Rise From the Humble

Chapter 798: decree to

Chapter 798 Imperial Decree Arrives

  In the early morning of the third day of Zhu Ping’an’s vacation, the bright red sun rose from the east, the mist was dispersed by the sun, and the dew reflected the rising sun on the green leaves, awakening the sleeping world.

  Early in the morning, Baozi\'s little maids, Hua\'er and Qin\'er, went into the bathroom with red faces and lowered their heads, carrying two buckets of hot water, and then walked out with reddened faces and lowered heads.

   "It\'s all your fault, I got up late to draw, they must be secretly laughing."

On the embroidered couch, Li Shu stretched out her white lotus root jade arms to support her body, and her pink and white jade fingers pulled the corner of the quilt to cover her body, revealing a flushed face like a peach from behind, her eyes filled with spring water, watery It can drown people, and complained to Zhu Pingan who got out of bed with his ruddy mouth.

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words, got out of bed, and his old face blushed. Yesterday he said to be temperate, but he added another meal this morning.

  The following is not an example.

   "Ahem, I\'m going to take a shower first." Zhu Pingan coughed and walked into the bathroom as if fleeing.

   "Ah, Zhu Ping\'an, I want to wash first."

   "Ahem, let\'s wash together."

   "Liar. Who wants to wash with you, you tricked me to wash with you last night, but you are a bad person with evil intentions, and you took the opportunity to do bad things."

  Shaoqing, there was a whimper in the bedroom, and then it became calm again, only the faint sound of water came.

  At this time, Marquis Linhuai had already gone out to report to the Ministry of War, Ministry of Officials and other officials.

  However, before the Marquis of Linhuai rode a horse to go to the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Officials, etc. to report on his duties, a group of father-in-laws who came to proclaim the decree were ushered in at the back of the Marquis of Huaihe.

  The father-in-law who announced the decree was holding a scroll of three-color imperial decree on a black scroll, followed by four young eunuchs, one of whom was also holding a scroll of imperial decree, and the bearing was also a black horn scroll. Behind the fifth-rank **** followed a team of imperial guards, relying on Ming Huang, the arrival of the group caught the concierge of the Marquis of Linhuai Mansion and the stewards of the outer courtyard by surprise, and the stewards greeted them politely before they came to ask carefully, and hurriedly sent someone Report to the old lady who sits in the Hou Mansion.

  There are two officials in the mansion, one is Marquis Linhuai who has just returned from Yingtian to report on his work, and has just left;

  But, who is this father-in-law from the palace to declare to? !

  The old lady of the Marquis of Linhuai asked the steward who came to report to whom the father-in-law came to announce the decree, but the steward did not know.

  The old lady asked the father-in-law what color the imperial decree was holding, and the concierge replied only from memory that the father-in-law who announced the imperial edict was holding a three-color imperial edict on a black axis.

  After hearing this, the old lady had a solid idea. The three-color decree of the black axis is for senior officials above the fifth rank.

  In the past, when the old Marquis Linhuai was still there, he showed off the imperial decree enshrined in the ancestral hall to the old lady. He said that the imperial decree is a symbol of the emperor\'s power and the status of an official. According to the different ranks of officials, they are strictly distinguished. The imperial decree bearings issued to first-rank officials are jade axes, those issued to second-rank officials are black rhinoceros horn axes, third-rank officials are affixed with gold, and fourth-rank and fifth-rank officials are black horn axes. ;The fabric of the imperial decree is also very particular about the grade. The color of the imperial decree below the fifth rank is a single white silk. Only the imperial decree for officials above the fifth rank will have multiple colors, such as three colors, five colors and seven colors, etc. The color of the imperial decree The more, the higher the rank of the official receiving the order.

   Those above rank five are of course for Marquis Linhuai. Although Zhu Ping\'an is young and promising, he is only rank six.

