Rise From the Humble

Chapter 825: The world's first advertisement was released

Chapter 825 The world\'s first advertisement is released

   "Huh? What\'s the smell? Who has no sense of public morality, don\'t you know they are in business?!"

Princess Ning\'an, who was depressed, suddenly smelled a strange smell, and she couldn\'t help stretching out her pink paws to cover her nose, and raised her head with disgust, wanting to see who was so devoid of public morality, who made this smell Wei Er, you must call him a **** sprinkler.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as he looked up, he saw Zhu Pingan appearing at the door of his shop with Liu Dadao and Liu Dahammer.

   Then I saw the pigs carried by Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui into the water.

   Pig into the water? !

Although Princess Ning An has never eaten pig offal, she has seen it. When she was a child, she went to the imperial dining room secretly with Brother Sanhuang to play, and saw the slaughtering of pigs in the imperial dining room. Brother Sanhuang\'s legs were so frightened that his legs went limp and his face turned pale. Yes, but Princess Ning\'an was not afraid at all, she watched it from beginning to end with great interest. At that time, the imperial dining room threw all the pig offal, saying it was dirty and unpalatable.

   Unexpectedly, at this moment Zhu Ping\'an came back with two pigs into the water? !

  Zhu Ji Fast Food!

   Could it be said that Zhu Ping\'an is going to use pig offal to cook for people? ! Pigs are messy and unpalatable, who would eat the dishes...


  It’s true that God’s sins are forgivable, but self-inflicted sins cannot live. I didn’t expect Zhu Pingan to commit suicide by himself.

Let you play tricks to attract people, it\'s all right now, there are so many people outside with so many eyes, but they all saw you coming back with a pig in the water, one pass ten, ten pass one hundred, it seems that there is no need to wait for the opening, Zhu Ping An opened the store.

   Heck, it went yellow before it opened, Zhu Ping\'an is really a talent...

  Thinking of this, Princess Ning\'an\'s big eyes lit up immediately, and her little cherry mouth couldn\'t help but curved in a happy arc.

   Now look at the pig that Zhu Ping\'an brought back into the water, it looks more and more cute, um, it doesn\'t smell at all.

Oh, right.

   Everyone hasn\'t noticed that Zhu Ping\'an has come back yet.

   It\'s better to have fun alone than to have fun with others.

So, Princess Ning\'an blinked her big watery eyes, walked to the door, poked her head out, and then put a pair of pink and tender hands on her lips, making a sound like a loudspeaker, and shouted softly outside He said: "The owner of Zhuji Fast Food is back from shopping."

  After shouting, Princess Ning\'an retreated into the Meimeiju pastry shop with lightning speed, hiding her achievements and fame.

   "The owner of Zhuji Fast Food is back to buy vegetables."

  This rhyming, thin female voice was extremely penetrating, and the words she yelled were extremely attractive, attracting everyone\'s attention at once.

   One time.

  Zhu Ping\'an, Liu Dachui, and Liu Dadao were suddenly exposed to everyone\'s vision, and even the pork, big bones, and pigs in their hands were all exposed to everyone\'s vision.

  Good young boss...


and many more

  What smell?


   Are they carrying pigs into the water? ! Fuck, it’s really pig offal, and I even brought two sets of pig offal. Will Zhuji Fast Food use pig offal to cook for us in the future? !

  For a while, people all opened their mouths in surprise, and then the curiosity on their faces slowly withered, and the expressions of disgust began to take root...

  Princess Ning\'an, who hides her achievements and fame behind the window of the Meimeiju store, saw the changes in the expressions on the faces of the crowd outside, stretched out her hand to cover her small mouth and laughed non-stop, like a little milk dog that has succeeded in tricking.

  Why not a fox?

  Because Princess Ning\'an smiled like a little golden retriever, not like a little fox.


  It depends on what you do, let you continue to swear, Wochun, I think you are stupid, the store will be yellow before it opens, it is really pitiful.

  The more Princess Ning\'an looked out, the bigger the smile on her face was, like drinking fine wine.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui really wanted to swallow the pig offal they were carrying in their stomachs.

  They noticed that when everyone saw the pig in their hands just now, their faces were obviously disgusted, and they were not even as interested in Zhuji Fast Food as before.

   They feel like a sinner.

"That\'s right, folks, I am the young owner of the \'Zhu\'s Fast Food\' that is being renovated behind us. Zhu Ji Fast Food, as the name suggests, the word \'fast\' is highlighted. I guarantee that after you enter the store to order, you can\'t use it." You can have a hot meal with a cup of tea."

  Zhu Pingan cupped his hands and said hello to the folks around Zhuji Fast Food, and then gave a simple introduction to Zhuji Fast Food with a simple smile on his face.

   "You can have a hot meal without a cup of tea? Is it that fast?" After hearing Zhu Ping\'an\'s introduction, the onlookers booed loudly.

   "Of course, if there is more than one cup of tea after ordering and there is no food, no money will be charged." Zhu Pingan promised everyone with a smile.

   "No one can say big words. But if you don\'t admit it at that time, no one can do anything to you." There was a burst of booing from the other side, who didn\'t believe Zhu Pingan\'s promise.

   "Well, it makes sense, but there is no basis for empty words." Zhu Pingan listened to everyone\'s words, and thought about it seriously, and then nodded thoughtfully.


   No, have you really thought about it? !


  Everyone was stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. Amidst the laughter, their affection for Zhu Pingan increased greatly. The young owner of Zhu Ji Fast Food is very simple and honest.

   "How about this, I will write a sign and hang it at the door together. It exists in black and white, so that everyone can rest assured. Whether I am in the store or not, everyone does not have to worry about Zhu Ji Fast Food\'s repentance."

  Zhu Pingan thought for a moment from the perspective of the crowd, then suddenly raised his head like a flash of inspiration, and smiled brightly at the crowd. His simple and honest face was shining under the sun, and his white teeth almost dazzled everyone.


  Everyone was stunned by Zhu Pingan\'s words and deeds again, and then their favorability for Zhu Pingan increased again.

   Favorability is soaring.

   It is just under renovation, there is no shortage of wood outside the store, and there is no shortage of brushes for drawing. After Zhu Pingan finished speaking, he collected materials from the local area, found a piece of wood and put it on the ground, squatted on the ground with the hem of his clothes, took a brush and dipped it in ink, pulled his sleeve with one hand, and danced on the wood with the other hand hanging his wrist. stand up:

   "Zhu Ji fast food, six Wen is full, ten Wen is good;"

   "Serve with a cup of tea, healthy and delicious, outdated and free."

   Zhu Pingan completed this catchy notice board in an instant, like flowing clouds and flowing water.


   is more advertising.

  After writing, the ink soaked into the wooden board in an instant. Zhu Pingan handed the wooden board to Liu Dadao and asked him to hang it in front of the store. The world\'s first advertisement was released.

   "Good calligraphy, the writing is really handsome."

  As soon as the signboard was hung up, there was a burst of applause. After they saw the content on the wooden board, there was an excited and lively buzzing sound.

   "Hey, do you know how to read? Let us read."

  The illiterate crowd in the audience couldn\'t help urging the literate people next to them to read to them what was written on the wooden board.

  (end of this chapter)