Rise From the Humble

Chapter 924: Shocking Proposal

Chapter 924 Shocking suggestion

   "But... I\'m afraid His Highness will not adopt the minister\'s suggestion. Forget it, I\'d better not say it."

   When it came to the critical moment, Zhu Pingan came to a hesitation and stopped abruptly...

   Nani? !

In the last sentence, you are like a Zhuge Liang. You said that you are 90% sure that you will get back the gift within three days, which has whetted the appetite of everyone. Everyone stretched out their ears and waited for your clever plan. In the end, you came to the next sentence. After saying something, I am afraid that His Highness will not adopt my suggestion, forget it, I will not say it.

   play us? !

  We have all our pants off, so you just tell us this? !

  Wang Yu, Chen Yiqin and the others could not hear it, especially Comrade Yin Shidan, the future cabinet boxer, his fingers were itchy.

  At this moment, King Yu and the others had the heart to pry Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth open.

This kind of feeling is like a hot beauty with fair skin, beautiful long legs and long legs sitting in your arms and dancing a close-fitting dance, trying her best to tease you, but when you are caught by her, you have to shoot , the beauty she patted her **** and left.

   "Zihou, you haven\'t said anything yet, how do you know that I will definitely not accept it?" King Yu looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, and shook his head.

"That\'s right, Zihou, let\'s just listen to it. If you really have such a high chance of recovering the old gift, there is no reason for His Highness not to accept it. Besides, even if His Highness does not accept it, we will persuade His Highness." Yin Shidan agreed, got up and came to Zhu Ping\'an, patted Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder and urged him.


  Yin Shidan grew up on what he ate, his hands are really strong.

  Zhu Pingan gritted his teeth when he was photographed by Yin Shidan, knowing that Yin Shidan was taking the opportunity to retaliate against his hatred that he hesitated to speak and stopped abruptly.

  Seeing this, Chen Yiqin, who was on the side, showed a rare smile in his sad face. He chuckled and said to Zhu Pingan, "Hehe, Zihou, what kind of tricks do you have, please tell me, and I will listen attentively."

   "Zihou, don\'t be so secretive. If you have any tricks in your pocket, don\'t hesitate to tell me." Gao Gong couldn\'t help urging.

   Everyone is really curious.

  Zhu Ping\'an said that there is a 90% chance of recovering the New Year\'s Gift within three days, which to them is like hearing a fairy tale. Fortunately, after working together and getting along for such a long time, they understood Zhu Ping\'an\'s personality to some extent, otherwise they would definitely regard Zhu Ping\'an as a boastful and nonsensical person.

   It is precisely because they know Zhu Ping\'an\'s personality that everyone is even more curious. They stare at Zhu Ping\'an with wide eyes.

   "Well, since that\'s the case, then I\'ll say it."

  Zhu Ping\'an seemed to be convinced by the scorching eyes of everyone, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

   "In my opinion, it\'s actually very simple. Since the Ministry of Households refused to give us because of Yan Shifan\'s secret order, then as long as we have Yan Shifan\'s permission, the Ministry of Households will give us the New Year\'s gift."

  Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone, and said softly.


   Is this the trick that you are 90% sure of receiving the New Year\'s Gift within three days? !

  When everyone heard this, they were stunned and stunned.


   It was a surprise.

I wanted to watch a celestial girl go down to earth, but I saw a live broadcast of a sow falling to the ground; I thought you were a king at the beginning, but you turned out to be a bronze. At this moment, everyone seemed to see crows croaking and flying past. , the sun is scorching outside, but they feel the cool breeze blowing around them

   "Ahem, Zihou, you are talking nonsense. The question is how did you get Yan Shifan\'s permission."

  Yin Shidan coughed, rubbed his forehead vigorously, and looked at Zhu Ping\'an as speechlessly as possible.

   King Yu sat down on the chair again.

  Chen Yiqin stood there in a daze, as if he hadn\'t come to his senses yet. He thought that the willows and flowers would brighten another village, but the willows and flowers would turn into a ditch again.

  Gao Gong was different from them, he was still looking at Zhu Ping\'an with burning eyes, and believed that Zhu Ping\'an would not be aimless.

   "Hehe, Mr. Yin\'s eyes are like a torch, and he saw the key point of my suggestion at a glance." Zhu Ping\'an slightly raised his lips, his eyes were full of energy, and he didn\'t care about Yin Shidan\'s muttering and criticism.


  You haven’t finished talking about feelings

  Yin Shidan heard the words and understood the implication of Zhu Pingan\'s words, so he couldn\'t help but went up and patted Zhu Pingan\'s shoulder lightly, urging him repeatedly: "Zihou, don\'t be foolish, hurry up and talk."

  So, Zhu Ping\'an was once again grinned by Yin Shidan.

   "Ahem, getting Yan Shifan\'s permission, in my opinion, is actually not difficult at all, just, just a little bit"

  Zhu Ping\'an stopped at this point, as if embarrassed.

  Why did you stop at a critical moment? ! Everyone stared at Zhu Ping\'an like a resentful woman.

   "Zi Hou, you should speak quickly, you are really anxious." Yin Shidan urged, and he was about to go up to massage Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulders again.

   "Okay, let me say. It\'s actually just one word—\'bribe\'."

  Zhu Ping\'an was really afraid of Yin Shidan, so he didn\'t care whether it was embarrassing or not, and directly revealed the answer.

   Bribery? !

   Bribers, bribes too! The meaning is just like the word, bribe, bribe with money.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s word caused an uproar in everyone\'s hearts, like a thunderbolt exploding above everyone\'s heads.

Before Zhu Ping\'an said, Yin Shidan\'s hand had already been raised, and after Zhu Ping\'an finished speaking, Yin Shidan\'s hand was stretched out like that, as if someone had acupuncture points, he was as surprised as half a piece of wood He poked there blankly.

   What a bold idea!

  After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, Chen Yiqin was stunned, and accidentally pulled out a beard. After a long time, he took a deep breath.

   Gao Gong also widened his eyes in surprise, never expecting that Zhu Ping\'an would make such a shocking proposal.

  Yu Wang stood up from the chair again, as if his **** was bitten by a bug, he stood up with a swish

   Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion was too shocking. After a long time, everyone gradually came to their senses.

   At this moment, everyone finally knew why Zhu Pingan\'s suggestion had not yet been said, and concluded that King Yu would not adopt it; now everyone finally knew why Zhu Pingan stopped talking and stopped abruptly, so embarrassing.


   Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion turned out to be a bribe to Yan Shifan.

   Zhu Ping\'an even suggested that King Yu, the son of the dignified emperor, and the only second contender for the future crown prince, give gifts and bribes to Yan Shifan in order to get Yan Shifan\'s permission to get back the three-year-old gift that had been withheld for three years.

   Save face!

   King Yu doesn\'t want to lose face!

  The son of the dignified emperor, the only second contender for the future crown prince, to give gifts and bribes to Yan Shifan? !

   It is not a question of more etiquette and less courtesy, nor is it a question of whether to go in person or send someone.

  The problem is, King Yu can\'t afford to lose this man.

  (end of this chapter)