Rise From the Humble

Chapter 824: Chu Kee Fast Food

Chapter 824 Zhu Ji Fast Food

"Young master, if that person is short of money, just tell us that if we get together, we can buy about a month\'s worth of vegetables. If we open a restaurant, it\'s not good to use these pigs to fool people. Right. These things look cheap, but no matter how well they are handled, they still have a bad taste, and the taste is hard to swallow. If no one eats them, we won’t be able to make any money, right?”

  Liu Dadao carried a string of pigs into the water in one hand and a pack of big bones in the other, and said to Zhu Pingan hesitantly while walking.

  Walking on the road, the pig that I was carrying smelled like sewage, and the hot weather made the smell even worse.

  Of course, the pig offal is fresh, it’s not that it stinks because it’s spoiled, but the original ingredient itself, the pig offal, has a strong smell. On this road, all the people who passed by covered their noses and walked quickly with sideways eyes. That look made Liu Dadao feel that he couldn\'t afford to eat, and he was so greedy that he picked up pigs to satisfy his greed.

  Liu Dadao didn\'t think that pigs can make any delicious dishes, and worried that Zhu Ping\'an used this pigs to deal with it because he was too short of money to buy vegetables. In fact, it\'s a trivial matter if the vegetables are not sold, but if the reputation of the young master is ruined, it will be bad. Therefore, Liu Dadao couldn\'t help reminding Zhu Pingan.

"That\'s right, young master, almost no one eats this pig in the countryside. Uncle Liu\'s cooking is good enough for us. Once there was a famine in the village, and I couldn\'t help it. I finally hunted a wild boar for meat. The idea of ​​being able to be full, Uncle Liu also made pig offal. The taste is so strong that we would not be able to eat it if we were not hungry. I think that pig offal is not eaten much in the countryside, let alone It is said that our emperor is under his feet, and there is no famine here, so if this dish is made, it may not be sold."

  Liu Dachui also carried the pig into the water with one hand and the pig bone with the other. As soon as Liu Dadao finished speaking, he couldn\'t help but nodded in agreement.

   "Don\'t worry, I know a way to deal with pig offal. The processed pig offal has no peculiar smell at all, and it\'s delicious after cooking." Zhu Ping\'an slightly hooked the corners of his lips and said confidently.

   As he spoke, he couldn\'t help but think of the modern stewed and stewed pig series, and couldn\'t help but smack his mouth.

   How about delicious pig offal?

  Liu Dadao was shocked enough to hear Zhu Pingan say that the pig\'s offal was delicious. He didn\'t expect to hear Zhu Pingan\'s slobbering sound, and when he turned his head, he saw Zhu Ping\'s salivating expression

   Salivate pig into the water?

  Why did I suddenly feel nauseous? Liu Dadao looked down at the thing he was carrying in his hand. There was a strong smell of pigs in the water, and he suddenly felt nauseous.

   "Young master, you are kidding, this pig\'s launching into the water itself has a nasty smell, how can it be dealt with?"

  Liu Dachui could not believe what Zhu Pingan said.

   "Go back, let you see it, and you will know whether I am joking or serious." Zhu Pingan was full of confidence, carrying a bag of lotus leaf pork, and walked towards the direction of the shop.

  Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui followed Zhu Pingan closely, carrying a pig into the water, swaggering through the market, turning heads 100% along the way.

  The vegetable market is not very far from Zhu’s Fast Food Restaurant. After walking for a while, Zhu Ping’an and the three of them soon saw the signboard of Zhu’s Fast Food Restaurant.

   Once the signboard of "Zhu Ji Fast Food" was delivered, Liu Mu, who was staring at the decoration, had someone hang it outside the shop early.

  After the signboard of "Zhu Ji Fast Food" was put up, there were more curious onlookers outside.

   "What is fast food?" People are very interested in this Zhujia fast food, and this is the first time they have heard the word fast food.

   Indeed, this is the first time the word fast food appeared in the world. Originally, the word fast food is an imported product from foreign countries. The word originated from the Western world along with sandwiches and hamburgers at the earliest. It is called "quickmeal" or "fastfood" in English. After it was introduced to China, it was translated into "fast food" in Chinese, and then it was injected with Chinese culinary connotations. Generally speaking, it is a meal that can be eaten quickly.

  However, from now on, fast food originated from a shop named Zhuji Fast Food in the Ming Dynasty of China.

   As for when it was translated into "quickmeal" or "fastfood" in the West, it depends on history.

   "Fast food, I guess it means that the food is served quickly." Someone interpreted it literally, just as the name suggests.

   "The food is served quickly. Hey, this is good. When I go to the restaurant, I have to wait for a long time before the food is served."

   "When the store opens, let\'s see how fast his Zhuji fast food is served."

   "Well, you can try it."

   "Hehe, if he takes too long to serve food, then let\'s take down his signboard, and see if he still has the nerve to hang up the signboard of fast food."

  So, a signboard aroused people\'s great interest. Because of the word fast food, many people expressed that they would come to try Zhuji fast food when it opened to see how fast this fast food is.

  A signboard is like an advertisement, attracting the attention and interest of many passers-by.

  Zhu Pingan never thought that a signboard in a modern bad street would bring such unexpected joy.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The word fast food has touched the G spot of many people. People have basically experienced the scene of waiting for food in a restaurant, or looking at the image of the next table eating, but the food ordered is delayed. , or I ordered four dishes, and finally got two dishes, and when I finished one meal, the other two dishes were not served. How many people were slow in serving food, which affected Taotie\'s mood and appetite.

   Now that someone is using the signboard of "fast food", how can we not be interested.

Looking at the crowds of spectators outside Zhuji Fast Food, and listening to people’s interested words expressing their interest in coming back, Princess Ning’an, who was so busy counting sesame seeds in the delicious house, scolded the spectators in the store angrily. It\'s flooded, it\'s just a broken signboard, it can be so attractive, it\'s not flooded.

fast food? !

  Hmph, what a loud tone.

How many chefs can you recruit, even more than the chefs in a big restaurant. There are more than a dozen chefs cooking, and they dare not call it fast food. You have a small restaurant with at most three chefs, and you dare to call yourself fast food. .

  Hmph, just wait and see, when the time comes, the food will be served slowly, let\'s see how many signs you have that are enough to be smashed.

  Princess Ning\'an is already quite happy to imagine the scene where the food in Zhu Ping\'an\'s store is slow to serve, and the signboard is smashed by the anxious customers in the store

  Despite thinking so, Princess Ning\'an felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly when she looked at Zhu Ji Fast Food, which was already bustling before it opened, as if she saw Zhu Ping\'an\'s proud face.

  (end of this chapter)