  So, when the old lady heard that it was the imperial decree of the three colors of the black axis, she took it for granted that it was for Linhuaihou, so she hurriedly sent someone to chase after Linhuaihou.

Fortunately, Marquis Linhuai was fat and his horse ran slowly. When the servants of Marquis Linhuai\'s mansion caught up with Marquis Linhuai, Marquis Linhuai walked out of Gonghou Street not far away. After hearing the decree from the palace, Linhuai Marquis Marquis Huai hastily whipped the steed under his crotch vigorously and drove back. After a short distance, the horse was so tired that it was foaming at the mouth.

   "Master Hou, the nobles in the palace are here to announce the decree to the fifth aunt. The old lady is worried that you will miss the time for the report, so let me tell you quickly. The nobles in the palace have said that you don\'t need to go back."

  But before Marquis Linhuai rushed back to the Marquis Mansion, the second wave of servants from Marquis Linhuai Mansion came after him on horseback.

  Hearing this news, Marquis Linhuai\'s psychological shadow can\'t be calculated for a long time

  In Linhuaihou\'s mansion, when the old lady learned that the people in the palace were here to announce the decree for Zhu Ping\'an, she hurriedly sent Zijuan to Ting Yuxuan to find Zhu Ping\'an and Li Shu.

   Zijuan trotted all the way to Ting Yuxuan, and then learned from Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er that the two parties were still taking a bath in the bathroom

  What kind of bath do you take in the early morning? !

   Officials and eunuchs are said to be licentious and unscrupulous. Zijuan, who has been serving in the Hou\'s mansion for a long time, also knows some things about men and women.

  Zijuan was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and spat, her face was flushed red, she thought Fifth Young Master was a cat that didn’t eat fish, but it turned out that Fifth Young Master was also a cat.

  What can be greater than the imperial decree? ! Zijuan urges Hua\'er to go to the bathroom to tell the two parties the news of the people coming from the palace to announce the decree.

   Soon, Ting Yuxuan was in a panic.

Of course, the outer courtyard of the Hou Mansion was also full of chaos. Although the old lady was very disappointed that she did not come to announce the decree to her son, Zhu Ping\'an was also the son-in-law of the Hou Mansion, and he was considered half of the Hou Mansion. Concentrated, the dispatch housekeeper hurriedly arranged it.

   Setting tables, incense stands, burning incense

   When Zhu Pingan took Li Shu and the girl and old lady, and hurried from Ting Yuxuan to the front yard, their hair was still wet. It looked like they had just come out of the bathroom and changed their clothes in a hurry.

   "Go to the front yard quickly, don\'t keep the nobles in the palace waiting."

  The old lady of Linhuaihou Mansion is a traditional one. Seeing the two people walking with wet hair, the wrinkles on their faces deepened a little.

   "Yeah." Zhu Pingan coughed awkwardly and nodded.

  A group of people went to the front yard together. In the front yard, the **** who came to announce the edict from the palace was sitting in the main hall having tea. The leading father-in-law was not Feng Bao who had come to announce the edict before, and the other four young eunuchs were also unfamiliar.

   But this is not surprising. There are seven or eight thousand eunuchs in the palace. It is normal for Zhu Pingan not to know each other.

   "The next official heard that the father-in-law came to announce the decree. In order to show respect to the Holy One, he took a bath and changed clothes to receive the decree. The father-in-law has been waiting for a long time."

  Zhu Pingan walked a few steps quickly, bowed his hand to the leading **** to express his apology, and said boldly.

  When the old lady of Linhuaihou Mansion heard the words, the crutch in her hand shook.

  Zi Juan and other well-informed girls heard the words, and their understanding of Zhu Ping\'an reached a new height.

   "Where is that, Mr. Zhu is serious." The leading father-in-law smiled and stretched out his hand to help Zhu Ping\'an get up. His face was full of spring breeze and kindness, and he didn\'t mean to be unhappy because he had waited for a long time.

  (end of this chapter)