Rise From the Humble

Chapter 799: Black-hearted Emperor Jiajing, return my hard-earned money

Chapter 799 Black-hearted Emperor Jiajing, return my hard-earned money

   "Master Xiao Zhu, please accept the order."

  After exchanging pleasantries, let’s get down to business. Eunuch Jia, who came from Xiyuan, started his mission—proclaiming the decree.

   "The minister Zhu Ping\'an received the order."

  The imperial decree is a symbol of the emperor\'s power. Seeing the imperial decree is like the emperor\'s presence. No matter who is holding the imperial decree, no matter how high an official you are, you must kneel down to receive the decree to show respect to the emperor. Zhu Pingan didn\'t dare to make mistakes, and took the lead and knelt down to accept the order. The old lady of Linhuaihou\'s mansion, Li Shu and others knelt at the later positions on both sides.

After everything was ready, Eunuch Jia opened the imperial decree in his hand. It was an imperial decree with black ox horn as the axis. The surface of the decree was brocade fabric made of high-quality silk. It is mainly earth yellow, with auspicious clouds and auspicious cranes embroidered on it, and at both ends are five-clawed golden dragons flying up and down, flying clouds and fog, full of magnificence.

  The edict is very long. The entire edict is about one meter long and thirty centimeters wide. Eunuch Jia’s arms are as wide as his shoulders, and the edict hangs down by an arc. The end of the imperial decree can be vaguely seen, and the place where the time is written is covered with a square seal seal of "The Treasure of Imperial Destiny".

"Following heaven\'s orders, the emperor said: \'My heart is so angry that I can\'t hold back my anger. False accounts, shortfalls, and inferior silver! The Taicang treasury has accumulatively been short of more than 1.5 million taels of silver and more than 500,000 taels of gold. , It is something that has never happened before, and I read it to win the hatred. Your ministers, eat the king\'s salary, and do not serve as ministers! You are unkind, don\'t blame me for being unrighteous! Immediately set up a heavy code to abolish the law! Handle it All silversmiths involved in the robbery of Taicang will be executed immediately, and all the wives, concubines, and grandchildren will be sent to Yunnan for three thousand miles; that is, they will work outside the warehouse. The number of prisons should also be reduced, and the wives, concubines, and grandchildren should be exiled for two thousand miles. All courtiers who neglect their duties, dereliction of duty, and steal silver should be investigated one by one and punished strictly. Treasury officials and Chaku censors will be punished regardless of whether they are loyal or not; successive treasury officials and Chaku censors will be fined 1,200 taels of silver per month according to the year and month of their tenure, and the deceased will be halved according to the amount; The minister in charge of the treasury issued a fine of 5,000 taels of silver per month, and the deceased official will be halved according to the amount." Eunuch Jia began to announce the decree.

  Zhu Pingan listened from below, and he could feel Emperor Jiajing\'s monstrous anger through a piece of paper.

  Emperor Jiajing’s anger this time was not ordinary, just like what he said in the imperial decree, if you are not benevolent, then don’t blame me for being unrighteous.

   Indeed, Emperor Jiajing’s imperial decree is full of killing spirit and undisguised fluff.

  Of course, those who bear the air of Emperor Jiajing’s sofa in the imperial decree also deserve their sins and suffer on their own.


and many more?

  What does this decree have to do with me?

  This imperial decree seems to be a punishment imperial decree, punishing corrupt officials and recovering stolen goods. Why did Emperor Jiajing ask someone to come and read it to me? Could it be that you want to praise me for my meritorious deeds behind the imperial decree? But if it\'s a compliment, there\'s no need to spend so much irrelevant words in front, right?


  Zhu Ping\'an was a little suspicious, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

   Sure enough.

  In the next second, Zhu Ping\'an\'s uneasiness was verified.

"On June 15th of the thirtieth year of Jiajing, Wu Yixun Si Zhilang and Zhu Pingan, a member of the Hanlin Academy, were ordered to inspect Taicang. Whether you are loyal or not, you will be punished, and you will be fined 1,200 taels of silver per month. Zhu Pingan will check the treasury for eight days, and you should pay a fine of 320 taels of silver. One year to pay, there must be no mistakes..."

