Rise From the Humble

Chapter 894: What kind of melon can't be eaten

Chapter 894 What kind of melon can\'t be eaten

  The so-called brain teasers are seemingly complicated questions, but after turning the corner, the answers are simple and confusing.

  Of course, this corner is not so good.

However, the bear boy obviously didn\'t realize this. After the answer came out, the bear boy felt that the question asked by the bumpkin brother-in-law was too simple, especially the second one. The frog can jump, but the big tree can\'t jump, so the frog must jump better than the tree. The tree is tall.

  I was careless, so I didn\'t answer it.

  The next question, I can definitely answer it. The bear boy is very confident and has no doubts about his IQ.

I can.

  Be sure to let Niu Niu see my brother-in-law lying on a bumpkin.

   "Brother-in-law, you can ask another question, this time I will definitely not be careless." The bear child was once again full of fighting spirit.

"Oh, well, listen up, I\'ll just say the question once. Say, why did a **** cat run away when it saw a mouse from a distance?" Zhu Ping\'an leaned on the bear\'s belly, Responding to requests came up with another question.

   "Why does the cat run away when it sees the mouse?" After hearing the question, the bear boy asked in disbelief.

   "Ask you?" Zhu Ping\'an changed his head and raised his legs lazily again.

"Oh, I see, this cat must be a kitten, not as big as a mouse, so after seeing the big mouse, the kitten feels that it can\'t beat the big mouse, thinking that it\'s not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, Let’s run first, and then we’ll get rid of that mouse when it grows up.” The bear’s eyes lit up, and he blurted out the answer.

   "As I said just now, it\'s a **** cat, not a kitten." Zhu Ping\'an patted the bear\'s belly and reminded.

   "Big cat? Then why is it afraid of mice?" The bear scratched the back of his head and pondered.

   "Oh, I see, this cat must be timid, it, it is afraid of mice." The bear child gave the answer again.

   "Brother Rui is stupid, are cats afraid of mice?" Little Lolita Niuniu slanted her big round eyes and gave the bear a cute look of contempt.

   "Yes, why are cats afraid of mice? Cats are born to catch mice." The bear child nodded.

  Since the cat is not afraid of mice, why does it run away when it sees a mouse?

  The little bear\'s fat face wrinkled into a bitter melon again.

   one second

   two seconds

"Brother-in-law, you must have made a mistake in this question. It is impossible for a cat to be afraid of mice. You are still a big cat, and it is even more impossible for you to be afraid of mice." My brother-in-law made a mistake.

   "Are you sure?" Zhu Pingan asked with a smile.

"Sure, sure, you must have made a wrong question. The last tree can\'t jump, but this one is different. Big black cats can\'t be afraid of mice, so this time it must be you who made a wrong question." The bear child is very sure. Nodding again and again.

   "I\'ll give you another chance, the question is not wrong, you can think again." Zhu Pingan smiled with narrowed eyes.

   "Don\'t think about it, you made a mistake in the question." The bear child refused without hesitation, and once again decided that Zhu Pingan made a mistake in the question.

   "The question is correct." Zhu Pingan shook his head.

"You still don\'t admit it, huh, then tell me why the **** cat ran away when it saw the mouse?!" The bear boy struggled and sat up, the little chubby face was flushed with excitement, feeling that he was about to turn over, You can sleep with your country bumpkin brother-in-law.

   "It ran right away, chasing mice." Zhu Pingan looked at the bear with a smile, and pinched his little fat face.

   Chase the mouse!

  Yeah, the cat is going to chase the mouse, and it must run away.

  The bear child drooped his little fat face again, and then consciously lay down to use it as a pillow. Of course, if he refused to admit defeat, he asked Zhu Pingan to come up with the question again.

   "Winter melon, cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin, these can be eaten, so why do you say that melons can\'t be eaten?" Zhu Ping\'an followed suit.

   "Bitter melon." The bear boy replied without thinking.

   "Can\'t you eat bitter gourd? I just ate bitter gourd and shrimp, did you forget?" Zhu Ping\'an twitched his lips.

   "Yes, although it is a bit bitter, it is quite delicious with shrimp."

  As soon as Zhu Ping\'an said, the bear child remembered that the bitter gourd and shrimps he had just eaten for dinner, so bitter gourd is edible.

   "Then, what kind of melon can\'t be eaten?"

  The bear thought for a long time, but he couldn\'t think of any melons that could not be eaten, but any melons that could be thought of were edible.

  Little Lolita Niuniu also blinked her big eyes and wrung her fingers, but she couldn\'t think of any melons that she couldn\'t eat for the time being.

As for Baozi’s little maid Hua’er, she seriously discussed with Qin’er what melons should not be eaten, and they came up with more than ten kinds of melons, but they were all edible, even cat **** melons, but although cats The name of **** melon is ugly, and it looks disgusting. It looks like a cat\'s stinky, but it is edible and tastes very good.

  Only Li Shu looked at the people who were thinking hard, her big watery eyes silently laughed into a crescent shape.

   "Brother-in-law, what did you say you can\'t eat melons?"

  Thinking of the end, the bear child gave up, and felt that he must not be able to figure it out, but the bumpkin brother-in-law might not know the answer.

  After the bear finished asking, Zhu Pingan smiled and reached out to touch the bear\'s forehead, rubbing it twice.

   "Oh, what are you doing touching my head all the time, can you afford it if you feel stupid?"

  The bear boy turned his head and turned his head, but he still couldn\'t escape Zhu Ping\'an\'s claws. After being rubbed firmly twice, he puffed up his cheeks in dissatisfaction and protested.

  After listening to Xiongzi\'s words, Li Shu\'s big watery eyes almost burst into tears.

   "You haven\'t said that you can\'t eat melons." After the bear boy protested, he reminded Zhu Pingan again.

   "I\'ve already said it." Zhu Pingan looked at the bear boy and shrugged his shoulders.

"Where did you say that?!" The bear child rolled his eyes, hum, the bumpkin brother-in-law is really thick-skinned, in front of everyone, he opens his eyes and talks nonsense, I am not deaf, you just touched my head, but Not a word was said.

   "Yes, uncle, I didn\'t hear it either."

  Hua\'er, the little maid of Baozi, who was also a degenerate in Tianya, who didn\'t answer a question correctly, gave a shout of support to Xiongzi.

  Little Lolita Niuniu also blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Zhu Pingan, expressing that Niuniu didn\'t seem to hear either.

  After someone supported him, the bear raised his head again, "Look, brother-in-law, sister Hua\'er didn\'t hear it, and you didn\'t say that melons can\'t be eaten."

   "Okay, let me say it again." Zhu Ping\'an nodded.

  The bear raised his ears.

  Hua\'er and the others also raised their ears.


  Zhu Ping\'an put his magic claws on the bear\'s head again, and stroked it twice.

  Hua\'er and the others looked bewildered.

  Little Lolita Niuniu\'s big eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of the answer, Xiao Pang covered her mouth with her hand, and giggled.

   "Brother-in-law, tell me the answer, why are you touching my head all the time." The bear\'s cheeks were bulging like a little toad.

   "This is the answer." Zhu Pingan said earnestly.

   "What\'s the answer?" The brat looked confused.

   "Idiots can\'t eat it." Zhu Pingan said leisurely, touching the bear\'s head.


  The bear boy was taken aback for a moment, then he became ill, and his groan pierced the silent night sky.

  (end of this chapter)