Rise From the Humble

Chapter 873: Lord weak subject strong

Chapter 873 Lord weak minister strong

  In the afternoon, King Yu and King Jing went to the Xiyuan lecture hall to listen to the lecture. This time the lecture was Zhang Juzheng, editor of the Imperial Academy.

   Zhang Juzheng attached great importance to this lecture.

Although one of the main tasks of the Imperial Academy’s editorial work is lectures on the scriptures, this is the first time he has lectured on the scriptures to King Yu and King Jing, and it is also the first time he has been so close to and for a long time with the only two people of the Ming Dynasty. Prince contact.

   Among the two princes, there must be one, and only one, who can inherit the throne and become a great treasure.

  Then which prince can sit in that chair? !

seeing is believing.

  Zhang Juzheng also wanted to take this opportunity to observe the two princes with his own eyes to see if he could see the clues.

  From the power of the dragon, who wouldn\'t want it? !

  In the morning when he received the oral instruction from the Holy Master, Zhang Juzheng was receiving Qi Jiguang who came to the capital to report the emergency military situation in Jimen at his residence.

  Zhang Juzheng and Qi Jiguang met last year. At that time, Al Dahan\'s soldiers pointed directly at the capital. Qi Jiguang, who came to the capital to participate in the martial arts, volunteered to defend the city. Zhang Juzheng and Li Chunfang met Qi Jiguang when they went to the city wall to work as soldiers.

   Later, Qi Jiguang became the official of the Nine Gate Banner in the capital, which was also the result of Zhang Juzheng\'s strong recommendation to the Minister of War several times.

  Zhang Juzheng admired Qi Jiguang, and Qi Jiguang admired Zhang Juzheng, and the friendship between the two thrived like this.

  Qi Jiguang came to the capital to report to the cabinet the urgent military situation in Jimen, but at that time Yan Song was busy presenting Qingci, so he found time out of his busy schedule to summon Qi Jiguang. After listening, he didn\'t say anything, but asked Qi Jiguang to go back and wait for news.

  Qi Jiguang waited for several days without any news, so he had to wait in the capital while looking for ways to get the approval as soon as possible. Jimen\'s military situation is urgent, and the more delays, the more disadvantageous it will be.

  After hitting the wall several times, Qi Jiguang thought of his good friend and bole Zhang Juzheng. He heard that Zhang Juzheng often visited Yan Song\'s mansion, so he thought of sending a message to Yan Ge through Zhang Juzheng, so that he could get an approval as soon as possible and return to Jimen.

   Just when Qi Jiguang visited Zhang Juzheng, Xiao Huangmen came to announce the decree with the oral order of Emperor Jiajing. After receiving the dictation from the Holy Spirit, Qi Jiguang bid farewell and left with a wink. Zhang Juzheng did not force him to stay because his heart was on preaching. .

Hard work pays off.

   Zhang Juzheng\'s lecture in the afternoon was very successful. The two princes were deeply impressed by Zhang Juzheng\'s profound knowledge and political talents, and they were very respectful.

  After the news spread to the harem, the repercussions aroused were much greater than when Zhu Ping\'an and the others lectured yesterday.

  Before Zhang Juzheng’s lecture was over, Concubine Lu Jing in the harem sent soup to Emperor Jiajing several times, and even Concubine Du Kang went there, and Emperor Jiajing, who was blowing in his ears, had some migraines.

   "I really want to put up a sign here that reads \'No politics in the harem\'"

   After cleaning up, Emperor Jiajing pointed to the door, half talking to himself and half talking to Huang Jin.

  Huang Jin bowed and stood aside, as if he didn\'t hear it. He couldn\'t answer such words.

"Forget it, I can let them act coquettishly, but my country can\'t let them act coquettishly. This time I have to take care of it if I don\'t want to." Emperor Jiajing said to himself again, and then patted He patted Huang Jin on the shoulder and said, "Huang Ban, you are here to announce Yang Guoliang, Zhu Ping\'an and Zhang Juzheng. I will give you a banquet tonight."

