Rise From the Humble

Chapter 818: Pretend to be king

Chapter 818 Pretend to be king

  Princess Ning\'an spit on the sidelines and spared no effort to blame Zhu Pingan. In her mouth, Zhu Pingan became a heinous villain, a hypocrite, and a bastard...

  While listening, Concubine Du Kang tapped Zhenshou, but her mind was already on the flop.

The bright sunshine outside shone into the Rongfu Palace, shone on Princess Ning\'an, and sprinkled on Concubine Du Kang\'s face. One looked like a vibrant lily, and the other looked like a graceful and luxurious peony. The two formed the most beautiful scene in Rongfu Palace. A scroll.

  However, this beautiful picture was broken with King Jing\'s visit, and Princess Ning\'an\'s complaints about Zhu Ping\'an came to an end.

"Zhen\'er pays respects to Concubine Du. Hearing that she is not in good health, Zhen\'er specially selected the best medicinal materials from the mansion to visit her. I wish Concubine Du good health as soon as possible. I have met the imperial brother and sister. I haven\'t seen you for a few days. , the imperial sister has become beautiful again."

   Accompanied by several court ladies and eunuchs, King Jing visited Rongfu Palace with some gifts and supplements, greeted Concubine Du Kang respectfully, then greeted King Yu with a smile, and then praised Princess Ning\'an for being beautiful again with a smile.

   "His Royal Highness King Jing is interested, please take a seat without courtesy. Sui Er, serve tea to His Royal Highness King Jing." Concubine Du Kang smiled slightly and ordered the maid to serve tea.

   "The fourth brother is here."

   King Yu also greeted King Jing with a smile, but his smile was a little stiff. Being with this outstanding and competitive emperor brother was extremely stressful.

  In comparison, Princess Ning\'an\'s attitude towards King Jing is not much better than that towards Zhu Ping\'an, and even worse.

   "What are you doing here, you are not welcome here."

Princess Ning\'an\'s pretty face was dark and cold, and she was quite rude to King Jing, an uninvited guest. She pointed at King Jing with her pink pinky finger, and tapped on the door, indicating where King Jing was coming and going, Rongfu Palace He is not welcome.

  From Ning An\'s words and deeds, it can be seen that Ning An\'s attitude towards King Yu and King Jing, who are also imperial brothers, is completely different. Ning An regards Rongfu Palace as his home, and is very affectionate to King Yu, but treats King Jing as an outsider, and he is also very hostile.

   "Hehe, whoever messed with Ning\'an again, tell Brother Huang, Brother Huang, I will vent my anger on you."

  For Princess Ning\'an\'s indifference and rudeness, King Jing was not angry at all, but smiled more gently on his handsome face.

"Come on, Brother Sihuang, can we stop pretending. It\'s fine for you to pretend in front of others, why do you still pretend like this in front of your own family, wearing a mask all day, are you tired?" Ning Princess An rolled her eyes and pouted her mouth to mock Jing Wangdao.

Even though Ning An satirized King Jing so unabashedly, King Jing still didn\'t change his expression, his face was always smiling, and the eyes he looked at Ning An were gentle and tolerant. Brother is the sense of sight.

Princess Ning\'an was so irritated by King Jing\'s eyes, it was like seeing a bullfighter in red cloth. King Jing didn\'t say a word or do anything, just this one look irritated Princess Ning\'an I\'m going crazy.

"I\'m really afraid of you, Brother Sihuang. Can you stop pretending? You are not tired of pretending, but I am still tired. Father is not here, who are you pretending to be your brothers and sisters?" Look?!" Princess Ning\'an crossed her arms, glanced at King Jing with her white eyes, then looked up at the top of Rongfu Palace at 45 degrees, and gave King Jing a contemptuous chin.

   "Hehe, the imperial sister was joking." King Jing shook his head and smiled with a smile.

"Hehe~~" Princess Ning\'an rolled her eyes and let out a hehe, her pretty face was full of sarcasm, "Brother Four, you talk like Brother Two, do things like Brother Two, and walk like Brother Two. Even laughing, you have to learn from the second brother, are you tired, no matter how much you learn, you are just you, and you will never become the second brother."

