Rise From the Humble

Chapter 874: meal

Chapter 874 Imperial Cuisine

  After Zhang Juzheng received the oral order from Emperor Jiajing, Zhu Pingan also received the oral order from Xiaohuangmen.

   "Holy God grants food?"

  After Zhu Pingan received the oral order, he was very surprised. What day is it today? Why did Emperor Jiajing give a banquet today?

  When Xiao Huangmen said that Yang Guoliang and Zhang Juzheng were also given a banquet together, Zhu Pingan understood why Emperor Jiajing gave the banquet.

  Because of preaching.

  I and Yang Guoliang were in charge of giving lectures yesterday, while Zhang Juzheng gave lectures this afternoon.

This afternoon, during the break between Zhang Juzheng\'s lectures, Zhu Ping\'an and Li Chunfang went to meet Zhang Juzheng. After all, they were all colleagues from the Imperial Academy, and Li Chunfang and himself were in Xiyuan again. .

  Emperor Jiajing gave a banquet to the lecturer who gave the prince a lecture, and this is the past. In this regard, Emperor Jiajing is very similar to the parents of modern students. Please treat your child’s teacher to a meal and express your gratitude. Please take care.

  It seems that parents all over the world are the same.

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help feeling a little bit emotional.

  In the evening, when the sun was setting, Zhu Pingan followed the little **** to the Zhishan Palace to have a banquet under the envious eyes of Yuan Wei and others.

  The Zhishan Palace is located close to the empress’ bedroom. Along the way, I met many beautifully dressed and beautiful court ladies.

  See no evil.

   You can’t take advantage of the advantages in the harem. Today you are a court lady, maybe tomorrow you will become the mistress of the harem, so how can you watch it yourself. You must know that Emperor Jiajing couldn\'t tolerate a speck of sand in his eyes.

  Life is precious, do not despise evil.

  Zhu Ping\'an reminded himself that he kept his eyes on the road all the way, and followed the little **** to Zhishan Palace.

   Zhu Ping\'an\'s caution is justified.

In fact, there are many eyes hidden in places that Zhu Pingan can\'t see, recording Zhu Ping\'s every word and action in the notebook, and soon these notebooks recording Zhu Ping\'s words and deeds were sent to Emperor Jiajing\'s case superior.

  Including Yang Guoliang and Zhang Juzheng who came to Zhishan Palace on the other two roads, they were also treated in the same way.

  After walking for about ten minutes, Zhu Pingan saw the Zhishan Palace very close at hand.

Zhishan Palace is surrounded by a pool of water. Duckweed and green lotus grow naturally in the pool, which is green and clear. There are clusters of flowers and plants on the bank. It is very beautiful with a tapestry.

  Different from the often golden glazed tiles in the palace, the dome of Zhishan Palace is made of red glazed tiles, which become more red in the afterglow of the setting sun.

   "Lord Zhu, this way please." The little **** led Zhu Pingan through the hall and came to a room.

  The room is very spacious and elegantly furnished, but only a short and long table is placed, and a futon cushion is placed behind the table.

   "Master Zhu, please take a seat." The little **** put the cushion in the middle of the table and invited Zhu Ping to take a seat.

   "I have Mr. Lao."

Zhu Pingan cupped his hands to thank him, and then knelt down to sit at the table. To be honest, Zhu Pingan was used to sitting on chairs and stools, and he didn’t like kneeling and sitting in this position. It’s okay to sit for a while, but after sitting for a long time, his legs are numb, his feet are numb and his **** hurts. situation will arise.

   Judging from this layout, I am the only one in this room. It seems that Zhang Juzheng, Yang Guoliang and the others are also in the same way, and they are alone in another room.

   It is common for Zhu Pingan to give banquets in a divided meal system, but this is the first time Zhu Pingan has heard of such a divided banquet banquet.

  However, Emperor Jiajing was the biggest in the entire Ming Dynasty, and Emperor Jiajing could give a banquet whatever he wanted.

   Take care of yourself and eat.

