Rise From the Humble

Chapter 797: Kong Rongrang Pears

Chapter 797 Kong Rong let the pear

"In my opinion, although Mr. Yan Ge contributed a lot to the case, the biggest contributor to the theft in Taicang is Mr. Zhu Ping\'an and Mr. Zhu. Before Mr. Zhu inspected Taicang, our Ming Dynasty sent censors to inspect the Taicang Bank every year. Thirty years, every year, but Taicang has lost half of it, and there is no censor who checks the library to find out? Who would believe it?! These censors are blind, or are they just decorations?! If Master Zhu didn’t Fearing power, regardless of personal safety, willing to risk the disgrace of the world, stripped naked in full view, blocked the mouths of political opponents, entered the bank naked to count gold and silver, and lifted the dark cover. I don’t know how to hide until the year of the monkey.” Another person downstairs mentioned Zhu Ping’an and praised him vigorously.

However, someone soon sneered, "It took Master Zhu ten days to find out the deficit in Taicang, but Master Yan found out the truth in two days, hehe, but judging from this time, Master Yan is not the same as Master Zhu. Comparable."

"Time? Hehe, I\'m afraid this man doesn\'t know the inside story. My uncle is on business in Dali Temple, but he told me. The inspector who was originally ordered to inspect the Taicang Bank, including Mr. Zhu, has five officials. The deputy envoys are all third-rank officials. However, on the second day after receiving the imperial decree of the inspection of Taicang, the principal and deputy envoys made excuses to quit the inspection. On the third day, the remaining two inspectors followed suit. At the end of the road, Master Zhu was left alone. Master Zhu inspected the Taicang Bank by himself, and it only took less than ten days. There are four adults who are adjudicating the case together, and there are factory guards at their disposal." The person who had just praised Zhu Ping\'an quickly retorted.


  The discussion downstairs became fierce again. Many people joined in and expressed their opinions. Generally speaking, Zhu Ping’an’s side was a minority, but it was much better than the beginning, and the growth trend was obvious.

   "My lord, listen, someone praised you again, hee hee, there are still people who are not blind"

   Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er stood in front of the window, listening to the discussion downstairs, her eyes gradually narrowed into crescent moons, and her face turned rosy.

   "Uncle, Uncle."

   After the servant girl under Baozi finished speaking, she didn\'t hear the answer, so she couldn\'t help but turned around and called my aunt, but she was stunned for a moment when she turned her head.

  In sight, Zhu Ping\'an is holding his sleeves and arms, grabbing food with the bear boy Rui. How can there be any demeanor of defying power, disregarding personal safety, and serving the people wholeheartedly.

   "Brother-in-law, you have eaten so much, I should give this big abalone to me." The bear boy couldn\'t grab Zhu Ping\'an, so he screamed anxiously.

  There are only two abalones left on the plate, one is very big and the other is half the size. It was the big one that Zhu Pingan and Xiongzi robbed.

"Your child, what should I do if I eat such a big abalone? My brother-in-law will help you eat it. Yes, the big one is really delicious." Zhu Pingan said, put the largest abalone on the plate into his own plate, and sucked it into his mouth Then he made an exaggerated expression of intoxication.

  So the bear kid screamed even more anxiously, his little fat face was almost drawn to the table, "Brother-in-law, bumpkin, have you ever learned from Kong Rong to make pears?"

   "I have learned it." Zhu Pingan nodded.

   "Then why don\'t you learn from Kong Rong." The childish chubby could hardly hold the chopsticks in his hands.

   "I learned it." Zhu Pingan nodded again.

   "You talk nonsense, you learn, why don\'t you give it to me." The bear child\'s fat face trembled with emotion.

"What is the story of Kong Rong giving pears? It is the story that Kong Rong gave the big pears to his brother when he was a child. Kong Rong said, \'I am young, so I should take the smallest one, and the big one should be left to my brother\' When educating children, you need to be courteous. You are small and I am big, so I should eat the big ones, right?" Zhu Pingan tugged on the bear\'s little fat face, smiled slightly, and revealed Eight white teeth, the smile is very sunny.

   "Huh?" The bear was stunned for a moment, and then began to try to recall the story of Kong Rong making pears.

The master told the story of Kong Rong letting pears. It said that Kong Rong\'s mother bought a lot of pears for Kong Rong and his elder brother to eat, and asked the young Kong Rong to pick first. The big pear was given to his brother. The young ones eat the small ones, and the old ones eat the big ones.

   It seems that what the bumpkin brother-in-law said makes sense.


   Something seems wrong.

  The brat was stunned for a while, then shook his chubby face again, and yelled, "I don\'t care, I\'m young anyway, so you have to let me go."

"Brother Rui, the story about Kong Rong letting pears told to you by your master is not complete. It can be said that the stories about Kong Rong making pears that are being circulated are not complete." Zhu Pingan touched the bear\'s chubby face, Kneading it like kneading dough, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, revealing a confident and gentle smile.

   "Why isn\'t it complete?!" The bear child knocked off Zhu Pingan\'s hand like kneading dough, and said with a stick of neck.

   "Incomplete?" Little Lolita opened her mouth wide in surprise.

   "Isn\'t it complete?" Baozi\'s little maids Hua\'er and Qin\'er all opened their mouths. The story of Kong Rong making pears was widely circulated, and they had all heard of it, but when they heard Zhu Pingan say that the story of Kong Rong making pears was incomplete, they both opened their mouths in surprise.

   Li Shu looked at them with a smile on the side, and then glanced at Zhu Pingan, with a pair of beautiful big eyes, unusually lively and energetic.

Zhu Pingan and Li Shu looked at each other, smiled slightly, then turned to the bear boy, and said solemnly: "Because the complete Kong Rong makes pears like this. Kong Rong\'s mother bought a lot of pears for Kong Rong and him. Kong Rong picked the youngest pears first, but Kong Rong picked the smallest pears and gave up the bigger pears to his elder brother. So Kong Rong\'s parents praised Kong Rong happily."

   "Isn\'t that the same?" The bear child raised his head to look at Zhu Ping\'an, with a small fat face that perfectly interpreted his contempt, and curled his lips in disdain and said.

   "I haven\'t finished yet." Zhu Ping\'an smiled slightly.

   "There\'s more in the back?!" The brat was taken aback.

Zhu Pingan nodded and continued, "After Kong Rong\'s parents left, Kong Rong\'s older brothers also patted Kong Rong\'s head in relief and said, \'Brother, if you were like this earlier, would we still beat you like that? !\'”

   "Huh?" The bear child was completely stunned, with a small fat face like a bull terrier, very naive. It seems that the Kong Rong that the country bumpkin brother-in-law talked about made Li more reasonable.

   Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er was also stunned.

  Qin\'er and little Lolita Niuniu were stunned for a moment, then came to their senses, covering their mouths and laughing.

Li Shu burst out laughing. Zhu Ping\'an\'s joke about Kong Rong making pears was a bad joke in modern times, but for Li Shu and the others, it was new and couldn\'t be newer. Fresh and funny.

   "Uncle is really bad."

  The little maid of Baozi reacted belatedly in the laughter of Li Shu and the others, looked at Zhu Pingan sadly, and said with a small mouth.

  (end of this chapter)