant group? How strong. " When he saw the battle in the picture, he was shocked.

A person like strong, may not explain the problem, but the other side is more than one.

He is a general star. He sees things deeper than ordinary life.

The quality of Shenwei is unique. He dares to guarantee that if 800 soldiers are selected from his War Department, they may not be better than Shenwei.

You know, the ming'a War Department is the most elite War Department in the underworld civilization.

The situation of Shenwei shows that there are generals and stars in the marching ant group, and the training is not weaker than him, so that he can train such a perfect soldier.

If that's the case, the marching ant colony may be even more terrifying than he thought.

Thinking of the ghost moon's tragic death under the marching ant group, Ming ah's face sank. The Hongqiao of the great wall of Sloan has been attacking in vain. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for him to revenge against such a strong opponent.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the hatred in his eyes.

"Lord Ming, please, patriarch."