Rise From the Humble

Chapter 816: So you are such a poem

Chapter 816 So you are such a poem

   "Mother Concubine, what\'s the matter with you?" King Yu stared blankly at Concubine Du Kang, who was smiling and trembling, and asked in a daze.

   "That\'s right, Concubine Du, why are you laughing like this?" Seeing Concubine Du Kang smiling like this, Princess Ning An also opened her small mouth in surprise, and asked in a dumbfounded voice.

In Princess Ning\'an\'s memory, Concubine Du Kang has always been elegant and graceful, and she always pays attention to her image. There is no time when she is laughing like this today, and she is almost unable to straighten her waist from laughing. Like this Concubine Du Kang lost her composure, this is the first time Princess Ning An has seen her, that\'s why she was so surprised.

   "Giggle, because of this poem" Concubine Du Kang covered her small mouth, laughing so hard that she couldn\'t straighten up.

   "This poem?" King Yu and Princess Ning\'an were even more confused, "Is this poem so funny?"

   Not only is it not funny, it is not funny at all.

  King Yu and Princess Ning\'an looked at each other, not knowing why, so this poem can\'t be related to being funny.

   "Read it again." Concubine Du Kang tried her best to stop her smile, but she couldn\'t help bursting out laughing just after she finished speaking.

   "Read it again?" King Yu was a little confused, so, could it be said that you can discover the secret after reading it once?

   "Huh? Okay." Princess Ning\'an froze for a moment, then nodded, and read "Wai Chun" softly.

   "Dark plum smells the flowers quietly, and the lying branches hurt the bottom. The distant smell is like water, and it is easy to see spring green. The shore is like green, the shore is like green, and the shore is like dark green."

  Princess Ning\'an\'s voice is very nice, with a melodious tone, she read the song "Wai Chun" softly.

  Concubine Du Kang had already stopped laughing, but when Princess Ning An read "Wai Chun", she couldn\'t help laughing again.

  Wang Yu listened very seriously at first, wanting to discover the secret, but was soon influenced by Concubine Du Kang who was covering her small mouth and couldn\'t help laughing out loud.

   "Concubine Mother." King Yu touched his forehead, feeling a little helpless.

   "Concubine Du." Princess Ning\'an elongated the ending, pouted her mouth slightly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

  People read well, why are you laughing like this, is Ning An not good at reading?

  Princess Ning\'an thought a lot in her heart for a while.

  "Hehehe, haven\'t you found out yet?" Concubine Du Kang endured a hard smile, her face was very red, the dimples on her face were exposed from a smile, and her long eyes narrowed into crescents were laughing.

   "What did you find?" King Yu and Princess Ning\'an shook their heads, confused.

   "Little Ning\'an, um, that person gave you this poem, giggling, did you offend him?" Concubine Du Kang looked at Princess Ning\'an with a smile and asked.

   "Huh? Ma\'am, how do you know?" Princess Ning An was taken aback, and then she turned her big eyes to King Yu, as if asking whether King Yu told Concubine Du Kang.

   King Yu shook his head innocently.

   "It\'s not what Ge\'er said, you can see it in the poem..." Concubine Du Kang chuckled.

  Princess Ning\'an looked suspicious.

   "Read it a few more times." Concubine Du Kang blinked.

Princess Ning\'an read "Wo Chun" again suspiciously, and then read it twice cautiously, ""Wo Chun". Spring Green..."

   "It\'s nothing..." After reading it twice, Princess Ning\'an shook her head.

  Concubine Du Kang smiled without saying a word, and signaled Ning An to read it again with her eyes.

   Still want to read? !

Princess Ning\'an pouted her lips unhappily, with a little emotion, she didn\'t read it well, and it was out of tune when she read it, ""Wai Chun". Lying like water, easy to reach spring green..."

   King Yu on the side saw this, smiled and shook his head.

Hey? !

and many more?

   Isn\'t it? !

  I really want to hear what? !

