Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1004

The battle situation in the air is unexpected. The pupil is blue and black, and the pupil is as sharp as a blade.

He asked, a trace of inappropriate breath, looking at the situation in front of him, the outcome of this gambling fight is really uncertain. Jingge's strength is beyond the imagination of all the onlookers.

Judging from the battle on the spot, even if he faces Jingge, he may not be able to win.

The fighting style of this life is very unique.

Tong Qing looks at Chen Mo, and his life is beyond his expectation.


Changyi is not going to drag on.

Kuchu heart now in the body more than a dozen knives, still adhere to.

His ability has reached the limit. The will and tenacity of these deities are what he has seen in his life. After a short fight, he could not help but show a little respect for Shenwei.

Judging from his judgment, kuchuxin is just a captain in Shenwei.

Kulong, who blocked the thunder, and Kuyao, who fought against Emperor Wu, should be the general and deputy of the guard group.

But even as a captain, he was still shocked.

During the war, he can clearly feel the progress of his bitter heart, and the progress in the battle is very fast.

Whether it's thunder against Ku long, Emperor Wu and Ku Yao, or his heart for suffering now. Three battles, three guards, the same style, the same terrible will.

This is by no means accidental.

It's Chen Mo, the whole Escort Group.

This kind of enemy is very terrible. Once a chance is seized, it will be like a wild animal. Even if it is weaker than the enemy, it can still tear a piece of flesh and blood from the enemy at all costs.

Emperor Wu is a lesson.

He never wanted to be an enemy of this kind.

The speed of the long clothes was so fast that it flashed to the side of the bitter Chu heart.

This is a flaw.

Although painstaking heart is brave and fearless and has strong auxiliary fighting ability of special abilities, its weakness is obvious. There is still some distance between the top group and the armour skill.

He is a lone ranger. He has strict and systematic combat skills training like the God level civilization, but his actual combat is not weak.

In actual combat, some skills will be naturally mastered to form their own style.


With a wave of his hand, he cut off the long knife, and brought a piercing sound to the atmosphere.

It's over.

Long sword and ribs, without hindrance, cut through the armor and cut through half of Kuchu's heart.

Hum! Bitter heart pain hum, half of the body can't move, and the long clothes knife came again.


Bitter heart pain closed eyes, or failed to win this game.

At the end of the battle, the long clothes left.

Two divine guards step out, will fall from the mid air bitter heart drag, back to the team for treatment. Long clothes under the dead hand, so bitter heart is only seriously injured, and * * die.

The cosmic alliance won the second game.

"It's a pity that if Chen Mo uses two weak players to fight against the strong one and uses those two masters to fight against Emperor Wu and Changyi, they can win two sets." Said a bystander and a friend nearby.

"Trick? It seems that Chen Mo doesn't care about the victory or failure of Emperor Wu and Changyi. They just want to defeat the divine civilization

"Can't win, Tong Qing is an insurmountable black hole."

"Winning a game is also winning. No one dares to laugh at him. One power, against the three divine civilizations of the universe alliance, and countless advanced civilizations without stage fright, they won at the beginning."


at first, some people laughed at Chen Mo, and as the battle progressed, they immediately shut up with ridicule. The onlookers admired Chen Mo's tenacity.

No matter what the outcome of the battle, Chen Mo won.


lion dusk has no time to think about it, and Jingge's body appears not far from him.

The fighting thorn on Jingge battle armor is slightly ferocious, with the intense short pulse laser flashing at the tip, which has unlimited killing opportunities.

Both sides have no weapons. Jingge's style is completely different.

Strange combat skills are missing, completely showing a strong style, a close is the storm like attack. His fists, shoulders, elbows, knees, every part of his body, were his weapons.

Lion night feel the cells in the body tremble, like the prey watched by a giant beast, the sense of danger swept over the whole body, covering it. This feeling, the last time it appeared, was when Shi Ganxing faced Dan.

When attacking close to the body, the opponent's whole body is covered with fighting thorns. Lion night dares not connect them with each other. Otherwise, he will be seriously injured if he is hit by the fighting sting.


