Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1003

The bitter heart felt extremely hard.

For the first time, he faced such a strong opponent alone, but they didn't have a stronger division a present, so he had to come out.

The style of long clothes is light and elegant, but it is not weak.

Strong pressure is coming.

They can't fail again. After the leader's failure, there are four games left. Once he is defeated here, the God King and the God level civilization they are facing must win the whole victory.

The huge pressure made him dare not relax.

In the super state, the combat consciousness depicts the movement track of long clothes, which is uncertain, even he is surprised.

The attack on long clothes is getting faster and faster.

Unable to attack, he dodged passively and looked extremely embarrassed in the high altitude, but he was not injured. Under his concentration, he could still detect the direction of danger and the attack track of long clothes.

He's going to win the battle.

With this belief, his face became dignified.

There's more and more pressure in my mind.

The king of God in the hands of those orcs, to save all their people, to all their people's education and unparalleled better life, which they dare not think of.

He is one of the rescued members. In order to be the guardian of the king of God, he has stood out in the competition of hundreds of millions of young people suffering from hardship.

It can be said that the God King is their strongest belief.

For the poor, the glory of the king is more important than their life. This is why the commander would rather risk death than hurt Emperor Wu.

They have the will to die without life, but they must not disgrace the king of God.


The sharp pain in his abdomen made his pressure even greater.

The abdomen of the armor was cut by a long knife, and the blade touched the flesh and blood. The armor was restored to its original state with the repair of nano robot, but the abdominal wound was still bleeding.

The second and third wounds appeared one after another.

The pain gave him a lift.

In his eyes, the movement route of long clothes became clearer.

A sense of sublimation, floating from the heart of bitter Chu.

Fighting consciousness seems to have entered the next stage.

Everything in front of him, as if the lens focused, the movement of long clothes was slower in his eyes, also clear.


A big drink, bitter Chu heart in the hands of the long gun toward the left virtual stab. The face of the long clothes that just twisted in mid air changed slightly. The engine in the front of the armor was started, and squatted in the air. The sudden change of movements made the rhythm of the long clothes disordered.

Almost without thinking, he retreated.

It's a tiny stab, which shows a lot of problems.

"As expected, you can see through the combat action. This should be your special ability." It's hard to open your mouth in long clothes. Some people admire him: "all guards have the same ability. Either you are a god level race, and your ability can be inherited or developed after tomorrow. So your super ability development technology must be very advanced."

As if the whispering voice spread on the public channel, shocked the onlookers.

As Changyi said, if Chen Mo's guards have the same special abilities, they can either be a god level race, have heritable abilities, or have special abilities to develop technologies.

Either way, it's terrible.

At present, there are only seven races with heritability, namely, the seven divine civilizations.

In the first case, they are the eighth God class race.

But in the second case, it means that Chen Mo has unlimited skills to create soldiers with the same special ability, which is countless times more terrible than the God level race.

Once the all-out war between the two sides begins, the other side's fighters all have the same special ability to assist combat, which is almost invincible. The population of the divine race is also limited, and the number of soldiers that this technology can create is infinite.


Ziyun's face is cold, and her mind is more concentrated than ever before. In her eyes, all the life around her is like an energy body, which can be controlled by her at will.

A kind of invisible idea is scattered, with purple rhyme as the center. Spread rapidly.

All of a sudden, a feeling of palpitation appeared in the surrounding life above the forest of stars and steles. The brain was in a trance and seemed to be strangled by people.

"Well?" Pupil green slightly a Leng, look to purple rhyme direction, in the eye undisguised surprise.

"What's the matter? The speaker? " Tara asked.

"I found something interesting." Pupil green light says.

Purple emperor looked at Purple rhyme, raised a great interest: "it seems that crape myrtle civilization out of a wonderful seedling, also do not know the purple gentleman that old guy has found."

Chen Mo also looks in the direction of purple rhyme.

Other lives don't know what's going on, and they're still paying close attention to the battle.

Purple rhyme that wave of ideas to touch the body of the ink girl, purple pupil tight. The mind wave, like the hand of God, tightens in an instant and plunges into the consciousness of Mo Nu, attempting to bind the consciousness.When the mind of control binds the moment of Mo female, purple rhyme has been a cool face, suddenly steep change.

This idea is like a strand, which entangles the consciousness of the ink woman.

