Rise From the Humble

Chapter 783: exhibitionist

Chapter 783 Exhibitionist

  The sun was setting and the palace gate was locked. A young man in official uniform came galloping from a distance on a horse, followed by more than ten Dongchang aficionados.

  The boy here is Zhu Pingan.

  After checking and calculating the data in the inventory, Zhu Pingan put away the data immediately, rode his horse and whipped his whip, and went straight to Xiyuan to see Emperor Jiajing.

  At the gate of Xiyuan Palace, Zhu Pingan got off his horse and knocked on the gate of Xiyuan Palace.

  At this time, Eunuch Cao was at the gate of the palace gate, the one who was promoted by Feng Bao from the Huanyi Bureau. He would take the initiative to greet Zhu Pingan these few times when he entered the palace.

"My lord Zhu, why are you asking to see the sage at this time? The sage is taking pills for dinner at this time. It is against the rules for you to ask to see the sage at this time. Miscellaneous family suggests that lord Zhu should ask to see him as soon as possible tomorrow." Seeing that it was Zhu Pingan who was knocking outside the palace gate, Eunuch Cao couldn\'t help reminding Zhu Pingan kindly after knowing Zhu Pingan\'s intention.

  Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands, shook his head with a wry smile, "Eunuch Cao, this is a very important matter, and I dare not delay, so I have to deal with the matter urgently. I beg you, Eunuch Cao, to explain everything to you. Ping An will bear all the consequences."

   "How big is it?" Eunuch Cao asked curiously.

   "It\'s about the foundation of the country." Zhu Pingan replied solemnly.

   "Master Xiao Zhu, wait for a while, and the miscellaneous family will go in Tongbing." Hearing this, Eunuch Cao knew that the matter was important, so he turned around and went in Tongbing without hesitation.

   "Thank you, Eunuch Cao."

  Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands in thanks, and stood outside the palace gate waiting.

  The sun was setting, and the sunset glow burned half of the sky red, and the palace wall of Ximen was also burnt red.

waited for so long.

   Zhu Ping\'an\'s legs were sore from standing for so long.


   There was a sound of opening the door, which to Zhu Ping\'an was like the sound of nature.

  Eunuch Cao opened the palace gate, wiped the sweat from his brow, panted and said to Zhu Pingan, "Master Zhu... please come in."

   "Thank you, Eunuch Cao." Zhu Pingan could tell from the sweat on Eunuch Cao\'s head and his panting that he just ran all the way. When he entered the door, Zhu Pingan nodded to thank him.

   "Your Majesty Xiao Zhu is very polite, please hurry up, don\'t keep Long Live Lord waiting for too long." Eunuch Cao shook his head with a smile.

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded and walked quickly inside.

  Gold-swallowing beasts on the ridge of the palace, jade scales on the pillars of the palace, green trees on both sides of the royal road, famous flowers, red walls and golden tiles, brilliant and brilliant.

   All the way unimpeded.

  Theoretically speaking, most of the smell in the imperial palace should be women\'s makeup, but Xiyuan is different. The most prominent smell in Xiyuan is the smell of incense.

  If you only talk about the taste, you might think that you have entered a temple or a Taoist temple.

  Walking at the entrance of the Longevity Palace, Zhu Pingan organized the language again, adjusted the official uniform, and then walked in.

  Just as he lifted his footsteps and was about to enter the door, a gust of fragrant wind hit, and then he was bumped by a person who ran out angrily inside.

   "Princess, please slow down, be careful..." The voices of two maids in the palace sounded in hindsight, but it was too late, and when they shouted to be careful, the two had already collided.

  The incident happened suddenly, and before Zhu Ping\'an could dodge in time, he was hit on the shoulder and took a step back.

  The man inside was not so lucky. He was half a head shorter than Zhu Ping\'an, and with his head down, he directly hit Zhu Ping\'an\'s shoulder with his forehead. His shiny forehead immediately turned red, and almost bulged out.

