Rise From the Humble

Chapter 913: God's Turn (6)

Chapter 913 God\'s turning point (6)

   "Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, the second concubine shed tears."

  The first half of Zhu Ping\'an\'s poem was unanimously considered by everyone: full of talent, mediocre, and without bright spots. It is the most disappointing work in this poetry meeting, not one of them.

  Wang Yaozu and other people who were full of negative comments about Zhu Pingan burst into laughter without any concealment, and the laughter almost toppled the roof of the arbor.

  Amidst the laughter and meaningful eyes of the crowd, Zhu Pingan was as calm as ever, calmly dipped in the ink, turned around calmly, and calmly dropped the tip of the pen on the rice paper on the screen, calmly moving the pen like a dragon.

  In an instant, a line of verse leaps out of the paper like a dragon sailing out to sea:

  The four hundred years of the Han Dynasty

  After finishing writing, without waiting for everyone to read it, Zhu Ping\'anfu turned around again, dipped in the ink and swiped his brush, moving his pen like flying, and the last line of verse was also on the paper in an instant: All in the time of Liu Hou\'s chopsticks.

   So far, a complete poem has met with everyone:

  "Yong Chopsticks" A pair of Xiangjiang jade is seen together, and the second concubine once shed tears;

  After Zhu Ping\'an finished writing the last word, the laughter in the pergola stopped abruptly, as if someone had strangled his throat. Wang Yaozu, who laughed the most, and others coughed and choked because of the sudden interruption of laughter.

  In an instant, the banquet changed from laughter to silence.

  Wang Yaozu looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s poems, dumbfounded and dumbstruck.

   "A clumsy piece, made you adults laugh

"The Han family has ruled the world for four hundred years, and it\'s all in Liuhou\'s chopsticks! Great! The atmosphere is magnificent, and the finishing touch. In silence, he planned strategies to secure the world. I am not as good as I am." Yin Shidan sitting opposite was the first to applaud, Repeated the second half of Zhu Pingan\'s poem, full of praise.

   Gao Gong turned his gaze to Zhu Pingan again, and nodded slightly.

   "Master Zhu is a good poem." Zhang Juzheng looked at Zhu Ping\'an and praised, as if he was not surprised by the magical turning point of Zhu Ping\'an\'s poem.

"it is good!"

The eyes of King Yu, who was sitting high on the main seat, couldn\'t help shouting "Hello, the Han family has been in the world for four hundred years, and it\'s all in Liuhou\'s chopsticks. If you are Zhang Liang, then Liu Bang is alone, Zhu Ping\'an This line of poem is almost written in Yu Wang\'s heart. If it is said who writes the best poems today, King Yu may hesitate, but if it is said whose poems he likes the most, it must be Zhu Ping\'an.

  Chen Yiqin, who was at the head of Zhu Ping\'an, looked surprised, and turned his gaze to Zhu Ping\'an again, for the first time since today.

"it is good!"

  After a long time, Chen Yiqin shouted hello, with a look of unexpected joy. Chen Yiqin naturally welcomes Zhu Ping\'an like this.

   "A good poem, the Han family has been in the world for four hundred years, and it\'s all in the time of Liuhou. Master Zhu\'s words really turn decay into magic."

   "Well, not bad, as expected of the number one scholar."

   Several people at the table also praised Zhu Pingan\'s "Yong Chopsticks".

  As for Wang Yaozu and others, their faces were ashen, and their enterprising heart seemed to be tied to a stone, and they fell straight to the bottom of the abyss.

How could this be? !

  This turning point is too unexpected. Wouldn’t it be as mediocre as the first two lines? Why did such a breathtaking two lines suddenly appear?

  The last two lines revitalize the whole poem at once, and now no one dares to say that the first two lines of Zhu Pingan\'s poems are mediocre. Without the foil of the first two sentences, how come the second two sentences are astonishing.

   Moreover, Zhu Ping\'an\'s scheming bitch\'s entry point is too scheming!

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s two lines of poems involve Zhang Liang and Liu Bang, these two famous existences in history, Liuhou refers to Zhang Liang, and the world of the Han family is naturally the world of Liu Bang. Liu Bang once said: "I am not as good as Zifang when I am strategizing and winning thousands of miles away." The Zifang here is Zhang Liang, and "Chi" is a bamboo piece used by the ancients to count. plan. When Zhang Liang helped Liu Bang seize the world, he often used "chopsticks" as "chips" to count, line up troops, calculate food and grass, and conquer the world. Zhang Liang\'s allusion happened to be related to chopsticks, and Zhu Pingan used it skillfully. The reason why Liu Bang was able to create the Han Dynasty for four hundred years is inseparable from Zhang Liang\'s strategizing. Zhu Ping\'an\'s sentence "All in Liuhou\'s chopsticks" fully expresses Zhang Liang\'s role. Zhu Pingan uses Zhang Liang as a metaphor for himself, and Liu Bang as a metaphor for King Yu. If you are King Yu, tell me whether you like it or not.

