Rise From the Humble

Chapter 800: Second Decree

Chapter 800 The Second Imperial Decree

  Brilliant sunlight, shining down through the canopy of the courtyard like an umbrella, is bright and dazzling, illuminating every corner of the courtyard of Linhuaihou Mansion.

  In the courtyard, Zhu Ping\'an was kneeling there, and Li Shu, the old lady and others were fan-shaped, kneeling halfway behind.

  Eunuch Jia, who came from the palace, stood in front of them holding the imperial decree, at the center of the fan.

  Zhu Ping\'an was stunned, and Li Shu behind her also opened her mouth in surprise.

  The expressions on the faces of the old lady, Miss Six and others are much richer.

  Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

  Finally, Eunuch Jia who was standing in front broke the stillness, looked at Zhu Pingan with a slight smile, and reminded softly, "Master Zhu, accept the order."

   "Oh, oh, my minister Zhu Ping\'an took the decree, thank you Lord Long En, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

  Zhu Pingan came back to his senses under the reminder of Eunuch Jia, knelt on the ground, put his hands on the ground, put his head close to the ground, kowtowed to the leader to thank him, then straightened his waist, stretched his hands, and took the imperial edict from Eunuch Jia.

   Li Shu and other female relatives kowtowed together.

  The old lady watched Zhu Pingan take over the imperial decree, and felt very grateful again in her heart, thankfully it wasn\'t her son Linhuaihou, otherwise it would be her son who made a fool of herself now.

  The Sixth Miss of the Hou Mansion looked at Li Shu from the corner of her eyes, gloating in her misfortune

In the Hou Mansion, she had the most trouble with Li Shu, the fifth elder sister. She couldn\'t get used to Li Shu\'s arrogant appearance. In her opinion, Li Shu was not as good as her in appearance, body, and everything. Why does Li Shu look like she can\'t finish spending, but she can only count the pitiful monthly money? Why is Li Shu so lucky to find a bumpkin in the countryside, but she became the number one scholar in the blink of an eye, and she I can only accept a dude who has a bad reputation, is incompetent and self-righteous.

Especially a few days ago, when it was rumored in the house that Zhu Ping\'an had handled a major case in Taicang, saying that he was exaggerated by the Holy Spirit, Miss Six didn\'t like Li Shu even more. She felt that Li Shu was more arrogant than before. It\'s time to pout your tail and go to the sky!


it\'s good now!

  I\'ll make you laugh again.

   It turned out that the Holy Majesty rewarded him with a fine of one hundred and sixty taels of silver. Giggle almost laughed out loud.

  Miss Six\'s eyes narrowed into crescent moons, her small cherry mouth was slightly curved, revealing a section of small canine teeth, which glistened in the sun.

  Thunder, rain and dew are all due to the grace of the king.

  Although Zhu Pingan had ten thousand words in his heart that he wanted to say to Emperor Jiajing, he still accepted the imperial edict respectfully.

  Zhu Ping\'an was about to get up, ready to respectfully put the imperial decree on the table and enshrine it.

  General courtiers do this when they receive an imperial decree, unless it is an imperial decree such as beheading and ransacking their homes, even if they want to enshrine, they will have no chance.

   "My lord Zhu, please be patient, this edict has not been announced yet."

  But when Zhu Ping\'an was about to get up, Eunuch Jia who was standing in front waved his hands with a smile on his face.


and also?

  Zhu Ping\'an and the others were all startled.

  The old lady of Linhuaihou\'s Mansion was also stunned. She was thankful, but at the same time she couldn\'t help feeling a little bit embarrassed. Why isn\'t the fine enough? Are you going to be demoted?

  Although she doesn\'t like Li Shu, the granddaughter, and even Zhu Pingan, the son-in-law, but having such a champion son-in-law gives her a lot of things to talk about when chatting with other meritorious old ladies.

   If it’s just a silver fine, it’s okay. But if the uncle is fined and demoted, it will also have a great adverse effect on their Houfu. The direct effect is that she will lose face among the old sisters.

  Miss Six heard that there was an imperial decree, the curvature of Cherry\'s small mouth became wider, and the little canine teeth showed more.

  Remove the official, it’s better to be a commoner, let’s see what you can be proud of, Li Shu, in front of me...