   King Yu, who smiled and shook his head, was taken aback for a moment. From Princess Ning\'an\'s slightly out-of-tune recitation, "It\'s like water lying in the distance, and it\'s easy to reach spring green", as if he suddenly heard it.

  If it wasn\'t for Princess Ning\'an who deliberately read out of tune with a little emotion, King Yu really wouldn\'t be able to discover this secret.

  It is heard from a distance that lying like water, easy to reach spring green—you may ask who I am, a big stupid ass? !

Uh? !

   Isn\'t it? !

  Yu Wang was astonished like a piece of wood, he couldn\'t believe his ears, his original cognition was overturned, the poem he thought was extremely beautiful just now turned out to be such a "poem"? !

   Ning An on the side was still out of tune with a little emotion: "The shore is like green, the shore is like translucent green, and the shore is like translucent dark green."

  In King Yu\'s ears, what Ning An read was, "I\'m a donkey, I\'m a donkey, I\'m a big stupid donkey."

   Then, King Yu couldn\'t help but blush, and after Ning An finished reading, King Yu couldn\'t help laughing out loud.


  Princess Ning\'an was completely dumbfounded.

what happened?

  Brother Huang, why are you laughing like this? ! What happened? Could it be that there is something wrong with my reading?

  Princess Ning\'an was confused for a moment.

   "Brother Huang, why are you laughing like this? Huh?" Princess Ning An couldn\'t figure it out, so she chose the most direct way, showing her small canine teeth, and looked at King Yu with half threatening and half coquettish eyes.

   "Sister, hehehe, you can use the tone just now, and you will know after reading it again, hehe..." King Yu held back hard, but he still laughed out loud.

  Princess Ning\'an looked at King Yu suspiciously.

   King Yu nodded.

  Thus, Princess Ning An read in a low voice again with the tone just now, ""Wai Chun".

  Princess Ning\'an paid special attention when reading this time, criticizing Zhu Ping\'an\'s poems in her heart while reading.

   "Lying Spring"?

  What a bad name, it sounds like I\'m stupid...

Uh? !

and many more?

   Am I stupid? !

  Princess Ning\'an just read a sentence, and suddenly stopped, her face darkened suddenly, then she turned her head and read it again in a low voice.

   ""Waichun" - I am stupid"

"Dark plum smells flowers (I have no culture), lies on branches and hates bottom (I have a low IQ). Far away smells like water (ask me who I am), easy to reach spring green (a big stupid donkey). Like green (I\'m a donkey), the bank is like green (I\'m a donkey), the bank is like black green (I\'m a donkey)..."

  Although Princess Ning\'an doesn\'t quite understand the meaning of the word IQ, she generally understands it as wisdom.

  However, other cultures, stupid donkeys, and Princess Ning\'an are very clear.

  Culture, the word in modern times mostly means knowledge. To say that you are uneducated generally means that you have no knowledge, no connotation, no learning and no skills.

  In ancient times, it was said that you were uneducated, but it was much more serious than in modern times. In "Shuo Yuan Zhi Wu", there is a sentence "The prosperity of all martial arts is for disobedience. If the culture does not change, then add punishment". In ancient culture, it mostly means "education by hearing". The same thing is to ridicule them for being uneducated and uneducated, saying that they are not educated.

  So I have no education, the first line of this opening poem is extremely lethal to Princess Ning\'an.

I\'m furious? !

  You are uneducated, you are a big ass!

   It turned out that Zhu Pingan, a showman, sent himself a poem to humiliate himself, and it made me mad. At that time, I thought it was that **** toad who wanted to eat swan meat! It turned out that I was being sentimental, and I was so mad! That **** Zhu Ping\'an must be snickering!

   "Zhu Pingan, you are a big bastard! You are uneducated, you are a big stupid ass! I want to tell my father to cut off the head of you, Zhu Pingan, a big stupid ass..."

  The more she thought about it, the darker her face became. Princess Ning An was going crazy, and the sound of gnashing her teeth almost broke through the roof of Rongfu Palace.

  (end of this chapter)