Rise From the Humble

Chapter 892: childish words

Chapter 892 Tongyan Wuji

  Little Xiongzi still doesn’t understand the feeling of an adult who has won the world and lost her. He just feels that even if I am a hundred times better than the bumpkin brother-in-law, if Sister Niuniu is not the best with me, she will not be happy at all.

   not to mention

  Brother-in-law bumpkin is indeed a little better than me now, well, much better than me.


   This is because I am still young. When I grow up, I will definitely be a hundred times stronger than my bumpkin brother-in-law, no, ten thousand times stronger.

The bear child once again showed his ambitions, and fantasized in his mind. When he grew up, he first took the first prize, um, he was much better than the champion of the bumpkin brother-in-law, and then became a high-ranking official, older than the bumpkin brother-in-law Many officials and brothers-in-law of bumpkins bowed their heads and saluted themselves.

Ha ha

  Thinking, thinking, the brat couldn\'t help grinning.

  However, in the next second, the bear boy was brought back to reality by the giggle of little Lolita Niuniu.

   "Cluck... brother-in-law, hug, hold high..."

Little Lolita Niuniu’s voice was giggling, clear and melodious like a silver bell. When the bear raised his head, he saw the country bumpkin’s brother-in-law holding Niu Niu’s sister high with his armpit folded and circling around. Like little flowers.

   In the past, Niu Niu’s sister always smiled at me!

  The bear kid glared at Zhu Ping\'an with bulging cheeks.

  The next second, the bear boy saw the country bumpkin brother-in-law wink at himself triumphantly after seeing him glaring at him.


   Ugly kids take a ton of damage.

   "How grown up, I don\'t feel ashamed to compete with children." Li Shu stepped forward to take Niuniu from Zhu Pingan\'s hand, and said in a charming voice.

"Ha ha…"

  Zhu Ping\'an smiled, reached out and touched the bear\'s head, the bear turned his head angrily, but the melon seeds on his head still did not escape Zhu Pingan\'s clutches, and Zhu Ping\'an rubbed it firmly.

"I received the imperial decree today, and moved to serve as a lecturer and lecturer in Prince Yu\'s Mansion, and became a sutra banquet official. I will go to Prince Yu\'s Mansion to give lectures and banquets. From tomorrow onwards, I will go to King Yu\'s Mansion to apply for a job. Naturally, I have to pack up the things that are not suitable for me. Come back, and take it to Prince Yu\'s Mansion tomorrow for further use." After rubbing the bear\'s head, Zhu Pingan explained softly to Li Shu and the others.

"You don\'t think it\'s too heavy. Throw away these rags, and you still have to work hard to get them back." Li Shu glanced at the bedding and other things, curled her small mouth, and said in distaste, her cherry mouth was rosy. ,coveted.

All right.

  Zhu Ping\'an understood that in the eyes of Li Shu, who was born with a golden key in her mouth, these things are really not worth mentioning.

  But for me, these things that I haven’t used for a long time can just be used when I go to Yuwang’s Mansion. Why not do it with a little effort to save so much money.

   "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, have you been promoted?" Little Lolita Niuniu twisted her body from Li Shu\'s arms and asked, her little face flushed with excitement.

  The brat underneath also raised his ears.


  A bachelor in the Hanlin Academy, and a bachelor in Yuwang\'s mansion, are all from the fifth grade, but because the imperial decree stipulates that the scriptures should be added to the feast. According to the official regulations of the Ming Dynasty, the Bachelor of Attendance and the Bachelor of Attendance did not actually serve as lecturers, and those who actually served as lecturers needed to be added as banquet officials. The Bachelor of Attendance and the Bachelor of Attendance with the banquet official are half a grade higher than those without the banquet official, and the salary is also 10% higher, and the seats are ranked in front.

  So, it can indeed be said that he was promoted.

  Looking at the expectant eyes of the little Lolita Niuniu, and then at the bear child, Zhu Pingan nodded, "Well, I\'ve been promoted."

   "o(*^@^*)o brother-in-law is awesome, brother-in-law is awesome."

  Little Lolita Niuniu happily struggled out of Li Shu\'s arms, bouncing around Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Are you promoted again?"

  The bear stretched out his chubby hand to cover his face, feeling a lot of pressure. Why did the bumpkin brother-in-law get promoted again, and it was even harder to catch up.

"Why did you get promoted so easily? Didn\'t you just get promoted not long ago? Why did you get promoted again? Why did my father only get promoted once in decades? Why did you get promoted several times a year? Could it be a lie? "

  The bear raised his chubby face, rubbed the back of his head, and asked in disbelief.

   "Maybe it\'s because I\'m good." Zhu Pingan replied in a deliberate manner, and then nodded affirmatively after speaking.

  The brat rolled his eyes.

   "Have you been promoted to an official university?" Xiongzi asked again worriedly, if the bumpkin brother-in-law is too official, it will be difficult for him to chase after him in the future.

   "Big, very big." Zhu Pingan hooked the corners of his lips and nodded.

   "How big is it?" The brat raised his head.

   "How should I put it, is the emperor old?" Zhu Ping\'an asked the bear child.

   "Big." Xiongzi nodded. Although he was young, he knew that the emperor was the biggest in the whole world.

   "Then besides the emperor, who is the greatest?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"It seems to be" Xiongzi touched his head, feeling that his head was not enough, he didn\'t know who was the second largest, I heard his father said before, what kind of official was that, someone under one person was above ten thousand people, but I remember Incredible.

   "Is it his son, the prince?" Zhu Pingan earnestly and kindly.

   "Huh, yes." Xiongzi\'s eyes lit up, and he felt that what the bumpkin brother-in-law said made sense, the emperor was the oldest, and his son was the second oldest.

   "I\'m currently a lecturer in Yuwang\'s mansion. If you can understand it, I\'m the prince\'s teacher and master. Do you think I\'m old?" Zhu Pingan bent down, touched the bear\'s head, and smiled brightly.

   "Huh? You are the prince\'s teacher now?!" The brat opened his mouth wide, and then became distressed.

How to do?

  Brother-in-law of the country bumpkin is now the prince’s wife, master, how powerful, if you say you hit someone’s palm, you will hit the palm of your hand, if you say you will be punished, you will be fined, and if you say that you will be copied several times, you will have to copy it several times.

  The prince is the second most powerful in the world. Of course, the prince’s wife is more powerful than the prince. Isn’t the bumpkin’s brother-in-law only a little bit younger than the emperor? ! Then when I grow up, it seems, it seems that I can\'t surpass my brother-in-law.

  If I can’t surpass my brother-in-law, sister Niuniu won’t worship me, and won’t like to play with me.


  The bear\'s little face wrinkled into a ball of worry.

   "Brother Rui was taken into the ditch by you." Li Shu gave Zhu Ping an annoyed look.

   "Let\'s go, let\'s eat"

  Zhu Ping\'an chuckled, carried Little Lolita Niuniu in one hand, and Li Shu\'s hand in the other, and walked into the house.

   I fell for the bumpkin brother-in-law again.

   At this time, the bear kid realized, stretched out his chubby hand and slapped himself on the forehead angrily.

   "Oh, dinner is ready"

  Little Lolita Niuniu walked around with short legs, like a cute little rabbit.

   "Dinner is ready?! Wait for me, wait for me."

  Hearing about the meal, the brat didn\'t even care to get angry, and ran up after him. Fifth sister\'s food is the best, let\'s talk about it when I\'m full. You have to run fast, otherwise all the delicious food will be eaten up by the bumpkin brother-in-law.

  (end of this chapter)