Rise From the Humble

Chapter 911: God's Turn (4)

Chapter 911 God\'s turning point (4)

   "The great talents of Yin, the names of \'Bian (Gong), Li (Panlong), Yin (Shidan), Xu (Bangcai)\' are well-deserved."

   "Let me just say, this is Bian, Li, Yin, and Xu."

  After reading Yin Shidan\'s second song "Yong Chopsticks", many people felt so emotional.

Yin Shidan was quite famous in the poetry circle during the Jiajing period. At present, there is a saying in the poetry circle that "Bian (Gong), Li (Panlong), Yin (Shidan), Xu (Bangcai means Bian Gong, Li (Bangcai) Panlong, Yin Shidan, and Xu Bangcai were the four outstanding figures in the poetry circle at this time, just like the four masters of the early Tang Dynasty Wang Bo, Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin, and Luo Binwang were called "Wang Yang Luluo" by people at that time.

  Especially the humorous version of Yin Shidan’s first game song "Yong Chopsticks", the second song "Yong Chopsticks" set off by Yin Shidan is even more stalwart.

   makes people even more impressive.

  It seems that this Yin Shidan is well versed in the way of this, there is an exquisite heart hidden under the bold and unruly appearance.

   Sure enough, anyone who left a name in history should not be underestimated. Zhu Pingan reminded himself again in his heart.

  After Yin Shidan, several people came forward to wave their pens. The quality of their poems is also good, but compared with Yin Shidan\'s second poem "Yong Chopsticks", there is still a clear gap in terms of conception and words.

  The poem will gradually turn from climax to low tide until another masterpiece appears:

   "Bamboo Chopsticks"

  Born with arrogance and toughness, he is dedicated to conduct.

   After being hacked several times, I would rather bend than bend.

  This is a poem by Zhang Juzheng.

  After a few poems of ordinary quality by several people in succession, Zhang Juzheng, under the urging of several people around him, got up and made this "Bamboo and Chopsticks".

Zhang Juzheng\'s poem is written in running script, which is between regular script and cursive script. He has a lot of calligraphy skills. The blood between characters is connected by blood. , full of confidence and courage.

  In terms of calligraphy, Zhang Juzheng\'s calligraphy is a step higher than Yin Shidan\'s. The poems inscribed by the two are not far apart, and the calligraphy contrast is slightly obvious.

   "Good poetry, good words!"

   "Shu Da\'s handwriting is absolutely perfect, smooth and flowing, and completed in one go. It can be seen that Shu Da\'s pen is profound, and he looks like a master."

"Born to be proud and strong, with one mind of good conduct. After several times of cutting with knives and axes, Shuda\'s song "Bamboo Chopsticks" can be called the solar term monument of bamboo chopsticks. Bamboo chopsticks are produced from bamboo. Bamboo has integrity and energy. He is proud and upright, he would rather bend than bend, his integrity dissolves in the blood, even after being cut into chopsticks by a knife and an axe, he is still upright in his bones, preferring to bend rather than bend. A good poem, really a rare good poem."

   "The poem is only 20 characters long, but the image is full and vivid. Using chopsticks as a metaphor for people, the vivid image is three-pointed. The poem "Bamboo and Chopsticks" can be called "Lime Yin" in the chopsticks world. One is upright and the other is innocent, and they complement each other."

   "Shu Da\'s calligraphy is at the top of today\'s list, and Shu Da\'s poems are also rare masterpieces today."

   "Juzheng, chopsticks, hehe, poetry is like a person."

  Zhang Juzheng\'s popularity is very good. After writing the poem, many people applauded and praised it, and the praise continued.

  Although Gao Gong didn\'t comment, he also had a smile of approval on his face.

  Zhu Ping\'an also applauded along with the crowd, and praised Zhang Juzheng\'s song "Bamboo and Chopsticks", as expected of Zhang Juzheng. Although it is exaggerated to compare Zhang Juzheng\'s "Bamboo Chom" with Yu Qian\'s "Lime Song", Zhang Juzheng\'s "Bamboo Chore" is definitely a rare masterpiece.

   "My lords, you are overrated, and Juzheng is ashamed."

  Amidst the praise of everyone, Zhang Juzheng returned to his seat, bowed to everyone modestly, and said softly.

   "Good is good, uncle is too modest."

   "Shu Da\'s handwriting and this poem are completely worthy of it."

  Zhang Juzheng\'s modesty made everyone feel better, and they all praised him with a smile.

  The poems will continue, and after Zhang Juzheng, two more people come forward to write poems. Compared with Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng, the quality of the poems is obviously much ordinary.