   King Jing seemed to have been pressed the pause button. Although the smile on his face was still there, he paused for 0.01 second, but soon King Jing continued to smile gently again, as if the pause just now was dazzled by outsiders.

   "Hehe, Brother Huang is really ashamed to be praised so much by the capable imperial sister." King Jing smiled slightly.

   "Don\'t be too sentimental, okay, who praised you." Princess Ning\'an glared at King Jing angrily.

"Didn\'t the emperor say that I am learning from the second brother in everything? Hehe, when you see a virtuous person, you should think about it. The second brother will always be a role model for you and me. If you can do everything the second brother is very One, brother, I can wake up laughing from my dreams." King Jing smiled brilliantly.

"Drawing a tiger can\'t be an anti-dog, so don\'t dream about it. Brother Erhuang is kind in nature and is like a fairy, but you, hehe, you will never learn a hair of Brother Erhuang\'s hair, hmph." Princess An gave King Jing a hard look, and finally gave a cold snort.

"The road is long and long, and I will search up and down. In fact, I am not only learning from the second emperor brother, but also from any sage. The so-called **** must have my teacher. Only by continuous learning can we continue to learn. Self-improvement. The imperial sister\'s self-confidence and courage are worth learning from the imperial brother."

   King Jing\'s smile remained the same, gentle and generous, one after another, and Princess Ning\'an became more self-willed and savage.

   "Hypocrisy, Father shouldn\'t have named you King Jing, but King Zhuang (pretending)." Princess Ning An rolled her eyes.

  The second brother of the two of them was Zhu Zaixi, Prince Zhuang Jing who died young last year, and was born to the concubine Wang Guifei.

  Prince Zhuang Jing was the only prince established by Emperor Jiajing. The previous eldest prince Zhu Zaiji died after only one month of birth. Only Prince Zhuang Jing was officially established by Emperor Jiajing.

  Prince Zhuang Jing was very beautiful and lovely when he was born, and he resembled Emperor Jiajing seven to eight times. It is said that Emperor Jiajing only took one look at it, and insisted that Prince Zhuang Jing was full of immortality, and he was reincarnated from the heavens.

Prince Zhuang Jing did not disappoint Emperor Jiajing. As he grew older, he became more and more like Emperor Jiajing, and he was even more handsome. To the end, serving Emperor Jiajing was as respectful as worshiping a god. He once said: "Those who dare not raise their hands all the time are in heaven." Emperor Jiajing couldn\'t be more satisfied.

  Not only did he respect Emperor Jiajing, but Prince Zhuang respected King Yu, King Jing, and Princess Ning’an, his brothers and sisters, very well.

  In addition, Prince Zhuang Jing is intelligent, capable, decisive, and politically wise. He has won the unanimous support of all ministers in the government and the opposition. He is simply the ideal prince in Emperor Jiajing\'s heart.

  Thus, despite Tao Zhongwen\'s motto "Two dragons must not meet", Emperor Jiajing still became the prince in the eighteenth year of Jiajing, that is, when Prince Zhuang Jing was seven years old. And when Prince Zhuang Jing was seventeen years old, he held a grand coming-of-age ceremony for Prince Zhuang Jing, and formally conferred the crown prince with a golden seal, intending to let the prince supervise the country and devote himself to alchemy and immortality. However, it was never expected that on the third day after the coming-of-age ceremony, Prince Zhuang Jing died of illness suddenly.

  That is, from then on, Emperor Jiajing became more convinced of the motto "The two dragons will not meet" and abided by it.

  That\'s why King Yu and King Jing were ordered to move out of the palace last year and build a mansion outside the palace.

  Actually, if you want to say who the prince Jiajing is most satisfied with, it must be Prince Zhuang Jing. If Prince Zhuang Jing was alive, then King Yu and King Jing would have nothing to do, let alone King Yu and King Jing, even if the eldest son of the emperor was alive, Emperor Jiajing would still make Prince Zhuang Jing the crown prince.

  (end of this chapter)