Rise From the Humble

Chapter 817: Zhu Ping'an and Flop

Chapter 817 Zhu Pingan and Flop

   "Huh, Zhu Pingan? You mean this poem was written by Zhu Pingan?"

  After hearing the words Zhu Ping\'an, Concubine Du Kang\'s long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes lit up.

   "Why, has your majesty heard of Zhu Ping\'an? Oh, yes, he is this year\'s No. 1 scholar, but your majesty, don\'t be deceived by his reputation, that person surnamed Zhu is a deceitful person."

  Princess Ning\'an saw that Concubine Du Kang was very interested in Zhu Pingan, so she quickly put eye drops on Concubine Du Kang and insulted Zhu Pingan.

   "Oh, a bully?" Concubine Du Kang had a smile on her lips.

   "Yeah." Princess Ning\'an nodded repeatedly, like a chicken eating rice, and finally poured a bucket of dirty water on Zhu Pingan, "His reputation outside is rotten."

   "Oh?" Concubine Du Kang said softly.

"Really. Madam, you didn\'t come out of the palace. I don\'t know. I heard people say, yes, I heard people say it." Princess Ning\'an gave Yu Wang a look, let Yu Wang understand it, and then used a The deputy said in a tone that was heard afterwards, "I heard that he is very low-spirited. It seems that when he was on an errand, he was naked in broad daylight under the eyes of everyone."

As he said that, the scene of Zhu Pingan\'s astonishing escape that day couldn\'t help appearing in Princess Ning\'an\'s mind, and Princess Ning\'an\'s face turned red, she spat in a low voice, and then continued, "It\'s not just that, listen Saying that he has poor character and doesn’t respect the teacher.”

   "He is still a greedy and bully guy. The reason why he wrote this hidden poem to me is because I didn\'t rent the shop to him."

  In short, Princess Ning\'an tried her best to slander Zhu Ping\'an\'s head.

  However, looking at Concubine Du Kang\'s smile, she knew that Princess Ning An\'s efforts were in vain.

  Princess Ning\'an said that Zhu Ping\'an took off her clothes in broad daylight. Concubine Du Kang knew about it a long time ago, and she also knew that Princess Ning\'an was incomplete.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s take off was not a sleazy one, but a noble one, and he became famous all at once.

In the future history books, Zhu Ping\'an will definitely be recorded in a thick and colorful way. In a certain year and a certain month, Zhu Ping\'an, the inspector of Taicang, who was only 16 years old, in order to block the obstruction and slander of his political opponents, publicly killed himself. He took off all his clothes, walked into the Taicang bank naked, and found out the silver in the bank treasury. In one fell swoop, he uncovered the biggest corruption case since the founding of the Ming Dynasty—the Taicang theft case.

   From this incident, it can be seen that Ning An has a problem with Zhu Pingan.

  Therefore, Concubine Du Kang didn\'t believe what Ning An said later that Zhu Ping\'an was of poor character, didn\'t respect teachers, etc.

Well, Concubine Du Kang also knows about Tibetan poems. Some time ago, I heard that Ge\'er and Ning\'an had tossed a shop outside the palace, but it seemed that not only did they not make any money, but they also posted a lot of them. With such a character, he will definitely resell the store to stop the loss, but Ning An will definitely not agree. Concubine Du Kang knew Ning An\'s temper. It must be that when Zhu Pingan came to take over the store, Ning An pointed his nose and scolded him, so Zhu Pingan gave Ning An a poem in return.

   Heck, it is estimated that things are likely to be like this, Concubine Du Kang has this confidence, because she watched King Yu and Ning An grow up, and she knows them very well.

  As for why they are so sensitive to the word Zhu Pingan, it starts with the "flipping card" system that has become popular in the harem recently.

   The "flip card" system has been popular in the harem for a month.

  The unified perception in the harem is that the system of "turning cards" was created by Feng Bao.

Feng Bao took over the errand of recording Tongshi in the study room. This is the errand of recording and arranging the bedtime of the concubines in the harem. After that, Feng Bao was constantly threatened and lured by the female masters of the harem. Difficult, struggling, precarious, always worried that the head will not be safe.

  However, what no one expected was that Feng Bao, who had been struggling in this desperate situation for more than a month, actually invented the system of "turning the brand" and relied on such a system to complete a desperate turnaround.

Relying on the flop system, Feng Bao not only got out of desperation, but also gained a firm foothold in the harem. Bao gained a lot of power and status in the harem, and was in the limelight for a while.

  No one can deny that the flop system is also a system that perfectly fits the harem.

   Mark each concubine on a sign, each sign represents a concubine, and the sign is also marked with information such as the concubine\'s specialty and background. Before the emperor goes to bed, Feng Bao presents the sign to the holy majesty. Whichever one the Holy Majesty likes, he will turn over the sign, and when the sign is turned over, the Emperor will be blessed with that concubine. After that, Feng Bao will go to the palace where the concubine lives to inform the concubine in advance.

   In this way, the clerical office, which was originally the hardest and most dangerous job, became the most popular, fattest and safest beauty job.

  Feng Bao is tantamount to profiting the most from it.

  Although many people do not believe that the "flipping brand" system was created by Feng Bao, they want to know who the master behind the scenes is, but Feng Bao is very tight-lipped, and has always insisted that he introduced this system in order to share the worries of the Holy One.

  However, although Feng Bao is very tight-lipped to the outside world, Concubine Du Kang knows the inside story, and knows that the system of flopping cards is the idea you gave Feng Bao, Zhu Ping.

  Feng Bao has a maid in the palace, who is also a soul mate, a nominal couple.

  What people don\'t know is that before entering the palace, Concubine Du Kang had saved the life of this court lady, and this court lady has been the secret eyes and ears of Concubine Du Kang since entering the palace.

   The news that the system of flipping cards came from Zhu Ping\'an\'s hands was that after being drunk, Feng Bao told the court lady, and the court lady secretly told Concubine Du Kang.

  That\'s why Concubine Du Kang is so sensitive to Zhu Ping\'an\'s name.

  I haven\'t served the bed for a long time. Although I don\'t have much physical needs, but for the sake of my son, I have to serve the bed. Only when I serve the bed can I be favored.

  A prince who is favored by concubines in the harem.

  A prince whose concubine was left out in the harem.

   Outside, these are two situations.

  Why does Taicang, the Ministry of Household Affairs, dare to suppress the prince\'s welfare and not pay it?

  Why don\'t you suppress King Jing\'s prince\'s welfare?

   Isn\'t it true that Concubine Lu Jing is being favored, while she is being ignored by the Holy One? ! Try it when you were favored back then, and see who dares to withhold Hou\'er\'s benefits.

  From the different treatment of Ge\'er and King Jing in Taicang, Hubu, it can be seen how difficult it is for Ge\'er to be outside the palace.

   One rise after another.

  If this continues, King Jing will be getting closer to that seat, while Hou Er will be farther and farther away from that seat.

  So, for the sake of Ge\'er\'s future, I have to go to bed.

  If you want to sleep, you have to start with the flop. Since the flop was made by Zhu Pingan, no one knows the flop better than Zhu Pingan.

  That\'s why Concubine Du Kang is so sensitive to Zhu Ping\'an\'s name.

  (end of this chapter)