Rise From the Humble

Chapter 912: God's Turn (5)

Chapter 912 God\'s turning point (5)

  Looking like a startling dragon, floating like floating clouds, the "yong chopsticks" on the rice paper is like a dragon breaking through the paper, stirring up the righteousness and aura in the room, and shocking everyone in the field.

   Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move.

   Those who were dissatisfied with Zhu Pingan\'s parachute to Yuwang\'s Mansion as a lecturer, couldn\'t help being silent at this time.

  After writing the topic, Zhu Pingan stopped the brush, turned around and dipped it in the ink skillfully, and then splashed ink on the screen rice paper again.

  This boy writes so well, the poems can\'t be written by gods, right? !

  Watching Zhu Ping\'an swiping his brush again, Wang Yaozu\'s face turned even paler, his heart was in his throat, he was so worried that he clenched his toes tightly.


  Under the eyes of everyone, the brush in Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand came into contact with the rice paper again, and with a splash of ink, the pen flew like a dragon and snake, and dragons leaped on the paper amidst ups and downs, winding and leaping into characters.

  In an instant, the first line of the poem appeared in Zhongren\'s eyes.

   "A Pair of Xiangjiang Jade Looks Together"

  Zhu Ping\'an dipped in ink once, and it was only enough to write this sentence.

"Look at a pair of Xiangjiang jade... This sentence reads very ordinary, like boiling ice in white water, unremarkable..." After Zhu Pingan finished writing the first sentence, someone below couldn\'t wait to read it again, but After reading it, he shook his head in disappointment.

"That\'s right. I thought Mrs. Zhu had a good handwriting, and his poems must be extraordinary, but how do you read this \'A Pair of Xiangjiang Jade\'? I think it\'s unremarkable." Someone echoed, equally disappointed. shook his head.

   "Hehe, Master Zhu\'s poem can still be written by an old man in the east."

   "Is the number one scholar at this level?"

   "Hey, Bai has been waiting for so long."

   "No mood, no literary talent, no aura, plain as water, Mr. Zhu has conceived for so long, so he wrote such a poem? It\'s so disappointing..."

   There was a lot of discussion at the banquet, sounds of surprise, sighs, ridicule, and sarcasm were endless, like a storm.

"Hahaha, look at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, haha, a good poem written by Mrs. Zhu." The pale gray on Wang Yaozu\'s face disappeared after Zhu Ping\'an finished writing this poem, feeling anxious and nervous. Negative emotions were also swept away, his face was full of red light, and he couldn\'t help laughing again and again. He said that Zhu Ping\'an wrote good poems, but the mocking tone made people know that his words were insincere .

   I thought you would write some good poems, which made me worry for so long, but I didn’t expect you to write such a mediocre poem.

Ha ha

   I really overestimated you, a jerk.

  Wang Yaozu squinted his eyes and looked at Zhu Pingan, the mocking curve of his mouth almost reached his ears.

   "Look at a pair of Xiangjiang jade..." Gao Gong was also a little surprised by Zhu Pingan\'s plain and loveless poem, and turned his eyes to Zhu Pingan thoughtfully.

  Zhang Juzheng was also a little surprised, thinking that this was not Zhu Pingan\'s normal level.

  Yu Wanggao sat in the main seat, smiling as always, with no change in emotion.

"This is just the first sentence. Maybe Master Zhu\'s second poem will be full of spirituality and turn decay into magic." Some people at the banquet held different views. They did not mock Zhu Pingan with everyone, but made a more rational and objective evaluation road.

   "Well, Master Zhang is right, let\'s see how Master Zhu writes the next sentence."

"That\'s right. Although Master Zhu\'s first sentence is plain and unremarkable, as a quotation sentence, it has achieved its purpose. Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, bamboo from Xiangjiang River is the best. Although Master Zhu\'s quotation sentence It\'s plain, but it\'s not uncommon, let\'s look down."

   Immediately afterwards, several people nodded their heads, thinking that what Master Zhang said made sense, this is only the first sentence, and it is too early to draw conclusions.

