Rise From the Humble

Chapter 914: Drunk White Poetry Club

Chapter 914 Drunken White Poetry Club

  Chang’an willow catkins fly, harp rings, passers-by get drunk; on the upper reaches of Huafang Lake, drink a cup and return a cup;

  Water embroidery is beautiful, flat gold method, landscape painting; poet\'s pen words fly, rouge sweeps crescent eyebrows.

  —BY: ediq "Night Singing in the Tang Dynasty"

  When poems and fine wines were flying together in King Yu’s Mansion, King Yu’s Mansion, a neighbor of King Yu’s Mansion on the same street, held a reception banquet for Xu Pu, a newly appointed lecturer in King’s Mansion, which also turned into a poetry meeting.

  There is no exception to the inertia of literati.

  However, compared to the Poetry Club in the Pergola of Yuwang Mansion, the specifications of Jingwang Mansion’s poetry meeting are much taller than Yuwang Mansion. The scene is just like ediq’s "Prosperous Tang Night Singing", a scene of luxury and prosperity.

   King Jing set up the Poetry Club in Zuibai Garden in the mansion.

  Zuibai Garden is a garden built after King Jing opened his mansion. There are many dancing pavilions and singing platforms in the garden. In the center is a green lake that looks like a mirror. The reason why Zuibaiyuan was named Zuibaiyuan is that if the great poet Li Bai comes back to life, he will definitely be intoxicated by the beautiful scenery of the garden, hence the name Zuibaiyuan.

  To be precise, the Jingwangfu Poetry Club is located in Ailian Lake in Zuibai Garden, and more precisely, it is a painting boat in Ailian Lake.

Naturally, this boat is not a boat in the usual sense. It is carefully designed by ten of the most famous top painters in the south of the Yangtze River and crafted by nearly a hundred skilled craftsmen. In a sense, painting boats are like the money-burning yachts of modern European and American rich.

It looks like a painting boat, but more like a pavilion floating on the water, with flying eaves and carved buildings, exquisite and exquisite corner pavilions, standing impressively on the bow of the boat, connected by hand-painted corridors on both sides, followed by a high pavilion with staggered brackets, double eaves and nine ridges, and a stage. Finally, it is the finale imitating Tang Gaolou. On the painting boat, the decoration is extremely luxurious, the decorations such as the beauties, the lattice windows, the coiled dragon pillars, and the carved dragon screen are extremely exquisite. Every scale on the body is fine and countable...

The large and small cases on the painting boat are laid out in order, and the cases are full of mouth-watering delicacies from mountains and seas. The grape wine in the luminous cup is intoxicating. Officials either waved their brushes to show their strengths, stroked their beards to comment, or exchanged laughing words. The stunning dancers on the stage danced to add to the fun, and the Yuxiu singers sang poems with a light voice.

King Jing also set up lotteries, a total of six. The number of lotteries is three times that of Prince Yu\'s Mansion, and the value of the lottery is many times higher. The most eye-catching one is the first lottery—half of Wang Xizhi\'s "Ping An Tie" authentic. Although there is only half of it, with a total of more than 20 characters, its value is immeasurable. Most of Wang Xizhi\'s authentic works have been lost, and the number of authentic works handed down to the Ming Dynasty is no more than five fingers.

  In short, the grade of Drunken White Poetry Club in Prince Jing’s Mansion is not as high as that of the Pergola Poetry Club in Prince Yu’s Mansion, and so is the food and wine at the banquet.

  You can get a glimpse of the truth from the number of beggars outside the two palaces.

A beggar was huddled in a corner outside King Yu\'s Mansion, with a blissful and intoxicated face, sniffing deeply, and smelling the smell of wine and meat coming from King Yu\'s Mansion, he put the moldy cornbread in his hand to chew, took a deep breath, and took a bite , that is called a sweet.

"Hey, Er Gouzi, what are you doing here, you fool? Shunzi and Tie Dan have all passed by, you didn\'t see it. King Jing\'s mansion is more fragrant, the smell is so delicious that you want to swallow your tongue Go in your stomach. Come on, hurry up and follow me, I will help you take a good position to lose the wind, and you will be gone if you go late." Another little beggar ran from a distance, and pulled the beggar in the corner involuntarily. He left, and the beggar in the corner ran after hearing about it.

  Two little beggars trotted all the way to the side wall of Prince Jing’s Mansion, and there were more than a dozen little beggars crowded in a corner not far away, fighting for a downwind position, while taking deep breaths of the smell of wine and meat in the air

  The wine and meat of the rich family stinks, and the beggar gets drunk outside the door, hehe, this can be regarded as having fun with the people.

  At this time, the Drunken White Poetry Meeting in Prince Jing’s Mansion had passed its climax and was drawing to a close.

   King Jing sat on the main seat, talking and laughing happily with the lecturers and bachelors on both sides. There were two stacks of poems and songs on their desks.

  The pile of poems on the left are poems made by everyone in King Jing’s Mansion. The pile on the right, if Yu Wang and others are here, they will find that the pile of poems on the right is what they just wrote at the pavilion poetry meeting.

   "Your Highness, someone over there made another song."

  A servant trotted over, and handed a poem with wet ink to King Yu\'s desk.

   "Well, let\'s go down."

   King Yu nodded, picked up the poem, and waved to the servant, indicating that he could step down.

From this scene, it can be seen from the side how much advantage King Jing has over King Yu. As soon as the new work of the Poetry Club in King Yu’s Mansion was produced, King Jing got a copy; so how many secrets does King Yu’s Mansion have for King Jing? ? ! According to "Sun Tzu: Mou Gong Pian", "Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles".

  After reading the poem, King Yu twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and then passed the poem to Qian Dongyang, a bachelor attendant at the side.

"Hehe, it\'s ridiculous that chopsticks are the theme of the poetry meeting at His Royal Highness Yuwang\'s mansion, and the poems passed down are not very good. Only Yin Shidan\'s "Yong Chopsticks" can be read, but it is also worth reading. Lack of spirit, oh, by the way, Zhang Juzheng\'s "Bamboo and Chopsticks" is also a readable work, but Zhang Juzheng is not from Yuwangfu, except for these two works, it is all mediocre. As for this "Chopsticks Song" "It\'s even moaning without illness." Qian Dongyang couldn\'t help but shook his head with a smile after reading the transmitted poem, and then he gave this newly transmitted "Bamboo Ode" poem to Xu Xu, a scholar who had just entered the palace Pu.

  After reading it, Xu Pu shook his head with a slight smile, not intending to comment, and then continued to pass on the poem.

  After the poems spread to everyone, they returned to the stack on the right side of the table between King Jing and the bachelors and lecturers on both sides.

"Hehe, if you want to say, our poem will still be meaningful, chanting the past and discussing the present, and offering advice and suggestions for my great Ming to rule the world. Meaning?!" Li Dongtang, an official of King Jing\'s Mansion, let out a heck, compared the themes of the poetry clubs of the two palaces, highly praised this Poetry Club, and at the same time severely dissed the Poetry Club of Prince Yu\'s Mansion.

   "Well, Mr. Li is right."

   "I\'ll wait for the second."

  Everyone in the Poetry Association echoed, and he has read all the poems from Prince Yu’s Mansion. Just like Qian Dongyang said, only Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng can read the two poems. What are the other poems?

  (end of this chapter)