  Eunuch Jia’s voice when he read the imperial decree was as cadenced as ever, but it didn’t sound like that to Zhu Ping’an.


  Zhu Ping\'an was dumbfounded, couldn\'t help but let out a cry of surprise, and couldn\'t believe his ears, as if someone had poured a basin of ice water in the winter, every cell in his body protested.

  Is Emperor Jiajing mentally disabled? !

   Emperor Jiajing was poor and crazy, right? !

  Emperor Jiajing was kicked in the head by a donkey, right? !

  Big question marks popped up in Zhu Pingan\'s mind.

For a while, Zhu Pingan was full of all kinds of negative contempt for Emperor Jiajing. There was really no way not to despise Emperor Jiajing. That\'s it, you Emperor Jiajing didn\'t reward or praise me as Li Kui, so why did you punish me? ! And he was fined so much, 160 taels of silver! This is my salary for the past two years.

  The last impeachment memorial was fined for one year, and now they have to pay two years of salary? !

  When I was weak, I just started working, so I will give you two years of work for nothing.


  Won\'t your conscience ache? !

   From this point of view, Emperor Jiajing, the boss, can\'t be more black-hearted.

   Clear rewards and punishments, this is the most basic quality of a superior! Why did Emperor Jiajing not even understand this truth. It shouldn\'t be, Emperor Jiajing can be regarded as one of the few genius emperors in history, with a superb ability to play power and govern the country.

  But the fact is that, I even took off my pants to check the bank, but was fined two years of salary.

   "Black-hearted Emperor Jiajing, return my hard-earned money."

  Zhu Ping\'an was so slandered that he wanted to go to the gate of Xiyuan and run naked to protest.

   Li Shu on the side also opened her mouth in surprise

  In stark contrast to Zhu Ping\'an and the others are the old lady of Linhuaihou\'s mansion and the wife of Linhuaihou.

At the beginning, the old lady and the others thought that the imperial decree was for the Marquis of Linhuai, and thought in their hearts that the Holy Majesty was going to add an official to the Marquis of Linhuai, but they didn\'t expect that the imperial decree was for Zhu Ping\'an, not for their own son. This disappointed the old lady.

  However, now, the old lady is very happy again.

This is the emperor\'s imperial edict of punishment, thankfully it was not for his son Linhuaihou, otherwise it would be troublesome, although the imperial edict was only fined 160 taels of silver, which is nothing to a family like theirs, but even though the fine Not much, but this reputation is stinky, and it will affect his future career.

The old lady didn\'t like Li Shu\'s mother back then, otherwise she wouldn\'t have forced Li Shu\'s father to divorce his wife and marry another one, but unexpectedly, after marrying a wife and forgetting her mother, Li Shu\'s father not only refused to obey his wife, divorced his wife and married another one. Instead, she took Li Shu\'s mother to move out of the house, which made the old woman annoyed Li Shu\'s father and disliked Li Shu\'s mother even more.

   In addition, the old lady doesn\'t like Li Shu, the granddaughter.


   I hate the house and the black.

   Compared with other uncles, the old lady doesn\'t like Zhu Pingan very much. When seeing Zhu Pingan for the first time, the old lady looked down on Zhu Pingan, who is simple and honest. Although the attitude of the old lady changed a little after Zhu Pingan won the first prize, but the old lady hoped to be the first prize It was her grandson Li Yanzhou, even other uncles, and even the old lady had such a thought in her heart, thinking that Zhu Pingan stole his grandson Li Yanzhou\'s champion.

  Of course, the older and hotter the old lady will not show these psychology on the face.

   Now, when they heard that the content of the imperial decree was to punish Zhu Ping\'an with silver coins, they even felt a little bit of joy in their hearts.

  Especially Miss Six, she even took a special look at Li Shu, as if mockingly saying, Fifth Sister, let you be more embarrassing

  (end of this chapter)