Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1005

The battle became more and more fierce, and the sound of metal collision spread all over the central area of the forest of steles. In the forest of Steles, there are hundreds and thousands of Steles on the map, marking off traces and leaving broken steles.

The battlefield is from the sky to the star forest.

All life is quiet, and respect arises.

In the era of hot weapons, such fierce close combat has appeared for a long time, which belongs to the fight between the most powerful.


The two in the air are separated again.

Almost at the same time, the bent legs, the feet and the back of the engine burst, the two as if standing in the sky in the catapult, fly out, again collide.

Jingge looks calm and turns a blind eye to the claw marks on his body. He stands on one leg and bends his right leg. When he bends his bow, the engine under his feet explodes and his legs fall on him like a catapult.

All in one go.


A shocking whip leg explodes in the air. The lion night is like an iron ball. It is kicked by Jingge. The star stele forest below smashes ten steles and drags hundreds of meters on the ground.

Jingge is a ferocious figure with his head down and his legs bent. The engine of his feet explodes at the same time, disappearing in the same place. It is like a rocket that accurately stops at the lion's night * *.

Keng ~ ~ Chi!

The sound of two metal tears spread, and the battle under the forest of stars and steles weakens, and time seems to stop.

The smoke and dust are gone.

Jingge and shidushi are standing on the fallen stele, and the ground around them is like a spider's web.

Jingge's armor is covered with claw marks, chest, abdomen, back, arms and so on.

One of the most serious claw marks extends vertically from the left shoulder to the waist. There are four claw marks, half finger deep. Through the broken flesh and blood, you can see the powerful beating heart inside.

Dark red with fluorescent blood, flowing down the armor, soaked half of his body.

Seeing this, the onlookers felt numb on their scalp.

But opposite him, the lion is still in the same place. He looks up at Jingge with admiration in his eyes.

His wound, as ferocious as Jingge, was just in the chest, a hole the size of a thumb, and the blood flowed like a spring. Along the armour, it gathered at his feet and flowed into a small pit, forming a small blood pool.

The helmet of lion night battle armor was opened, spit a mouthful of blood, and his face was listless. The process of fighting just flashed in his mind.

His wound was not big, but his heart was pierced by a fighting sting and lost his fighting power.


Urging the broken armor to rise slowly, Jingge appeared in the sky at that moment, the field broke out a cry of surprise.

Whew, whew...

in the white star civilization's guard group, more than ten figures flew toward the place where they had just fought. Seeing this, Shenwei also broke away from the team and arrived at Jingge and surrounded him in the center.

When the white star civilization escorts the unconscious lion dusk to fly, the scene becomes silent, and the eyes fall on Chen mo.

"Uncle lion, is he OK?" Fox ice heart forward, looking at the whole blood of the night lion.

"Ma'am, Lord lion's heart has been pierced and his life is in danger. He can recover quickly." One of his subordinates asked the convoy to send the medical machine over and began to treat the night lion.

Hearing that lion night is all right, Hu Bingxin heaves a sigh of relief and looks up at Chen Mo's direction.

Now the smell is strong.

The two God level civilizations were defeated in their hands, and the thunder civilization at the beginning defeated the strongest of the three God level civilizations.

In this war, Chen Mo became famous.

Just now, the intensity of the war was beyond imagination, and the strongest of the white star civilization was defeated in this way.

Is Chen Mo's subordinates so powerful?

No wonder Chen Mo dares to face the gambling battle between the three God level civilizations. Instead of looking for the next step early, he has such a strong foundation.

The onlookers no longer dare to mock.

Put them in Chen Mo's position, they are even qualified to look at others.

After winning two games in a row, the haze of defeat at the beginning of the war was swept away. Shenwei was all happy and the morale was unprecedented.

At this time, the quiet voice spread on the public channel.

"I didn't expect you to get there."

Tong Qing comes forward, and the aura spreads in an instant, which makes the momentum of Heitong civilization shake. Every guard is excited and stares at his back respectfully.

The rest of the onlookers' lives seem to have put a sea calming needle.

There was a constant cry of excitement.

Chen Mo is unmoved and moves forward slowly.

He and Tong Qing looked at each other.

However, the atmosphere on the scene seemed to be solidified, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, which made the onlookers hold a breath and dare not relax.

The black coating of battle armor has some strange pupils. He stands in the sky, and the whole person exudes a momentum. It seems that heaven and earth should take him as the center. This is Tong Qing.At present, it is one of the most powerful people worthy of being worshipped and revered by countless life worshippers.

He looks at Chen Mo calmly, but he doesn't seem to put Chen Mo in his eyes.

"It may be good for you to give up." Pupil green light mouth, voice with a little command flavor.

"You really look up to yourself." Chen Mo responded coldly.

What they are fighting for is potential. Chen Mo can't let Tong Qing have the upper hand in this scene which is concerned by the whole universe. As Zhao Min said, when necessary, they need to fight.

Even if it's a fight.


Onlookers can't help but take a breath when they hear the bland two sentences on the public channel.

"Does he look down on Tong Qing?"

"Is he crazy?"

"For the sake of face, it's extremely arrogant to ask for trouble."

"This grandiose person is also worthy to be the opponent of Tong Qing? Jokes. "


some lives start to hiss and complain.

"Looking for death." Chen Mo is not moved by the scolding, but Shenwei can't help it. Kuyao shoots a gun into the sky.

At this moment, all the onlookers turned pale.


The antimatter bomb explodes in the high altitude, erupts the huge fire mass, the light shines the entire star stele forest, the huge air wave billows down, stirs up the gale in the sky star stele forest.

At this moment, all the police officers of the star Security Agency were facing Shenwei with antimatter guns. They were extremely nervous.

"Stop it." "What do you mean? We agreed not to use antimatter

Kuyao ignored Gallo and glanced around the onlookers and snorted coldly. All the Shenwei armed with antimatter bullets aimed at the crowd.

"If you have the ability, come out and fight. Don't be incompetent in it and bark furiously. I don't mind shooting around the cheap mouth crowd. God has a good temper, but we have a bad temper. He who insults the king of God will die. "

Although his injury has not fully recovered, but his mouth is full of air.

"Kill." All the gods drank.

There is no limit to killing chickens.

For a time, countless onlookers' lives were choked on their necks.

They can feel Kuyao's murderous spirit. This guy really dares to shoot. A round of shooting blows open, and the forest of celestial stars and steles will be reduced to ashes. Maybe the whole Mu family's stars will be destroyed.

"Shut up, everyone." Gallo had a cold drink.

Gallo's face was hard to see, but he did not dare to let the police shoot. Once they were stimulated again, this group of fanatical guards would really destroy Mu's Celestial Star.

The atmosphere is repressed to the extreme, the onlookers are holding a breath in the heart, extremely angry.

"What's wrong? They are people who don't know how to live or die. "

A sound without interruption appears on the public channel, and all life looks at the life that looks at the mouth.

I saw Mo woman calmly take a step, disappear in place, no two seconds on the re appear in place. Look at the life just said, the brain to the forehead, there is a blood hole, the body is still twitching, falling from the air.

And the fighting thorn in the hand of Mo woman is not dry.

The life that just wants to talk on the field is like a duck that is strangled by his neck, which is extremely hard.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you first without their hands." Gallo was also infuriated by this group of onlookers, who could destroy the world at the muzzle of other people's guns, so he had to find stimulation.

"Come on."

Tong Qing turned a blind eye to what had just happened. He snorted coldly and broke the calm. His body disappeared in place.