   "Hehe, well, let\'s see how Master Zhu\'s second sentence turned decay into magic." Those who mocked Zhu Ping\'an around heard the words with a stronger sense of ridicule.

   "Then we will wait and see."

   "Okay, now that we\'ve said that, we can\'t wait to see Master Zhu\'s second sentence of turning decay into magic."

   A burst of laughter rang out, instantly suppressing those rational voices.

   Zhu Pingan, who was in the focus, remained calm, as if he didn\'t hear the gossip around him, dipped his indifferent and persistent brush in ink again, and swiped it lightly on the screen.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s calmness made Wang Yaozu nervous again.

  Zhu Ping\'an is so calm, isn\'t it true that the second sentence turned decay into magic as the surname Zhang said? !

  The sense of tension arose spontaneously again, Wang Yaozu leaned forward, his neck stretched out long, his eyes stared straight at Zhu Pingan\'s pen tip, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

  Zhu Ping\'an calmly and persistently brushed the brush on the screen, and the tip of the pen fell on the paper, swimming like a dragon and snake, rubbing against the paper to make a soft rustling sound.

  For a moment, all eyes were on, the banquet was quiet and the needles could be heard, and there was only a few inaudible rustling sounds. Everyone\'s eyes and attention were all focused on Zhu Ping\'an. To be precise, it was Zhu Ping\'an\'s pen tip.

   Soon, the ink was used up, and Zhu Ping\'an finished his pen movement, turned around and dipped in the ink again.

  The second poem written by Zhu Ping\'an also appeared in the eyes of everyone: The second concubine once shed tears.

  A pair of Xiangjiang jade look together,

  The second concubine once shed tears.

   There is a bamboo in the Xiangjiang River named mottled bamboo. There are spots on the bamboo, which look like human tears. There is a moving mythical story about Banzhu. It is said that Emperor Shun had two beloved concubines named Ehuang and Nvying. Emperor Shun was very affectionate and affectionate with them. After the death of Emperor Shun, the two concubines were very sad, tears fell like rain, and the tears fell on the bamboo, and the stained tears on the bamboo became mottled bamboo, also known as Xiangfei bamboo.

   Zhu Ping\'an\'s poem is a fusion of this mythical story.


  The effect does not seem to be very good.

  After this poem was written, everyone at the banquet read it, and the ridicule became even louder.

"Hehe, I thought how the second line of Master Zhu\'s poem can turn decay into magic. Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, the second concubine once shed tears. Hehe, it can only be like this, which makes people even more disappointed. .”

   "Looking at a pair of Xiangjiang jade together, the second concubine once shed tears, hehe, this first half of the poem is really full of sour talent."

"What? This is really disappointing. Leaving aside the mediocre verses, the artistic conception alone is also disappointing. It took a long time to conceive, and the words and sentences were composed to sing about the love of Emperor E, Nvying and the two concubines. Is this the pattern of Zhuangyuan Lang? The people in front of him are either using things to describe people or expressing their ambitions, promoting selfless dedication, integrity, or impassioned. Looking at the past and present, Mr. Zhu\'s artistic conception is too inferior. "

   "It was agreed to turn decay into magic, that\'s it, I can only hehe..."

   "If these two sentences were written by a sour scholar, I wouldn\'t say anything, but it\'s a bit unreasonable to say that it was written by a champion."

  At the banquet, those who disliked Zhu Ping\'an did not hide their ridicule, and their comments were also very merciless.

Ha ha

  The surname Zhu, the skills stop at this ear.

  Wang Yaozu relaxed completely, with a mocking smile on his face.

  Those who were objective and rational just now read the second line of Zhu Pingan\'s poem, and couldn\'t help being silent. After two long hours, they sighed and shook their heads in disappointment.

  After reading the second line of Zhu Ping\'an\'s poem, Gao Gong also fell silent, turned his eyes away from Zhu Ping\'an, and shook his head slightly.

  Sitting on the main seat, King Yu, the smile that had been on his face for a whole day disappeared, and his right hand unconsciously pointed at the table, as if he was thinking about something.

  (end of this chapter)