Rise From the Humble

Chapter 925: conquer imperial power

Chapter 925 Conquering the Imperial Power

   "Ahem, Zi Hou, let\'s not talk about the impact of doing this, can this work?"

It took Yin Shidan a long time to recover from Zhu Pingan\'s shocking suggestion, and took a sip of tea to suppress his shock. During the tea break, he accidentally caught a glimpse of King Yu\'s red face that seemed to be on fire, and he couldn\'t help being choked After calming down, he looked up at Zhu Ping\'an and asked uncertainly.

  Actually, when Yin Shidan asked Zhu Ping\'an, the balance in his heart had gradually tilted towards Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion.

   It\'s just that he needs Zhu Ping\'an to add weight to him.

  After Yin Shidan finished asking, Chen Yiqin and Gao Gong all looked at Zhu Pingan, and King Yu who was beside him also looked at Zhu Pingan with complicated eyes.

"I think there should be 90% certainty..." Zhu Pingan said slowly, "First of all, Yan Shifan is a greedy person, and he is also a person with good professional ethics in accepting bribes. No deception\', as long as the money is collected, he will be able to help you get things done, and the cars in front of Yan\'s house posting and giving gifts are like water and horses, which proves that Yan Shifan has a good conduct in accepting bribes. Otherwise, even if Yan Shifan relies on Yan Song as a big Tree, there will not be many people who will come to give gifts and bribes."

  Of course, when talking about Yan Shifan\'s good professional ethics in accepting bribes, Zhu Ping\'an\'s tone was sarcasm.

  Hearing Zhu Pingan satirize Yan Shifan\'s good professional ethics in accepting bribes, Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin and others laughed speechlessly.

  However, they agreed with what Zhu Pingan said in their hearts. Yan Shifan seemed to be really like this.

"His **** ethics..." Yin Shidan flattened his lips, and then asked, "Even if he has some **** professional ethics of taking bribes, will he accept, dare to accept bribes from us? He is standing there of…"

  Yin Shidan hinted that Yan Shifan was in King Jing’s team. Can he accept bribes from King Yu so that King Yu can receive the gift of the year? !

"Yan Shifan is greedy and arrogant. This is a well-known thing. I don\'t think he will let go of this opportunity. First, what we give is real money, and he has no reason not to accept it. Second, why? Just think about it, if His Royal Highness Yu Wang gave him a gift before he could do things, then who would dare not give him a gift in the future?! With our effects and examples, Yan Shifan will be able to receive the gift next time. Soft hands. I don’t think he, who is greedy and cunning, will not let go of this opportunity to publicize and expand his influence.”

  Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone and explained slowly.

"Well, it makes sense... With Yan Shifan\'s courage and character, he is capable of doing this kind of thing." Gao Gong nodded slightly. He knew Yan Shifan quite well, and what Zhu Pingan said understood him well. unanimous.

  Chen Yiqin stopped his hand stroking his beard when he heard the words, and lowered his head to think seriously about Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion. Although he didn\'t deal with Yan Shifan many times, Yan Shifan\'s reputation has long been known.


  Zhu Ping\'an paused, and apologized to King Yu Changyi, "The next words will offend His Highness. Ping An apologizes first."

   "Zihou, why are you guilty? If you say you are guilty, you are also a strict thief." King Yu shook his head. He is very angry and disgusted with Yan Shifan and his son now.

  In the past, when the emperor\'s elder brother passed away, when Emperor Jiajing inquired about establishing the crown prince, he should establish Gu as the prince according to the order, but Yan Song, an old thief, pretended to be confused and secretly supported Brother Zhen.

   And Yan Shifan, the little Yan thief! The deduction of Gu\'s age gift lasted for three years, and the harmed Gu had to cut down on food and clothing. His life was so miserable that many things he wanted to do were stopped because of lack of money. Brother is ahead!

   Speaking of Yan Song and his son, King Yu has ten thousand words in his heart, so he doesn\'t know whether to say it or not!

   "Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands in thanks, got up and continued, "Besides, Yan Shifan is an extremely self-confident, conceited, arrogant, narcissistic, and arrogant person! I once heard people say that Yan Shifan was at a banquet in front of Yan Song and the crowd. The guests boasted in front of them, "Looking at the world today, there are only three people who can be called world-wide geniuses!""

  After Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, Yin Shidan, Chen Yiqin and others nodded. They had also heard about Yan Shifan\'s rumor.

   "Oh, who are the three people he is talking about?" King Yu asked curiously after hearing the words.

   "The first one, Yang Bo, the right deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate..." Zhu Pingan stretched out a finger and replied.

"Well, Mr. Yang is both civil and military, and he deserves his name. The incident of Suzhou bandits rescuing Scholar Zhai from the siege is a legend. Although he is still mourning at home, he was appointed as the right servant of the Ministry of War by his father not long ago..." King Yu Nodded, then continued to ask curiously, "Who is the second person?"

   "The second person is Lu Bing, the commander of the Jinyiwei and the commander-in-chief." Zhu Ping\'an replied.

"Yeah." King Yu nodded. He had a good feeling for Lu Bing. After hearing about the second person, King Yu was stunned for a moment and raised his eyebrows. "Uh, maybe the third person he mentioned is He Yan Shifan himself?!"

"Your Highness is wise. When people asked Yan Shifan who was the third person who could be called a world-wide genius, Yan Shifan pointed to his own head and said with a smile, \'The third person is me\'." Zhu Pingan said in a timely manner I patted King Yu\'s flattery.

  Who doesn\'t like to listen to good things these days? After Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, King Yu couldn\'t help showing a little smile on his face.

   "He is also worthy! He hasn\'t even passed the imperial examination..." Yin Shidan couldn\'t help spitting in a low voice when he heard this.

  Those who have gone through the imperial examination have a natural sense of superiority towards Yan Shifan, who became an official without passing the imperial examination.

   "Hehe, so this shows how narcissistic, proud and boastful Yan Shifan is."

  Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly and said softly.

  Yu Wang nodded in agreement, this kind of person who dares to call himself a genius in the world, can he not be narcissistic and arrogant.

"So..." Zhu Pingan glanced at King Yu, bowed and bowed, and said slowly: "If His Royal Highness King Yu, who is the son of the emperor - the orthodox royal blood - is indescribable, if you give him a gift and ask him to do something, he This kind of narcissistic, proud, and boastful person will definitely enjoy the thrill of conquering the imperial power, and will never give up this vanity. Just this one thing is enough for Yan Shifan to brag about for a lifetime when he drinks... "


   King Yu was stunned for a while, his face turned red and white for a while, like a color-changing light, switching constantly.

  Chen Yiqin and the others understood now, no wonder Zhu Pingan said offended just now, it turned out to be here.

  Conquer the imperial power? !

  Zhu Ping\'an really dare to say.

  However, if King Yu gave Yan Shifan gifts and bribes, don’t tell me, it can really be interpreted in this way!

Gao Gong, Chen Yiqin and others were thinking a lot. Based on their understanding of Yan Shifan, if King Yu adopted Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion, then Yan Shifan, who was narcissistic and conceited and conceited, would really refuse such vanity and glory. no!

  (end of this chapter)