   King Yu sat in the main seat, dressed luxuriously, smiling, watching the performance of everyone in the field, commenting on everyone\'s poems, regardless of their quality, without hesitation in their praise.

  For King Yu, the better everyone behaves, the happier he is. As far as everyone\'s performance today and the quality of the poems are concerned, King Yu is quite satisfied, especially the poems of Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng, in King Yu\'s opinion, are the best today. Inkstone is in the pockets of the two of them.

  Next, things developed in the same way as Yu Wang said, and several people came forward to write poems. The quality of the poems was acceptable, but it was not comparable to Yin Shidan and Zhang Juzheng.

  By this time, basically everyone has come forward to compose poems, except for a few people.

  Gao Gong sat on the seat, not intending to make a move at all. He felt that the people who had written poems in the field, except for Zhang Juzheng and the unreliable Yin Shidan, were not worthy of letting him make a move.

   Gao Gong was notoriously bad-tempered in Prince Yu\'s Mansion. He was always arrogant and domineering. Everyone was a little afraid of him. Seeing that he had no intention of composing poems, everyone was interested in him, and no one made a fuss for Gao Gong to write poems.

  However, Zhu Ping\'an is different.

So far, Zhu Ping\'an has not taken the initiative to come forward to write a poem, but sits there and eats happily. Many caring people have noticed it, especially Wang Yaozu is always While staring at Zhu Ping\'an, seeing that Zhu Ping\'an was full of food, he felt that the time was almost up, so he couldn\'t sit still.

   "Master Zhu, after conceiving for so long, shouldn\'t it be time for us to see and read the masterpiece?" Wang Yaozu squinted his eyes, looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a smile and said loudly.

  Wang Yaozu\'s voice is very loud, especially when he said that the idea has been conceived for so long, he deliberately aggravated his tone. At this moment, no one came forward to write a poem, and Wang Yao\'s specially aggravated voice immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

   "That\'s right, Mr. Zhu, the masterpieces are shared. You have conceived for so long, so it\'s time for us to read the masterpieces."

"that is."

  Several people followed closely and echoed.

   As for the idea for so long?

  Wang Yaozu and the others were ridiculed in their hearts. They had been paying attention to it just now. Zhu Pingan had been busy eating and eating where there was no idea.

  They deliberately emphasized that Zhu Pingan had conceived for so long, with good intentions, just to make Zhu Pingan even more ashamed when Zhu Pingan couldn\'t come up with a good work.

   After conceiving for so long, you still make the poem like this? !

   "Master Xiao Zhu is the number one scholar, and he has conceived for so long. It must be a masterpiece. I can\'t wait to read it."

   "I have heard about Master Zhu\'s name for a long time, and I will definitely not let you down."

  Wang Yaozu and others kept urging.

   "Uh, Ping\'an is not good at poetry, I\'m afraid it will make you laugh." Zhu Ping\'an stood up and shook his head modestly.

   "Master Zhu is humble."

   "Master Zhu is so modest, but does he look down on us?"

  Wang Yaozu and others chased after him.

   "How could it be? If this is the case, then Ping An will show his shame." Zhu Ping\'an made a long bow, and then walked towards the screen under the eyes of everyone.

  When Zhu Pingan picked up the brush, everyone\'s eyes were like spotlights, focusing on Zhu Pingan.

  After picking up the writing brush, Zhu Pingan thought for a while, dipped it in ink, swung the brush casually and landed on the screen, moving the brush like a dragon, and inscribed the title "Yong Chopsticks" eloquently.

   "Hiss, this word! It\'s as shocking as a dragon, as floating as a floating cloud, and painted with silver hooks on iron. It is the best in ancient and modern times. Master Zhu\'s handwriting has reached such a level?! It\'s unimaginable!"

   "Good word!"

   "I just thought that Shuda\'s handwriting is the best today, and there is no one better. I didn\'t expect Master Zhu\'s handwriting to be even better."

  Everyone was amazed.

  People who originally looked down on Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but look at it seriously now.

  After seeing the word "Yongzhu" inscribed by Zhu Ping\'an, Wang Yaozu\'s face suddenly turned pale, and his heart rushed to his throat.

  How could Zhu Ping\'an\'s handwriting be so good? ! This kind of calligraphy can already be described by everyone. In the Ming Dynasty, those who can surpass Zhu Ping\'an in calligraphy are probably no more than ten people!

  I wouldn\'t have shot myself in the foot with a rock, right?

  Wang Yaozu\'s face was pale, and his palms began to sweat from nervousness.

   Zhang Juzheng\'s "Yong Chopsticks" comes from the contemporary non-famous poet Zhu Langcai.



  (end of this chapter)