Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1002

The sky is dead and the wind can be heard clearly.

Many lives were in shock and speechless for a long time.

Kuyao lost, but let the onlookers in awe. Clearly, there was a lot of difference in strength, but he still showed a strong will to fight, so that many of his opponents were injured.

They still remember the momentum of death without life.

In the moment before coma, Kuyao still did not have a pain hum, straight down.

The spear fell out of the air. Seeing this, Shenwei immediately left the team, took Kuyao's body, and let him enter the dormancy period. He flew back to the team and began treatment.

Emperor Wu was floating in the air, with Ku Yao's long gun in his shoulder.

Even if he won, his face was not very good and his mood was not very good.

Originally wanted to win beautiful, but in the end was stabbed by the other side, although not the key, but let him very humiliating.

He holds the spear in the palm of his hand, pulls it hard and throws it at Chen mo.


Chen Mo grabs the long gun flying towards his chest with one hand and hands it to the Shenwei behind him.

At this time, the pain heart flies out of the team, extremely fast, straight to take long clothes. Urged by Jingge battle armor, it suddenly disappears in the air. At the same time, the figure of Mo Nu also disappears in place.


A crash sound appeared in mid air, like a huge truck head-on collision, two shadows were quickly bounced away.

Mo Nu's graceful figure suddenly appears in front of purple rhyme.

The lines of Mo Nu's body are perfect, belonging to the most perfect human being. She is extremely quiet, and her movements have an indescribable taste. At this time, she does not have the slightest politeness.

Her tactics and actions are the best of all the training of the marching ant group, and she has even studied Jingge's combat mode strictly.

Although she didn't do much, she was not weak.

All the top fighting skills of battle armour are calculated by supercomputers, which are very natural and fluent.

The onlookers were shocked by the means of Mo nu.


Jingge's fighting action is cruel and mysterious, but it's open and close. When it appears around lion dusk, it almost catches lion dusk off guard.

The fighting sting twinkles with cold light, and the opportunity of killing is infinite.

He was an orphan. His parents died while hunting wild animals. He was adopted by the patriarch, and Chen was silent since then. Once fighting was his survival skill. In the primitive jungle, he was faced with unknown crisis every day.

The awakening of fighting consciousness made him grow up in a short time and become the strongest soldier in the clan.

Chen Mo's combat awareness superpower is to use his super gene as a template, and then develop a drug to characterize this super gene.

He doesn't know which step the battle is aware of, but in the face of battle, he has never been afraid, no matter how powerful the enemy is.

His fighting style is quite different from that of any armour division.

One shot, the top division on the field.

The close combat sting, strong and secretive, and fierce and cruel style, makes his dark red armor become the most noticeable existence in the air.

The fighting factor in his body is activated, but he is more and more indifferent.

Every movement of lion night has a clear track in his eyes. He can see the next move of the other party. With the help of battle armour and fighting consciousness, his ability is completely released.

Fight with the first master of white star civilization, and do not fall behind.

This scene makes the onlookers stare. This is the battle between the strongest.


"I didn't expect that Chen Mo had two such powerful masters. I'm afraid very few of them can reach this point. " The life of the onlookers sighed.

"No wonder it's so hard."

"Even an ordinary guard can hurt Emperor Wu who is close to the strong. How terrible it is."

The masters of divine civilization have always been the object of attention of the outside world.

The white star civilization first master, is lion dusk, guards in the fox ice heart side guard. Crape myrtle civilization self blockade these years, the outside world rarely knows his news, but it is said that Ziyun is the strongest genius of Lagerstroemia civilization at present.

Now Chen Mo's subordinates are able to fight against it without losing ground, which makes those who think Chen Mo will be defeated quickly.

"Very interesting." Tong Qing looked at the battlefield in the air and said, "this is the first battle that I expected after Dan left. I didn't miss him."

"According to his bone age analysis, he is less than a few decades old." Tara said solemnly: "in the universe alliance, the life of dozens of years old, is still studying in war a Academy."

Tong Qing gently nodded in agreement: "when I was the same age as him, I was still an ordinary war armour division in the corner of the college, training hard every day, so don't underestimate the life of the universe."

