Rise From the Humble

Chapter 826: actually admitted

Chapter 826 actually admitted

  The scorching sun is in the sky, under the feet of the emperor, Kyoto is full of prosperity. There is an alley not far from Qihua Gate, facing the canal, with a lot of people. Near the arch bridge, there is a shop under renovation called "Zhu Ji Fast Food", and there are especially many people outside the shop.

  People gathered around Zhuji Fast Food, to be exact, it was a sign that had just been hung outside the store.

  Beside the sign, there is a young man dressed in low-key and clean clothes. He is pointing at the sign and looking at the crowd, with a smile on his face and a simple and honest face. A pair of black eyes are as clear as the sky, and his eyes are honest and straightforward.

  The melon-eaters surrounded the sign, urging the literate people in the crowd to read what was written on the sign from time to time.

   "Well, what is written on it is: Zhu Ji fast food, six Wen is full, ten Wen is good to eat; a cup of tea is served, healthy and delicious, outdated free."

Under the urging of many illiterate people eating melons, a literate and poorly dressed teacher in the crowd tidied up his navy blue robes without haste, walked to the front slowly, raised his chin slightly, looked at the people with disdain, full of It was full of the arrogance of my generation of scholars, and then pointed to the sign hanging at the door, pointing and reading word by word to the curious but illiterate crowd around me.

The sign is easy to understand and catchy, and there is no difficulty in understanding it at all. However, after the teacher finished reading, the occupational disease came up, and he explained it to everyone forcibly, "This is true, it is in the Zhuji fast food restaurant. , you only need six renminbi to be full, and if you have ten renminbi, you can eat very well. After ordering, the food can be served in a cup of tea. The food in the store is delicious when you eat it , It’s healthy if you eat it in your stomach, if you have more than one cup of tea and you haven’t served it, then it will give you free.”

  However, before the teacher had finished explaining, the enthusiasm of the crowd watching melon eating had already been ignited, and once ignited, it was like a prairie fire, and everyone rushed to express their opinions.

"Is it true that you can eat for six pennies? You can buy one big steamed bun for one penny. If you want to eat enough, most people get two big steamed buns. People with a big appetite like me get three or four. This shop costs six pennies." Money can guarantee enough to eat, you said the food here is so poor." A rough man with his arms rolled his arms and shook his head with a smile after hearing this.

   "Well, yes, this is too affordable..."

   "Hehe, Liuwen is full, so it\'s not just steamed buns that are enough?"

   "Is it good to eat for ten renminbi? Hehe, the shopkeeper really dares to say how good it is to eat for ten renminbi. If it\'s what the shopkeeper said, then I will eat here every day."

  Many people also said that they all thought the same way, and felt that the price of Zhuji fast food was too affordable, so affordable that they couldn\'t help but doubt it.

   However, some people have different opinions.

"Not necessarily. The restaurant is also very oily and watery. I have a relative who owns a restaurant, and I know something about it. For example, steamed buns. You can earn money by steaming three steamed buns. There is also that dish, we have bought vegetables ourselves, a courgette is not worth a penny, but if you order a cucumber in a restaurant, you can’t get it without six pennies. doubled."

   "What you said is also reasonable, so why is it so expensive in this store, and why is it so much cheaper in this store?"

   "Do you think this little shopkeeper is selling steamed buns under the guise of selling vegetables, hehehe..."

  For a while, people\'s discussions became more and more intense...

   This made Little Princess Ning\'an, who was behind the window of the Meimeiju pastry shop opposite, very anxious. She had a feeling of hating iron but not steel, wishing to go up and slap them awake one by one.

   They are really low-sighted pariahs. If the surname Zhu gives you a little favor, you will be fooled by him and don\'t know what you are going to do.

  Going off topic, okay?

   Pigs into the water, a bunch of idiots!

  The more Princess Ning\'an listened, the more anxious she became, and finally she couldn\'t help but stretched her little face out of the window, pinching her throat and shouting, "You are so cheap because you give us pigs\' offal, right?"

  After shouting, Princess Ning\'an once again retreated to the back of the bed with lightning speed, hiding her achievements and fame.


   want to change the subject

  This princess will not let you get what you want.

  You can fool others, but you can’t fool this princess. Let’s see what you do this time... It’s gone before the opening. Our number one scholar is really smart and powerful.

A small face was pressed against the window, listening to the movement outside with excitement and anticipation, and after hearing people\'s enlightenment change the topic to pigs in the water, Princess Ning\'an\'s small face smiled again like a little milk like a dog.

  Under the reminder of Princess Ning\'an, people were enlightened, as if they had grasped the key point, and suddenly became enlightened.

   "Yeah, six liters of food is full and ten liters of food is full. It sounds nice. You don\'t really use pig offal for cooking, do you?"

   "No, no matter how you make it, the pig\'s water thing smells bad. I ate it once, and I don\'t want to eat it again."

   "It\'s really possible, don\'t you see that what the shopkeepers are carrying is pigs into the water..."

   "If it\'s a pig into the water, forget it, my stomach can\'t hold it down."

  For a while, there was a lot of turmoil outside the Zhuji fast food restaurant. When people mentioned pigs into the water, their faces changed like tigers.

  Although it is not to the extent of "coming in high spirits, returning in disappointment", all the melon-eaters onlookers are also uninterested.

That\'s it.

  Princess Ning\'an, who was hiding behind the window, clenched her fist excitedly, her small face was full of excitement, and silently applauded everyone in her heart.

  At this time, seeing the tendency of everyone\'s fans turning black, Liu Dadao and Liu Dachui were in a hurry, sweating a lot in their hearts.

  But Zhu Pingan on the side was not affected at all. Under the sun, the smile on his face seemed even brighter.

  Zhu Pingan smiled and raised his head to scan the Meimeiju pastry shop opposite, and then noticed the corner of the red clothes exposed behind the window, so the smile on his face became even brighter.

  Although Princess Ning\'an had a hoarse voice, Zhu Ping\'an heard it right away, and now she has confirmed it.

   Well done, should I give her some reward...

  Next, amidst the uproar of the crowd, Zhu Pingan walked two steps forward with a simple and honest smile on his face, bowed his hands to the crowd, and immediately attracted everyone\'s attention.

   "Are you curious, does our Zhuji fast food use pig offal to cook for everyone?"

  Under the gaze of everyone, Zhu Pingan asked with a simple smile.

  Everyone nodded.

  Princess Ning\'an, behind the window of Meimeiju, heard Zhu Ping\'an\'s words, and stretched her neck out of curiosity.

  Then, everyone saw Zhu Pingan smiling and nodding, with a frank expression on his face, as if he was answering a trivial question.


  Admitted it without shame? !

  Princess Ning\'an opened her mouth wide in surprise, and rubbed her eyes in disbelief. She couldn\'t believe her eyes and ears. Princess Ning\'an originally thought that she would hear Zhu Ping\'an\'s sophistry, and she was going to expose Zhu Ping\'s sophistry at the critical moment, but she never expected that Zhu Ping\'an would admit it brazenly, with a look of honor on her face.

   How shameless!

  Princess Ning\'an deeply despised Zhu Ping\'an in her heart, and gained a new understanding of Zhu Ping\'s brazenness.

  However, it doesn\'t matter, no matter how thick-skinned it is, hehe, use pigs for cooking, wait until the door closes!

  (end of this chapter)