"Oh, what a blind dog slave dares to stand in the way of this princess." A thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl in court costume groaned in pain. Ping An cursed endlessly.

   Turned out to be a princess? !

   Still a barbaric princess!

  Zhu Ping\'an heard the words, and his heart was full of slander, but who would let others be reincarnated? Although he was pointed at his nose and scolded, he could only bow his head, bow his head and bow his hands in apology, "I don\'t know the princess is here, I am guilty of the crime."

   "Huh? It\'s you, exhibitionist?!"

  Zhu Ping\'an lowered his head, and suddenly heard an exclamation from above his head, and Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but have black lines on his face.

  Is this princess crazy? !

  Where is my exhibitionist, the official uniform is very neat, and this is the first meeting, okay!

   "I don\'t understand."

  Zhu Ping\'an lowered his head, speechless.

   "It turns out that the reason why my father pushed me back to Fengyang Pavilion is because of your broken son?! You wait! Hmph! You are the one to look at!"

  The voice of the princess above her head was full of sullenness, and then she snorted, flicked her sleeves, and left with a series of angry footsteps.

   "The minister is terrified."

  Zhu Ping\'an was even more speechless. This princess is really crazy, it\'s inexplicable.

   "Princess, please slow down."

  The two court ladies trotted and chased after her.

   Zhu Pingan raised his head when the sound of footsteps faded away, glanced out of the corner of his eye, saw the backs of three people walking away, shook his head speechlessly, and walked into the palace.

   Zhu Pingan didn\'t take the threat of the princess who didn\'t even see her face seriously, thinking that the crazy princess must have admitted the wrong person, an exhibitionist. How could it be himself.

   Things like princesses are raised in the deep palace and people don’t know them. I have only entered the palace a few times, and I have never seen a maid, let alone a princess. Besides, I was always careful in the palace, always dressed neatly, even sleeping in pajamas, how dare I expose it. Therefore, this somewhat neurotic princess must have admitted the wrong person.

   To Zhu Ping\'an, this was an inexplicable episode, and he didn\'t take it seriously at all.

   Entered the outer hall of the Longevity Palace, and the **** on duty passed the message inside. Soon Zhu Ping\'an was summoned and walked in.

   "Criminal Zhu Ping\'an, kowtow to my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

  After entering the inner hall, Zhu Ping\'an immediately bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, referring to Emperor Jiajing in the hall.

  Emperor Jiajing was indeed eating just now, and the meal has not been finished yet, and there are still meals on the table.

   "Why do you call yourself a criminal minister?" Emperor Jiajing put down the jade bowl in his hand, looked at Zhu Pingan kneeling on the ground with great interest and asked.

   "The sinner asked to see the emperor when the palace gate was locked and keyed, and violated the rules. This minister is guilty." Zhu Ping\'an prostrated on the ground, with his forehead on the floor tiles, and replied respectfully.

   "Zhu Ping\'an, you know that you will see me when you return my meal in violation of the regulations. You are a small man, and you are quite courageous." Emperor Jiajing got up, walked to Zhu Ping\'an, and said with a smile that was not a smile.

   "It\'s not that I\'m bold, it\'s that the matter is so important that I dare not delay." Zhu Ping saw the Shifang shoes embroidered with dragon patterns from the corner of his eyes, and couldn\'t help being even more respectful.

The upper of Shifang shoes is a black and white strip pattern with ten holes on it, representing ten directions such as east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, north, northeast, up and down, so it is called Shifang. Shoes are often worn by Taoist priests, and they were also loved by the Taoist Emperor Jiajing. There is no doubt that it is Emperor Jiajing who is standing in front of him and looking down at him from a height.

   "Come on, tell me something important, I\'m listening."

   Emperor Jiajing walked to the dragon chair with his hands behind his back, and sat down.

   "My lord, thank you, Your Majesty."

  Zhu Ping\'an saluted again, and Fang slowly got up.

  (end of this chapter)