Rise From the Humble

Chapter 926: clothes

Chapter 926 Debate

  In fact, up to now, everyone has already agreed with the feasibility of Zhu Ping\'an\'s proposal, so the remaining problem is...

  Everyone turned their attention to King Yu.

King Yu was struggling at this time, his complexion turned from red to white and then from white to red, and there was a battle between heaven and man in his heart. A voice said: "I am the son of the emperor, how can I give bribes and gifts to this little thief Yan Shifan? If I do this, how can I?" It’s not about making the world laugh at me, Zhu Zaihou; another voice said: Well, you’re right…

   Well, although he knew the feasibility of Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion, King Yu really couldn\'t save his face and offered bribes and gifts to Yan Shifan.

  Gu, the dignified son of the emperor, how can he bow his head to give gifts and bribes to his courtiers? !

  Don\'t you want dignity alone? !

  Even if Gu does not want dignity, the noble blood flowing in Gu does not allow Gu to bow his head to a courtier to give gifts and bribes!

  If he did this, wouldn\'t Gu become the laughing stock of the whole world and be ridiculed by the people of the world! An orphan is not as good as Zhendi, and this is even worse than Zhendi! If my father finds out, what will my father think of me? !

no! Absolutely not! !

   King Yu rejected Zhu Pingan\'s proposal from the bottom of his heart.

  However, although King Yu rejected Zhu Pingan\'s suggestion from the bottom of his heart, he didn\'t close the door completely, but left a little gap.

  This is related to the three-year Suici! In the past two years, the yearly gift was enough for 50,000 taels of silver each year. Last year, because of the troubled season and the treasury\'s financial constraints, it was reduced to 30,000 taels.

  Nowadays, life is really unsustainable. With these 130,000 taels of silver, Gu can flex his muscles...

  In fact, Chen Yiqin has the same mentality as Yu Wang.

   On the one hand, Chen Yiqin disagreed with Zhu Pingan\'s suggestion. Since Chen Yiqin joined Yuwangfu, he has been devoting himself to protecting Yuwang with all his strength. If you let King Yu go down to give gifts and bribes to Yan Shifan, wouldn\'t it be a kind of harm and humiliation to His Royal Highness Yu Wang! The so-called: The master worries about the humiliation of his ministers, and the master humiliates his ministers to death! The humiliation of His Royal Highness King Yu is even more humiliating to us! As a courtier, how could His Highness be allowed to do things that would hurt his face?

But on the other hand, Zhu Pingan\'s suggestion can indeed help King Yu get back the three-year old gift. With the three-year old gift, King Yu will not be constrained by money at all, which makes Chen Yiqin very happy. Dilemma.

  Gao Gong thinks that Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion is good. Gao Gong pays attention to pragmatism, what\'s worth of face, and being able to solve the problem of age gift is the key. Besides, there are countless examples of those who can achieve great things regardless of small details in the past and present. Thanks...

  Yin Shidan\'s inner balance is greatly inclined to Zhu Ping\'an\'s suggestion, and he feels that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so he can definitely try it.

  After Zhu Pingan finished speaking, he had been silently watching the reactions of everyone in the room, and naturally saw King Yu\'s expression of resistance and rejection.

  However, Zhu Pingan is not worried at all.

  It is recorded in the history books that King Yu finally got back the gift of the year by bribing Yan Shifan. On the basis of respecting the historical track, I just pushed a little bit to make this process faster and earlier.

Moreover, in history, King Yu\'s bribery to Yan Shifan did not leave any stains on King Yu, but instead established a rare bright spot in King Yu\'s life of "bearing humiliation and making great things happen regardless of trivial matters"... In addition, Yan Shifan has added stains because of this, And it became a powerful factor for the downfall of the Yan Party and the death of Yan Shifan.

  A suggestion can get back the old gift for King Yu without leaving any stains, so I have no reason to let this credit go.