  Finally, these two lines of Zhu Ping’an’s poems are also in response to the banquet. At the beginning of the banquet, Wang Yaozu and others ridiculed Zhu Ping’an because of a pair of chopsticks. ! "The Han family has lived in the world for four hundred years, and it\'s all in the room of Liu Hou!" So, still look down on it? !

   These two poems were like a loud slap in the face, whizzing and slamming on the faces of Wang Yaozu and others.

  That\'s why Wang Yaozu and others looked so pale.

  However, although Wang Yaozu and others admit that Zhu Pingan\'s poem is good in their hearts, they will not admit it on the surface. If I admit it, then I will be slapped in the face.

   "He\'s really boastful, he has no hair on his mouth, he can\'t do things well, and he calls himself Zhang Liang at a young age..."

   "That\'s right, don\'t learn from Zhang Liang, but become Zhao Kuo."

   "To be overconfident is to be conceited, and talking about it on paper is not worth it."

  "Young people don\'t know what it means to be sad, so they forcefully express their sorrows in order to write new words..."

  Wang Yaozu and others spoke in a low voice, but there were so many people, and soon the voices of badmouthing Zhu Pingan and satirizing Zhu Pingan\'s big talk sounded again.

Zhu Pingan just put down his writing brush at this time, and before he returned to his seat, he turned around and smiled slightly after hearing the criticism from everyone, and cupped his hands towards Wang Yaozu, "Master Wang said that I can\'t do things well with a hairless mouth, hehe, I am the same age as His Royal Highness Yu Wang." Similarly, isn\'t the words of Lord Wang also satirizing His Highness?"

  When King Yu heard the words, he turned his attention to Wang Yaozu.

  Wang Yaozu was in a cold sweat, and quickly got up to retort, "Nonsense, when did I satirize His Highness. Master Zhu, don\'t spit blood."

   "Hehe... Isn\'t it Mr. Wang who said just now that he has no hair and can\'t do things well?" Zhu Ping\'an slightly hooked the corners of his lips.

   "I\'m talking about Mr. Zhu. Mr. Zhu boasted about Zhang Liang when he was young... full of harm, but humility benefits. It\'s better for a young man to be humble." Wang Yaozu squinted his eyes and said in the tone of someone who has experienced it.

   "Hehe, in the final analysis, isn\'t Mr. Wang still saying that young people are not reliable?" Zhu Pingan shook his head with a smile.

   "That\'s what you said." Wang Yaozu replied with a smile.

   "What\'s wrong with being young? Since ancient times, heroes have been born as youths. In ancient times, Gan Luo was an envoy to the State of Zhao. At the age of twelve, the official worshiped Shangqing; Huo Qubing attacked the Huns at the age of seventeen, and he made great achievements in battle..." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

   "Excessive words."

  The corner of Wang Yaozu\'s mouth curled into a sarcastic arc.

   "Gan Luo worshiped Shangqing at the age of twelve, and was beheaded at the age of thirteen... Hehe..."

   "It\'s too late, it may not be better..."

  After Wang Yaozu, several people shook their heads and chuckled.

Hearing the ridicule of Wang Yaozu and others, Zhu Ping\'an smiled, as if he had been waiting for them for a long time, but his face was full of righteous indignation, he arched his hands towards the crowd, picked up the brush again, and held the inkstone in the other hand, Turning around, dipping the brush in the ink, swishing the brush, dipping the brush in the ink, moving the pen like flying, continuous, line by line, sentence by sentence...

Flying up at a high speed, the writing was finished soon. After finishing writing, he put down the pen and inkstone, turned around and bowed his hands to King Yu and the others who were on the main seat, "I have something to say, and I can\'t say it quickly. I took a piece of paper from Your Highness." High-quality paper, it makes you adults laugh."

   After finishing his speech, Zhu Pingan turned around and returned to his seat, leaving only the wet ink on the screen:

  "Youth Da Ming Zhi"

If a young man is wise, he will be wise; if he is rich, he will be rich; if he is strong, he will be strong; if he is mighty, he will be mighty; In the universe, the Great Ming is more powerful than in the universe. The red sun is rising, and its way is bright. The river flows out and flows into the ocean. The potential dragon soars into the abyss, and the scales and claws fly. The milk tiger roars in the valley, and all the beasts panic. Falcons test their wings, and the dust spreads. The strange flower is the first child, the emperor is the emperor. Go-getters send out their horns, and they have their awns. The sky wears its blue, and the earth wears its yellow. Even though there are thousands of years, there are eight wastelands. The future is like the sea, and the future is long. My youth, Daming, is as old as the sky! I am a young man of the Ming Dynasty, and my country has no borders!




   Before Zhu Ping\'an returned to his seat, there was a burst of exclamation at the banquet.

  When "Youth Da Ming Zhi" came out, everyone was shocked!

  Wang Yaozu and others were all dumbfounded.

  It wasn\'t just them, everyone present was shocked. For a while, there was no other sound in the banquet except exclamation and exclamation.

   One by one, they seem to be trapped in the words, unable to extricate themselves.

  Seeing "Youth Da Ming Zhi", Yu Wang couldn\'t help leaving the table in a gaffe, very excited.

  (end of this chapter)