  After Zhu Ping\'an entered the table, before his **** was hot, he heard footsteps, and then saw Huang Jin walking in accompanied by several eunuchs.

   "Meet Huang Gong."

  Zhu Ping\'an got up from the table, cupped his hands and bowed to Huang Jin.

   "Master Xiao Zhu, there is no need to be polite. You are all honored guests in the palace today. Please take a seat." Huang Jin walked forward with a smile, and stretched out his hand to support Zhu Ping\'an.

After Zhu Ping\'an entered the table, Huang Jin said again, "Today, the Holy Majesty is bigu, so I won\'t have a meal with you, Master Zhu. The Holy Majesty said that you have made meritorious service in preaching the scriptures, and I have already confessed to this old slave. To entertain you, Master Xiao Zhu, you must I want you to eat and drink well. Hehe, the Holy Majesty also said that you can eat more easily in this way."

   Bigu? !

   Well, Emperor Jiajing is really serious about cultivating Taoism. Zhu Ping\'an had only seen bigu and other plots in modern fairy tale novels before, but he didn\'t expect to meet bigu people in reality.

  Actually, Emperor Jiajing was right about one thing. If Emperor Jiajing didn\'t come, the meal would definitely be easier. After all, being with a king is like being with a tiger. No matter how courageous you are or how good your appetite is, eating next to a tiger will cause you stress.

   "Thank you, Lord Long En." Zhu Pingan bowed at the table in the direction of Emperor Jiajing\'s bedroom, and then bowed his hands to Huang Jin, "Thank you, Mr. Huang."

   "Hehe, Mrs. Zhu, you are welcome, please pass on the meal."

  Huang Jin smiled slightly, then nodded to the accompanying young eunuch.


  The little **** nodded in response, turned around and walked to the door, and sent a message to the waiter outside, and began to pass the meal.

   "Master Xiao Zhu, the miscellaneous family is going to meet Master Zhang and Master Yang. If you need anything, just ask them directly." After ordering the meal, Huang Jin said goodbye to Zhu Pingan with a smile.

   "Mr. Huang, walk slowly." Zhu Ping\'an bowed his hands and returned the salute.

  After Huang Jin left, the servant brought in the imperial meals one by one, and placed them on the table in front of Zhu Ping\'an.

   There was an endless stream of waiters serving dishes.

  Hot dishes, cold dishes, soups, desserts. Soon, the table in front of Zhu Ping\'an was filled.

Especially in the middle of the table is a large plate of hand-caught mutton, which exudes a meaty aroma that reaches the tip of the tongue. When it was placed on the table, the lamb ribs were still trembling slightly. People, wisps of meat fragrance slowly wafted out along the crispy and tender mutton.

   There is also a plate of dipping sauce next to the hand-caught lamb.

   This dish attracted Zhu Pingan\'s attention as soon as it was served.

It seems to have returned to the days when I was traveling in Ningxia with my roommates when I was in school. The three of them lost their way and rode for a day, and finally arrived at a small town. The feeling, the taste that gets more and more greedy after eating, is really an unforgettable memory.

   "Master Zhu, please use it slowly."

   A table of imperial food was soon served, and the little **** stood aside, inviting Zhu Pingan to eat.

  This table of imperial meals is full of color, fragrance, and more than twenty dishes. It can be said to be extremely rich, but I don’t know if the little **** forgot or what, this table of extremely rich imperial meals is missing chopsticks

   Coincidentally, Zhang Juzheng\'s table, which was also extremely sumptuous, also lacked chopsticks.

   "Thank you."

   Zhu Pingan, who was attracted by the mutton with his hands, heard the three words please use slowly, and said thank you. He couldn\'t wait to reach out and grab the bone of a lamb rib, skillfully dipped it in the sauce, and started to eat.

   It’s the most authentic way to eat mutton with your hands. Anyway, Emperor Jiajing is not around, so why pay so much attention to it.

   Didn\'t even notice that there were no chopsticks on the table.

  (end of this chapter)