   "The old slave obeys the order." Huang Jin bowed and received the order.

   Soon, Zhang Juzheng, who was in the lecture office, received an oral order from Emperor Jiajing to give him meals, which made Zhang Juzheng suddenly feel pleasantly surprised.

  Zhang Ju understood exactly what happened. Yesterday Zhu Pingan and the others finished their sutra lecture, and it was the two princes who hosted the teacher appreciation banquet.

   I never thought that today, I would be honored to be given a banquet by the Holy One.

  For Zhu Ping\'an, Zhang Juzheng\'s mood is somewhat complicated.

As soon as Zhu Ping\'an entered the officialdom, the Hanlin Academy started from the sixth rank, and after only three days, he was promoted to the official sixth rank. Now, only a few months later, he was promoted to the fifth rank of the Imperial Academy. Bachelor.

As for myself, when I first entered the officialdom, I only joined the Hanlin Academy as a Shujishi. Speaking of which, Shujishi is not a formal official position. After staying in the Hanlin Academy for so many years, Dao is now only a seventh-rank editor. build.

  If Zhu Ping\'an is like Yuan Wei, who showed his sage with his green words, even started a workshop, and rose step by step, Zhang Juzheng would not have much trouble in his heart.

However, after such a long period of observation, Zhang Juzheng discovered that Zhu Ping\'an was not a man of literary talent and empty talk like Yuan Wei. The memorial case some time ago and the Taicang theft case a few days ago showed that Zhu Ping\'an\'s pragmatic talent was also extraordinary.

   As a result, Zhu Ping\'an\'s promotion made Zhang Juzheng feel a little complicated.

  Of course, Zhang Juzheng also knew that when Yan Song was in power, it was not a good time to stand up.

  It is best to keep a low profile.

  However, keeping a low profile does not mean being unknown. If you stay in obscurity for a long time, you will not be able to get ahead in the future. If you have a talent for helping the world and a practical ability, you will have nowhere to display it.

  If you can be like Gao Gong, serving as a prince\'s attendant, keeping a low profile, when the prince ascends the throne, it will be an opportunity to rise.

  Through today\'s lecture, Zhang Juzheng has his own judgment on the two princes.

  If it comes to the chance of getting that seat, of the two princes, King Jing naturally has a better chance. King Jing has at least a 60% chance of becoming a great treasure, while King Yu has only a 40% chance at most.

   But if it is said that whoever sits in that seat is the most beneficial to him, it is naturally King Yu.

  If the master is strong, the ministers will be weak, and vice versa, only when the master is weak can the ministers be strong.

  Now the refugees are scattered, disasters arise, the country\'s treasury is empty, and expenses are scarce. There are Tatars in the north, Japanese invaders and chieftains in the south. The Ming Dynasty seems to be blooming like a brocade, but in fact the people are already in dire straits.

  Since we are in this world, we have become officials, and we should take the common people in the world as our own responsibility, eliminate the ills, be honest and pragmatic, and help the world.

  In the future, when King Yu ascends the throne, he will have more space to display his talents, and be the most important person in the world with his steadfast body.

  Perhaps, Gao Gong thought this way, so he entered the mansion to give lectures when King Yu opened his mansion to receive sutras.

   This time, I also want to enter Prince Yu\'s Mansion.

  So, after hearing Emperor Jiajing\'s oral order to give a banquet, Zhang Juzheng suddenly felt unexpected joy in his heart.

  During the lecture, Zhang Juzheng had already received hints from King Jing and King Yu that there was still a shortage of a lecturer in their palace, and the Holy One also intended to hire another lecturer for them.

  The fact that the Holy Majesty gave a banquet at this juncture must have something to do with it.

  This time, I have to seize the opportunity.

  Whether you are promoted to one rank, two ranks, or three ranks, no matter how you are promoted, nothing can compare with the merits of the dragon.

  (end of this chapter)