   "Master Xiao Zhu, please accept the order."

   As he spoke, Eunuch Jia took out another copy of the same black ox horn shaft from the tray held respectfully by the little **** behind him, as if conjuring.

   "Minister, Zhu Pingan accepts the order." Zhu Pingan kowtowed again to accept the order.

"Following the fate of heaven, the emperor said: \'Sizhilang Wuyi, and Zhu Pingan, the attendant of the Imperial Academy, have been diligent and thrifty in serving the public since they became officials. The ministers of the king are all trusted officials, and they also follow the lead, without realizing it, and no one can commit adultery, and they are even responsible for the appointment. Only Zhu Ping\'an, who went forward despite the difficulties, lived up to my expectations, and in the case of Taicang\'s deficit, The contribution is indispensable. I will be promoted to be a bachelor from Wupin Hanlin Academy and a director of Wuyi Zongsi from now on..." After Jia Gonggong unfolded the second imperial edict, he used the same tone as when he read the first imperial edict, cadenced read out.

   This time, to Zhu Ping\'an\'s ears, Eunuch Jia\'s voice was like spring breeze.

   Well, I didn’t expect this Eunuch Jia’s voice to be so magnetic, it’s more than enough to be a host in modern times.

   Zhu Pingan thought so.

  Looking at it this way, Emperor Jiajing is not too weak. Although the official position is just to add the word "Bachelor" after the imperial court attendant, don\'t underestimate these two words. The addition of these two words means that Zhu Ping\'an has been promoted to the fifth rank, which is equivalent to the modern age. The deputy department level + position.

  Basically, it is only half a level lower than Director Qi in the name of the people.

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an has no real power, and he is incomparable with Director Qi who holds great power. This is only in terms of rank.


From a sixth-rank official to a fifth-rank official, this is a qualitative leap. From a fifth-rank official to a middle-level official, I don’t know how many people have climbed ashore from the single-plank bridge of the imperial examination, and they have been stumbled in front of this threshold until they are old. .

  Just like the Qi training period to the foundation building period in Xianxia novels, this is a natural moat, during the foundation building period, everyone is an ant, and they will become dragons in one leap.

  Well, from this point of view, Emperor Jiajing is not a faint emperor...

  At this moment, Zhu Ping\'an had long forgotten about going to the gate of Xiyuan Palace to protest with banners.

   Li Shu on the side heard this, her watery eyes narrowed into a crescent shape, and she glanced at the old lady, Miss Six and others from the corner of her eye, her little head raised an arc...

  The old lady of the Marquis of Linhuai\'s mansion on the side opened her eyes wide in surprise. The fifth son-in-law was promoted, and suddenly became a bachelor of the Imperial Academy from the fifth rank? ! The fifth son-in-law is only sixteen, he was only promoted some time ago, why did he get promoted again, the fifth son-in-law only got a Jinshi this year, so he should be a fifth-rank official, not even the emperor\'s own son Hurry up, such a young Cong Wupin, it\'s scary to think about it.


  Why didn\'t this edict be for his son Linhuaihou?

   Not to mention a fine of more than a hundred taels of silver, even a fine of 10,000 taels of silver, I am willing.

  The more the old lady Linhuaihou thought about it, the more lost she felt, wishing that it was his son Linhuaihou who would receive the order now.

  The sixth lady of the Hou Mansion on the side, the boss with her small mouth open, her surprised eyes almost popped out, and what echoed in her mind was "from the fifth rank, from the fifth rank, from the fifth rank..."

what happened? The emperor was fined one hundred and sixty taels of silver in the last imperial decree, so how could he be promoted after the next imperial decree? !

  Emperor, can you have some principles? !

  The fifth brother-in-law could not be the emperor\'s illegitimate son, this official promotion is too fast.

  If the fifth brother-in-law is my husband-in-law, how wonderful it would be? !


  Li Shu, a country girl, is not as tall as me, not as tall as me, not as good as me in everything, why should she take over all the good things.


  Did the village girl Li Shu look at me just now? !

   She looked at me with her chin again? !

soy Mujer!

   So angry!

  For a moment, the sixth young miss of the Hou Mansion bit her lips tightly, and the handkerchief in her hand was about to shatter.

  (end of this chapter)