Rise From the Humble

Chapter 872: pen like knife

Chapter 872 The pen is like a knife

  In the afternoon, there was nothing to do in Wuyi Hall, so Zhu Pingan simply poured a cup of tea, sat in his seat and watched "The Art of War by Sun Tzu".

"Sun Tzu said: "Where the army meets the enemy: the mountains are close to the valley, and the place of life is high. The battle is high and there is no climb. The army of the mountain is also here. The water must be far away; the guest comes from the water, do not welcome him in the water. If you want to fight, you don’t have to be attached to the water to meet the guests; if you look at the height of your life, you don’t have to meet the current of the water, so here is an army on the water.”

This is "Sun Tzu\'s Art of War: Terrain". Zhu Pingan felt more and more exquisite the more he read it. While watching it, he recalled the battles in history in his mind. He extracted the battle cases involving terrain and compared them with "Terrain" The principle in it, the more you compare it, the more broad and profound it feels.

   Terrain is too important for warfare, whether it is in ancient times or modern times, if you can\'t make good use of terrain, you can\'t be a good general.

  Of course, learn its meaning, not its shape. Studying "Terrain" does not mean that you must follow the "Terrain" to arrange formations, but use the terrain flexibly according to the actual situation. Han Xin\'s last stand is exactly the opposite of "those who want to fight, welcome guests without being attached to water" in "Terrain", but they also achieved a great victory.

   "Hehe, Zihou is very interested in military affairs. It seems that my Ming Dynasty will have another good minister and Confucian general who is both literary and military."

  Li Chunfang finished writing a green poem and found that Zhu Pingan was reading "Sun Tzu\'s Art of War" seriously, so she couldn\'t help laughing and joked.

  Both literary and military strategy? !

Another official in the same room couldn\'t help but chuckle after hearing Li Chunfang\'s words, "Master Li, you are concentrating on writing and didn\'t pay attention, you are so generous to him, since after lunch, after opening "Sun Tzu\'s Art of War", to I haven’t turned the pages yet, and I closed my eyes for half a day.”

  Although the official didn’t say it directly, everyone knew that when Zhu Pingan just read "The Art of War", he fell asleep.


  I was recalling the battle examples in history, comparing

  However, Zhu Pingan didn\'t explain, just laughed. Books are for reading to yourself, not for others.

  However, with his simple and honest face, he smiled as if he was embarrassed by someone.

   There was a chuckle in the room.

   "Why are you laughing, so happy." An official came in with a document in his hand and asked with a smile.

   "Hehe, it\'s nothing. Mr. Zhao is here, but what orders does Mr. Yan Ge have?" Li Chunfang got up and greeted the visitor, and asked with a smile.

  Master Zhao has been in Wuyi Diansi for several years, and has been working under Yan Song. He can be regarded as one of Yan Song\'s secretaries.

   "It\'s not a big deal, it\'s just that there is an award document, please polish it up, it will be issued with a seal in the next two days." Master Zhao said softly, and then handed over the document in his hand to Li Chunfang.

   "Your Majesty Zhao, you\'re being polite. It\'s my job, so why bother?" Li Chunfang finished the paperwork and shook her head with a smile.

   "Master Zhao, please use tea."

   Another official in the room said, reaching out to pour a cup of tea.

"No need, I still have to go to Mr. Wang\'s. I won\'t drink tea." Mr. Zhao smiled and shook his head, then said a few words to Li Chunfang, waved his hand to Zhu Pingan and others, and left went.

   "Whose award document is this, Mr. Yan Ge has personally seen it." Another official in the room took the document from Li Chunfang curiously, and unfolded it to read.

"Hehe, it\'s a coincidence, Zihou can take a look at it. Maybe in the future, we will draft such a commendation document for you." The official read the document after unfolding it, and couldn\'t help laughing. Handed the document to Zhu Pingan.

What\'s the meaning?

  Zhu Ping\'an curiously took the document and looked around.


  After reading the document, Zhu Pingan understood why he said that, because this document is a military award document. Wasn’t he reading "The Art of War" just now, which happened to be related to this.

  The gist of this document is: Three months ago, Na Yan, the chief of the Limin tribe in Wuzhishan, Qiongzhou, rebelled, and also colluded with the Limin people in Thanksgiving and Changhua. Ouyang Bijin, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, remained calm in the face of danger, commanded from the center, and calmly mobilized elite soldiers and generals to fight against the rebellion. Because Governor Ouyang Bijin was able to mobilize troops well, commanded well, and lured the enemy into deep. He succeeded in the first battle, beheaded more than 5,300 thieves, and recruited more than 3,700 people. After the victory, Ouyang Bijin, in order to avoid future troubles forever, regardless of personal safety, willingly took the risk to go to the Limin Center alone to make an agreement with the Limin, treat the Limin as Han people, and establish a town. The Li people surrendered wholeheartedly, vowed never to rebel, and moved out of the mountains to live. As a result, the people\'s stubborn diseases were eliminated, and Hainan was stable.

  Ouyang must enter?

   This name is very familiar.

  After reading it, Zhu Ping\'an was slightly taken aback, then twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

   Come to think of it, isn\'t Ouyang Bijin the father of Ouyang Zishi, the brother-in-law of Yan Songyange.

  My brother-in-law has made a military contribution, and Mr. Yan Ge has seen it in person, so it makes sense.

  Zhu Ping\'an doesn\'t have much impression of Ouyang Bijin, but he knows that Ouyang Bijin has a good reputation in history, at least much better than Yan Song. This person seems to be an ancient scientist. In order to solve the problem of lack of animal power caused by the cattle plague, he researched and invented the human tillage machine. It is said that "the power of one person and one hand is equivalent to two cattle", but it is a pity that it was not popularized and developed. Also lost.

   But it seems that Ouyang Bijin has never heard of Ouyang Bijin\'s talent and achievements in military affairs.

  But according to this document, Ouyang Bijin was a well-known general of the Jiajing Dynasty.

  If Ouyang Bijin is so powerful, how could he be missing in the eradication of Japanese pirates later? Qi Jiguang and the others are not the only famous anti-Japanese generals in history.

   not right

  Zhu Pingan unfolded the document again, read it carefully, and intuitively told him that the document was not that simple.

   Read it again carefully.

  Zhu Ping\'an noticed that in this document, only two names appeared, one was Nayan, the leader of the bandit, and the other was Ouyang Bijin. In other words, Ouyang Bijin is the only one who owes all the credit for countering the rebellion.

   This is certainly not normal.

   Ouyang Bijin is the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and he belongs to the feudal officials. He should not personally lead troops to fight against the rebellion.

   After reading it again carefully, Zhu Pingan noticed the sentence "Mobilize elite soldiers and generals to fight against the rebellion" in the document. This sentence can be understood as Ouyang Bijin mobilizing elite soldiers and strong generals to fight against the rebellion, or it can also be understood as Ouyang Bijin dispatching one or several excellent generals to lead the troops to fight the rebellion.

  However, most people will understand it according to the first meaning.

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but shook his head and smiled.

   Well, this poor "strong general". I just don\'t know who it is.

   "Others have swords, but my pen is like a knife." Through this document, Zhu Ping\'an has a deeper understanding of the word pen like a knife.

  This document is not necessarily written by Ouyang Bijin, but it must have something to do with Yan Song.

  Ginger is still old and spicy.

  (end of this chapter)