"As long as you get the letter of Mu's Celestial Star and solve the mystery of the fourth dimension of life, the universe will still be the speaker's at that time." Tara is confident.To this, Tong Qing just smiles and doesn't answer.


Ziyun has never been so embarrassed as she is today. Even in the face of experts, she keeps elegant. But today, she has been defeated by a woman's life.

This female is very strange. She has a faint blue fluorescence on her armor. Combined with the information she has obtained, she is a multi-capable person, one of whom is immortal.

Just now she suffered the thunder attack and forced the thunder back.

The action seems gentle, but the plot is hidden.

Every skill is perfect, it's really perfect, just like the movements calculated by a sophisticated supercomputer.

Ziyun is the best genius of Lagerstroemia civilization generation, inheriting the noblest blood of Lagerstroemia indica. The genes of Lagerstroemia indica are naturally excellent. Once they wake up, they belong to the top class a division.

They have mysterious mind reading skills and can see through each other's means.

Purple rhyme as early as 10 years old, awakened to the ability, in the crape myrtle civilization, belongs to the genius of genius. She can understand people's heart, so she is indifferent to everything in the universe, including all the crape myrtle civilization.

Today, however, it was a bit strange, she could not see through any of Mo Nu's fighting ideas.

Mo Nu's heart, like the lake in the mountains, is so deep that you can't see any fluctuation, and it's crystal clear. The first time she met such a clean life in her heart, it really shocked her.

This kind of clean thinking world is the killer of her ability.

What makes her headache most is that Mo Nu seems to be fighting against her in general.

Replace injury with injury.

Knowing that the other side has an immortal body, she doesn't dare to do so, so she can't let go of the fight.

All of a sudden, the cool expression of purple rhyme moves, and the pupil of purple shrinks.

She sensed a sense of danger.

Mo woman in front of her, suddenly disappeared, quickly moved to her back, in the hands of the fighting thorn, and Jingge, like Jingge, to purple rhyme after the heart stab.

It's impossible!

This is instantaneous movement.

She knows that Mo Nu is a multi-functional person, but she is shocked by her ability.

Every ability is a special rare ability.

This is beyond her understanding of divine life.

She can't lose this kind of battle, which is related to the honor of Lagerstroemia civilization. Once it fails, the reputation of Lagerstroemia civilization will be hit again, which has a huge impact on Lagerstroemia civilization.

As the first Old God level civilization, Lagerstroemia civilization once stood at the top of the universe, and laid the foundation of the universe's battle armor system for hundreds of millions of years.

Crape myrtle civilization can be temporarily in the trough, but the noble attitude will never change.

She can be injured, but the reputation of crape myrtle civilization cannot be defeated.

Determined, purple rhyme body momentum changed.

Flashed over the back of the Mo girl, she stood still in the far space, purple eyes calm down, become deep and cold.

[mind reading skill] is the ability of Lagerstroemia indica people, which is also the ability to help their ethnic groups prosper. Purple rhyme can be easily used to read the mind, but it can't be used to help her fight now.

With her penetrating mind reading skills, she became the strongest genius of Lagerstroemia indica civilization.

But other life did not know that she had already successfully entered the final stage of mind reading, which was derived from another ability.

[mind control]

this is her biggest secret.

In history, crape myrtle people who have successfully entered the stage of mind control are all legends of Lagerstroemia civilization. Among them, there is only one living in this world with the ability of mind control.

Purple emperor.

This defector of crape myrtle civilization used "mind control" to kill hundreds of thousands of the most powerful generation of crape myrtle civilization and the purest blood.

In the thousands of years of crape myrtle civilization, there has been a talent gap. It has retreated from the throne of the strongest civilization and has declined to this day.

Therefore, purple emperor became the taboo of crape myrtle civilization.

[mind control] this ability has become the most feared ability of the power holders of crape myrtle civilization.

She has never revealed this ability. Otherwise, with the personality of the star master, she will be focused on monitoring. I didn't expect that the first exposure was to deal with an unknown female.