The atmosphere exploded, causing a cloud of water vapor to dissipate.

Lion night heart more and more dignified, the blood in the body boils to the extreme.

The other side is a close hand to hand combat expert, attack with unreasonable ferocity, once the other side close to seize the opportunity, he will surely lose.

The more dangerous it is, the more exciting it will be.As the first master of the white star civilization, he is already in the list of the strongest, and the number of his opponents is not large in the universe. Now there is a nameless life coming out. He is more excited when he is under such pressure.

He was born in an ordinary family. He fought all the way from the college to the War Department, and now he is the first master of the white star civilization. He has extremely rich combat experience, experienced countless life and death, and survived on the edge of * *.

Because his wife had appreciated him since he was weak, he was now close to his wife.

His blood and flesh were filled with white heat. In the state of wild animals, his body's ability was stimulated to the extreme. His blood flow was extremely fast. He shuttled between his muscles and muscles, as if magma flowed, and red fluorescence could be seen on his skin.

At the tip of his armour fingers and feet, the claw blade floats up, which is incomparably sharp and blue light is cold.

"You are very strong. It is the strongest life I have ever met except Tong Qing and Dan. I've been under so much pressure for a long time. Let me see your limits. " Said the lion in a low voice.

Jingge * * opens his mouth and responds with his fist.

The night of the lion suddenly flashed, and could avoid the attack of Jingge. Before he could react, a black shadow fist came straight to his face.


Clap open Jingge's arm, lion dusk changes palm to catch, take out to Jing Ge heart in the past.

The blazing murderous spirit is diffused in the sky.

How strong!

The lion's night is full of awe.

He didn't know Jingge's name until now, but his fighting style was imprinted in his mind.

All of a sudden, a cry of surprise swept over the forest of steles.

Lion night calls battle armour field of vision, pupil dilation shrinks.

In the sky above the forest of Steles, the ink girl and purple rhyme are pasted together, a fighting thorn penetrates through the heart of Mo Nu and goes into the heart of purple rhyme.

Heaven and earth live together.

This kind of suicide fighting skill only happens to the God level life with high-level immortal body, and it needs to hate yourself to do it.

Now he sees it again.

The purple sword blade in Ziyun's hands pierced out from the chest of Mo nu.

They were in mid air.


Ink girl will fight thorns, purple color, purple fluorescent blood, spray on the back of the ink girl, the painting of the back dyed purple.

Under the armor, Ziyun vomited a mouthful of blood, looking unbelievable.

Pulling off the blade of purple rhyme inserted into her body, the ink girl stops in the air, lights up the blue light at the wounds on her chest and heart, and recovers slowly.

The damage of armor was repaired by nanorobots, and everything recovered as before. It seems that from the beginning to the end, there is no influence and weakness.

"The immortal body of high stage, instant movement, spatial ability, how many abilities does this female person have

"How strong is she?"

"Crape myrtle civilization lost."

Incredible discussions spread among onlookers. They thought that the most stable battle was that the genius of Lagerstroemia civilization was defeated.

Mo Nu's ability to recover from terror made the onlookers feel incredible.

The heart can recover in such a short period of time, indicating that the development stage of the undead body is very high, which is almost invincible. Is it necessary to destroy her brain and dismember her body in order to win her?

Purple and purple pupils are dim.

She lost.

If the heart is broken, even if she is a divine life, she can keep her body from dying immediately, but her combat effectiveness will be lost.

She was extremely confident of her own strength, and she was defeated in the eyes of the whole universe.

The lion's heart sank.

He didn't think the purple rhyme was too weak. In the battle just now, he clearly felt the temporary palpitation, which was like the legendary "mind control".

In the history of Lagerstroemia indica civilization, there is no life without soul control. He is also willing to grasp the victory of light words.

The strongest representative of crape myrtle civilization * *, this is not the first one. There is thunder ahead, which means that Chen Mo has won two God level civilizations. If he fails again, he will be the third.

The prestige of God level civilization will be trampled down by Chen Mo in this war.

He can't fail.

The lion's evening expression resumed as usual, and suddenly disappeared from its original place with a gentle sound.