Rise From the Humble

Chapter 796: The Minister of the Arms and Arms, the Great Ming Jade Bi

Chapter 796 The Minister of the Arm, the Great Ming Jade Bi

  Kyoto at dusk, with the setting sun and the wind, the sunset glow burned half the sky red, filling the capital with boundless red, adding a lot of hazy and poetic flavor to the bustling imperial capital.

  Dawn and dusk are the most popular in midsummer. It is cool in the morning, but many people cannot enjoy it because of snooze and other reasons; at dusk, it is different, most of the summer heat dissipated after a dull day, and people who have been busy or pastime all day can enjoy such a comfortable dusk.

  The already prosperous imperial capital became more lively, full of traffic and pedestrians.

   Located in Xicheng District, Zuixianlou is one of the most famous restaurants in the capital. It is built with jade and carved railings, cornices and corners, as if flying into the clouds. There is a couplet pasted at the gate of Zuixian Tower, the upper couplet reads "King Wen of Zhou visits Tai Gong Zhiwei to stop the car";

  Zuixian Tower has always been a place where the literati, warriors, and travellers of the capital can drink, gather, chat and talk about things.

   Still today.

  In the restaurant, there was a lot of noise, and there were no seats left. There were three to five tables of literati, refined scholars, warriors, and passers-by.

  If you want to be quieter, you can go to the private rooms on the second and third floors. The interior decoration is exquisite and elegant, and it is very comfortable.

  At this time, Zhu Ping\'an, Li Shu, Hua\'er, Xiong Zi and Xiao Luoli were eating in the private room on the second floor.

When Linhuaihou went out to visit friends in the afternoon, Zhu Pingan took Li Shu, Hua\'er and the others to go boating in Shichahai. Xiongzi and little Lolita Niuniu wanted to go with them after hearing about it, so Zhu Pingan and Li Shu had to go out. Take them with you.

  Of course Liu Mu and Liu Dadao also followed.

   Rafting on the Shichahai Lake, wandering in the sea of ​​lotus, has a special artistic conception.

Fishing, enjoying the lotus, playing for a whole afternoon, did not return until dusk, when passing by this store, the bear boy was hungry, smelling the smell of the restaurant, he did not leave without saying anything, so Zhu Pingan Then he took them into the store for dinner.

Li Shu is so beautiful, Baozi\'s little maid Hua\'er and Qin\'er are also pretty, like the moonlight in the night sky, it\'s impossible not to be noticed, Zhu Pingan led Li Shu and the others into the shop, It caused a sideways look.

  As long as the people sitting in the lobby noticed that Zhu Ping\'an and the others had entered the store, their eyes would be attracted by Li Shu and the others, and they were amazed.

  Is there anything so stunning in the world? !

Then I noticed Zhu Pingan next to Li Shu. Looking at the way Li Shu and Zhu Pingan were whispering, it was obvious that the famous flower had already had an owner, and it was the posture of the people around her. Obviously a maid.

  In this day and age, what does maid mean?

In some people\'s eyes, the maids are just screaming and screaming. To put it bluntly, the maids are not restricted by the master, and they can enjoy them as long as they say they enjoy them. The dream of some maids.

  All the good cabbages are arched by pigs. There are still three cabbages in one arch, all of which are juicy cabbages.

  So, everyone sitting in the lobby envied and hated Zhu Ping\'an.

   Zhu Ping\'an looks ordinary, with a simple and honest face, not handsome at all, which makes people even more envious and jealous.

  If it weren\'t for Zhu Ping\'an\'s obviously wealthy clothes, and behind him Liu Mu and Liu Dadao who were obviously extraordinary.

  They are not just sitting on the table envious and jealous.

  Li Shu Huaer and the others hated the lobby very much, and Zhu Pingan didn\'t like the eyes of the people in the lobby who were so good at cabbages that the pigs looked at them, so they rewarded the waiter with a piece of silver and asked the waiter to arrange a private room on the second floor.

Liu Mu and Liu Dadao wanted to stay in the lobby, and Zhu Pingan also knew that they would feel uncomfortable if they went to the private room, but they would be more comfortable eating in the lobby, so he ordered a table for them and asked them to stay. In the lobby.

  The environment of the private room on the second floor is good, the decoration is elegant and exquisite, like a study room or a boudoir, it is both elegant and comfortable.

   A table of dishes, a pot of tea.

  During the meal, the conversation downstairs also came up faintly.

"Your Majesty Yan really deserves to be a minister of the Zhu Kingdom. He was ordered to investigate the theft of the Taicang Bank, and found out more than a hundred people who were moths in the country. In just two days, we have generated more than 700,000 silver and more than 200 gold for the Ming treasury. Ten thousand taels..."

   "The minister of the shoulders, the Great Ming jade..."

   "Hey, have you heard! Yesterday, Jin Yiwei found more than 100,000 taels of silver and 10,000 taels of gold from the house of the former treasury minister in Taicang. When pulling the gold and silver, a horse died of exhaustion..."

"Hehe, it\'s not surprising that so much money was found from his house. No one knows how greedy that person is in private. If you want me to say, the most shocking thing is Wang Yushi, tsk tsk, anyone who mentioned Wang Yushi before yesterday had to stand up." Thumbs up, this is a well-known upright official in the Ming Dynasty. He has been an official in the capital for ten years, and he still lives in a rented house. When his daughter is ten years old, she still shares a room with them... No way, let alone buy a house. This Wang Yushi can\'t even afford to rent a big house. I heard that when people from Dongchang searched their homes, this Wang Yushi would drink porridge with rotten vegetables and leaves with his wife and children. They found 18,543 taels of silver in Wang Yushi\'s dilapidated house, and buried them all in the yard."

   "I heard that there are two officials in Taicang who committed suicide in fear of crime."

Hearing such high-spirited talk from the people downstairs, Hua\'er, the little maid of Baozi, could put a bottle of oil on her pursed mouth, and became indignant: "Why, it\'s my uncle who found out the case, and it\'s a deficit account book! , my uncle has already found out the problem, so what Yan Song just reached out to pick a ripe peach, why should he take all the benefits."

   "That\'s right, I\'m also aggrieved for my uncle." Qin\'er nodded accordingly.

"Hmph, they are just bullying people. My uncle worked so hard in the past few days. He got up early and stayed up late at night. He couldn\'t eat well and sleep well. He ate cakes all day long. He finally checked the national treasury\'s deficit. In the end, they got nothing for nothing. I picked the peaches as soon as I stretched out my hand, I\'m getting angry just thinking about it." Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er\'s face was puffed up.

  After Hua\'er finished speaking, there was another discussion downstairs, and after hearing a sentence, the corners of her brows frowned and her eyebrows danced, "So there are still people who understand."

"If you want me to say that Mr. Zhu Pingan, the inspector who discovered the deficit in Taicang a few days ago, is the biggest contributor. If Mr. Zhu hadn\'t been afraid of power at that time, stripped off his clothes to prove his innocence, and insisted on investigating Taicang to the bottom. How could such a big Taicang theft be exposed in broad daylight."

  The discussion downstairs spread to the private room on the second floor, making Baozi\'s little maid elated.

  However, the little maid of Baozi soon pouted her lips again, because similar arguments were soon overwhelmed by the overwhelming voices of praise for Yan Song.

  (end of this chapter)