Rise From the Humble

Chapter 893: cool fun

Chapter 893 Interesting facts about enjoying the cool

  Silver candle autumn light cold painting screen, lightly Luo Xiaofan fluttering fireflies. The sky and night are as cool as water, lying down to watch Altair Vega. — Du Mu "Autumn Evening"

  Du Mu\'s poem was almost tailor-made for Zhu Pingan. After eating and drinking, Zhu Pingan and Li Shu took the bear boy and little Lolita to the courtyard to enjoy the cool. In ancient times, there was no air conditioning, and people used to enjoy the coolness in the courtyard at night.

The maids have laid out the floor in the courtyard, which looks like a bed but not a bed, or a shop but not a shop. It is about 10 centimeters above the ground, which can be regarded as an ancient tatami mat, covered with mattresses, soft mats, pillows, Thin blankets and other bedding are all available, and the floor covers are more than two meters long. Bear kids and little loli niuniu can roll around on it without worrying about falling off.

   Li Shu asked someone to sprinkle the snake-repelling sulfur powder in the courtyard, saving little snakes that didn\'t want to open their eyes and broke into the courtyard.

There are several Boshan incense burners around the floor. The incense burner looks like a fairy mountain in the sea. When the mosquito repellent incense is ignited, I don’t know how the incense is made. Part of the incense mist rises and wraps around Boshan Mountain, and part of the incense mist sinks like a waterfall along the mountain. Next, the bottom plate of the Boshan furnace stores the fragrant soup, and the fragrant mist flowing down the mountain flows into the fragrant soup, just like the waves in the sea.

   Fruit plate snacks hot tea is naturally essential.

  Li Shu hugged the little loli, holding a small tortoisebill stork feather fan in her hand, gently fanning the breeze, very warm and harmonious.

   As for the disharmony next to him, Zhu Pingan suppressed the brat, used the brat\'s belly as a pillow, and stretched his legs, leisurely.

   "I would like to admit defeat, your bet is okay."

  Zhu Ping\'an lay on the bear\'s belly, stretched his waist, and praised the bear.

   "I\'m a man, of course I will do what I say." The bear boy said arrogantly with his neck stuck.

   "Yeah, not bad." Zhu Pingan bent his lips and praised without hesitation.

  If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse.

   "You ask the question again, I\'m sure I can answer it this time. Hmph, when I answer it, I\'ll sleep with you on my pillow." The suppressed brat was once again full of fighting spirit.

"Well, well, I\'m a little embarrassed to sleep with you for so long, so I\'ll give you a simple question this time." Zhu Pingan leaned on the bear\'s belly, nodded with a slight smile, and said softly .

The Baozi little maid Hua\'er who was serving next to her and others couldn\'t help giggling while covering their mouths. My uncle is about to ask a question again. And I didn\'t see that my uncle was embarrassed. I only saw that my uncle\'s pillow was very comfortable, and my legs They\'re all up.

   "You don\'t need to be simple, come up with the question quickly." The bear child urged bullishly and confidently.

   "Let me think about it, um, yes, listen up. Ask, why the frog jumps higher than the tree."

  Zhu Ping\'an rubbed his chin, heard the faint cry of frogs from all around him, couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his lips, and asked the brat a question.

"Why can the frog jump higher than the tree? Impossible, how can the frog jump higher than the tree? It\'s impossible at all." After listening to the question, the bear child was stunned for a while, repeated the question to himself, and then Shaking Xiaopang\'s face vigorously, the flesh on Xiaopang\'s face flickered.

   "Brother-in-law, are you stupid? How can a frog jump higher than a tree?! Frogs can\'t fly!"

The bear boy shook his head vigorously, thinking that his brother-in-law must be stupid, why did he come up with such an idiot question, who has never seen a frog, the frog can\'t even jump my waist, how tall the tree is, it He can\'t fly, so how could he jump higher than the tree?

   "Yeah, yes, uncle, how can a frog jump higher than a tree." Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er nodded in approval.

  Hearing that Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, agreed with him, Xiongzi became even more confident.

   "Are you sure?" Zhu Pingan narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly.

  Hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s laughter, the bear boy hesitated again, wrinkled his face and thought hard again.

   thinking about thinking about

  The bear boy\'s eyes suddenly lit up, "I see, the frog jumps standing on the roof."

   After finishing speaking, the bear child became complacent, and his little fat face was raised up, as if "I am amazing, please praise me" was written all over his face.

   "Well, is that so, can you see if the frog standing on the roof can jump higher than that tree?" Zhu Pingan asked with a smile, pointing to a big tree opposite.

   This tree is right behind the house, and the canopy is two or three meters higher than the roof. The height contrast is very sharp.

  The bear boy took a look and drooped his head. Well, even if the frog stands on the roof, it is impossible to jump higher than the tree.

   Hua\'er\'s steamed bun face wrinkled into a ball, and fell into deep thought again like a bear.

Li Shu on the side looked at the bear child who was thinking hard, her watery eyes were bent into crescent moons, and the little girl in her arms finally thought of the answer, her big eyes were full of contempt as she looked at the little brother who was thinking hard .

   "I see, the frog jumps standing on the roof of the building."

   The brat thought he had grasped the point again, and shouted excitedly, his fat face glowing again.


  Li Shu couldn\'t help laughing at the birth.

  Little Lori gave her little brother a big roll of eyes helplessly.

"No, that tree is much taller than the roof of the building." The bear child caught a glimpse of a tall pine tree in the distance, which seemed to be much taller than the tallest building at home, so he drooped his little fat face again, wrinkled Like a bitter melon.

"Brother-in-law, you must have made a wrong question. It is impossible for a frog to jump higher than a tree, even standing on the top of a mountain. There are tall trees on the mountain. Brother-in-law, you can\'t do this. If you make a wrong question, who can do it?" I can answer it."

After thinking about it for a while, the bear child came to a definite conclusion. He squinted his eyes and despised Zhu Pingan. He was very sure that the bumpkin brother-in-law made a mistake and deliberately used this kind of wrong question to fool me. Fortunately, I found out up.

   "Did you make a mistake?" Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

   "Well, you must have made a mistake in the question." The brat nodded repeatedly.

   "Oh, let me ask you, how high can a frog jump?" Zhu Ping\'an asked.

   "It\'s only this high." The bear boy raised his small hand and gestured for the height, and said affirmatively.

   "What about the big tree, how high can the big tree jump?" Zhu Pingan asked again with a smile.

   "Brother-in-law, you are so stupid, how can a big tree jump!" Xiongzi looked at Zhu Pingan with contempt.

   "You\'re stupid, big trees can\'t jump, so frogs must be able to jump higher than big trees." Little Lolita Niuniu rolled her cute eyes, thinking that her little brother was so stupid that there was no cure for it.

Hua\'er, the little maid of Baozi, opened her small mouth suddenly when she heard the words, and hurriedly stretched out her small hand to cover her small mouth, and muffled the sound of "ah". Seeing that everyone\'s eyes were on Xiong Zi, she relaxed a little. Tone, such a simple question, why didn\'t I think of it, but fortunately no one found out, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

   "Is it Biju? ​​I should have thought of it earlier."

  After being despised by the little Lolita Niuniu, the bear boy reacted belatedly, and scratched the hair on the back of his head in frustration.

  (end of this chapter)