And in that moment, Mo woman's consciousness melted like a snowman touched a flame, and spread like a cloud, wrapped her thoughts and destroyed her.

From beginning to end, the expression of the ink woman is quiet like water.

It's impossible.

Purple rhyme almost exclaimed, disordered the size.

He thinks that the means of the killer mace are like a punch on the cotton, and he also touches the silver needle in the cotton, and completely touches the star.

Mind control is bound by consciousness.

There has never been life that can change consciousness, and for the first time she sees life that can control her consciousness completely.

It's beyond her understanding.

"Why does purple rhyme not move?" Tara looked at the high battlefield, a little confused.

Pupil green some moving, congealing way: "Purple Wei civilization highest ability [mind control]."

Tara saw the pupil green look, more curious: "is this ability very strong?"

"Mind control] this ability, I know, only one." Pupil blue looks at Purple emperor direction, discovers purple emperor also looks at him here, both just touch, turn to open eyes.

"The speaker won the game and the speaker won't have to play."

"It's not that simple. The assistant beside Chen Mo is very mysterious, and it is as mysterious as a black hole. It is too early to say that she will win or lose."

Pupil green eye looked down Chen Mo, he does not think Chen Mo so easily promised this gambling fight, is to find a step for himself.

The war in the air is getting hotter.

The fighting thorn in the hand of Mo woman, the tip flickers with the dark blue of short pulse laser, as long as a thorn, can easily penetrate the battle armor.

Battle a fight, more often, pay attention to is a fight must kill.

Purple rhyme of the mind control, every time falls on her, as sugar silk meets water, melt quickly, without any influence.

Speed up, she did not keep her hand, body disappeared in a moment, appeared behind purple rhyme.

Confirm that [mind control] is completely invalid for the ink woman, purple rhyme is in disorder, and no longer try to control the female. The battle a engine erupts, only listen to a sound explosion and disappear in the original place.


The pressure of lion dusk is not lower than purple rhyme. Jingge's fighting style is what he sees in his life.

Just fierce with the Yin and ruthless, formal but very strange.

The other party can see through his actions, attack back hand, and always give him the most lethal threat in the most tricky way, which is the first time he has encountered such a difficult opponent.

After nearly eating the big losses at first, the lion no longer dare to relax. The silver gun is waving in his hand. For example, the God of war in the world, the gun tip pulls up the shadow of the shadow and stabs forward.

Jingge legs bow, in the sky virtual step, engine burst, body shape disappeared.

What a!

A dull noise, lion night arms such as the impact of the planet, silver gun out of hand.

Jingo appeared at the right rib with a tricky angle. When he kicked his arm, the battle armor turned, his back hand waved, his movements were full of breath, and the fighting stab was coming to his heart.

High in the air, the change makes the lion feel a deep, from the beginning, he knew Jingge is not weak. But now it is found that jingo's fighting means make him feel unbearable pressure.

Each other's movements are rigid and soft, and when fierce, such as the top of a giant beast, strange times, such as black wolf in dark night.

The other side's attack sealed his retreat to death, and it was too late to retreat. The sting was getting closer and closer, and the danger was like the planet pressing on top.


The lion drinks in the dark, and his body is twisting.

The sting, like a sharp blade, fell into tofu, penetrating his armor and his arm.

The sharp pain makes the spirit of lion dusk strong, bear the pain, sweep in Jingge's hand, open his hand holding the sting of the fight, the right leg slightly bent, the engine burst in a moment, in the air whip legs cross, sweep under Jingge's ribs.

Jingge's body shape is flying, falling in the forest of steles of the sky star, smashing the monument, and dragging long traces underground.


Lion day hard pull off his arm of the fighting sting, let the watcher scalp numb.

Can become the first master of white star civilization, lion dusk belongs to the list of the strong, but even so, or injured, he is facing a what kind of opponent?

Nano robot will be the battle armor pierced place to fill, lion night look at Jingge.

For years he had not been hurt, jingo gave him great pressure.

Jingge flew into the air and stopped steadily. The shape of battle armor changed. The shoulders, elbows, knees and back of hands raised sharp fighting thorns, and the sharp blue light dots stood in the air like ferocious humanoid monsters.

The weapons on both sides are lost, and then there is a real close-up fight.

Seeing Jingge at the moment, the face of the lion changes slightly.

He felt like he was being stared at by giant beasts.