   This credit will make him stand more firmly in Yuwang Mansion, and his position in Yuwang\'s heart will go further.

  Of course, at this time, I need to add fire to King Yu.

   "Excuse me, Your Highness, what is Han Xinruo?" Zhu Pingan looked up at King Yu and asked softly.

   "Three heroes in the early Han Dynasty, all of them have the highest merit, and they are not born in the world. They can be called unparalleled national scholars." King Yu was slightly startled, and then replied without hesitation.

  King Yu admired Han Xin very much. As a person with aspirations for the world, he would be thirsty for a unparalleled national scholar like Han Xin. King Yu still remembered that Zhu Pingan compared himself to Liu Hou at the poetry meeting when he first entered Yu Wang\'s mansion, implying that he was Liu Bang, and he was happy for several days.

   "What about the humiliation under the crotch?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

   "Small intolerance leads to chaos and big plans. The Marquis of Huaiyin endures humiliation and bears the burden of humiliation, and finally accomplishes great things."

  While King Yu was talking, his heart couldn\'t help being moved, and the balance in his heart began to tilt slowly.

"Your Highness is wise. I think that without the \'humiliation under the crotch\', the Marquis of Huaiyin\'s great achievements will lose three points of color. It is precisely because of the \'humiliation under the crotch\' that the image of the Marquis of Huaiyin is so tall. The Marquis of Huaiyin, Heroes. The so-called heroes in ancient times must have the festival of surpassing others. People who can\'t bear the human feelings, see the humiliation, draw their swords, stand up and fight, this is not brave. There are great brave men in the world. Don\'t be surprised, don\'t be angry when there is no reason. The person he is holding is very big, and his ambition is very far away. Therefore, endure small anger and make big plans, support his full strength and treat him poorly, and those who achieve big things don\'t care about small details. "

  Zhu Ping\'an bowed to King Yu, and talked very seriously.

   "Enduring a small anger and making a big plan, raising one\'s strength and waiting for one\'s weakness, those who achieve big things don\'t care about small things..." King Yu repeated it softly, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.

"There is also Goujian, the king of Yue, who was defeated by Fuchai, the king of Wu. He was forced to become a minister and sued for peace, and he was held hostage by Wu Ting. Goujian endured humiliation, became a cow like a horse, and was pardoned after tasting dung. Ping An saw that King Yu was moved, and then he put forward the most inspirational example of Gou Jian trying hard to further strengthen King Yu\'s belief.

   Sure enough, King Yu became more emotional when he heard the words, and the blood flowing in his body seemed to be on fire.

   "Your Highness, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight." Zhu Pingan finally bowed, bowed, and said a famous Western proverb.

   This proverb is probably known to everyone in the West, but it is the first time it has been published in Ming Dynasty!

   "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight!"

  When King Yu heard the words, he couldn\'t help but startled, then pressed the chair vigorously with both hands, and stood up firmly.

   "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight..."

  Chen Yiqin couldn\'t help being stunned when he heard the words, he didn\'t even feel that the hand stroking his beard pulled out a bunch of beard.

  Yes, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight! To be crowned emperor, one must be able to bear the weight of the crown. There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no reason to gain something without paying a price.

  Zhu Ping\'an can see this step at a young age, the old man really grows so old for nothing.

Ha ha

  Take a long-term view, the old man is almost short-sighted.


  Gao Gong and Yin Shidan were also shocked by Zhu Pingan\'s sentence "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight".

   "Your Highness, if you want him to perish, you must first make him crazy... Why don\'t we help Yan Shifan?" Zhu Pingan added at the end.


  Zhu Ping\'an is really good at every word, every sentence is good!

  Everyone was stunned again when they heard the words. After chewing, they felt that the two sentences Zhu Pingan said had far-reaching meaning.

   "I\'ve made up my mind, this time I\'ll use Zihou\'s strategy." King Yu looked around at the crowd and said firmly.

  (end of this chapter)