Rise From the Humble

Chapter 784: Shock

Chapter 784 Full Chaos Vibration

   "Report to the Holy Majesty, I have ordered an inspection of Taicang. Today is over, and I am here to report to the Holy Majesty." After getting up, Zhu Pingan took out a memorial from his sleeve, and put his hands on top of his head respectfully.

  Huang Jin walked down from Emperor Jiajing, took the memorial from Zhu Ping\'an, and turned his hands to Emperor Jiajing.

  Emperor Jiajing took the memorial, did not open it, and placed it on the dragon case in front of him, looked at Zhu Pingan and said, "Tell me about the results of the inspection."

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, I was ordered to inspect Taicang. I focused on inspecting the books and books of Taicang for the past three years, and took stock of the gold and silver in the treasury. The accounts in Taicang recorded 2,127,200 taels of silver, and the deposit The gold is 720,000 taels. However, after checking the account books for several days, the minister found that there was a deficit of 367,543 taels of silver on the paper and false accounts, and it was impossible to match the accounts. Chen Panku, the Taicang silver warehouse only has 1,237,250 taels of silver and 316,500 taels of gold, and there are 903,800 taels of silver in it. It\'s not pure silver, and one hundred and twenty-five thousand five hundred taels of gold is not pure gold." Zhu Ping\'an stood respectfully in front of the hall and replied seriously.

   "How much?" Emperor Jiajing\'s face changed suddenly, he got up from the dragon chair suddenly, looked at Zhu Ping angrily and asked.

  Hearing the number Zhu Pingan said, Emperor Jiajing almost suspected that his ears had heard it wrong. Press and hold what Ping An said, and half of the Taicang was empty! !

   This kind of deficit has never happened thousands of years ago, from Shang Zhou to Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties!

   If it is true, it will be the biggest case ever hitherto unknown!

  Emperor Jiajing thought he was a wise king, but he was so fooled by his subordinates that he even emptied half of the treasury!

   This was a bolt from the blue for Emperor Jiajing.

One of the biggest problems he faces now in his administration is financial constraints. Captives in the north and Japanese in the south, natural disasters and man-made disasters, money is needed everywhere. In recent years, money has been spent like water. This made Emperor Jiajing frugal even in practicing Taoism and alchemy. .

   It is conceivable that Emperor Jiajing was so upset when he heard that his treasury had been lost by half, how could Emperor Jiajing bear it.

   Emperor Jiajing\'s fury was within Zhu Pingan\'s expectation.

  However, although he had expected Emperor Jiajing\'s anger for a long time, and even knew that Emperor Jiajing\'s anger was not aimed at himself, Zhu Pingan still couldn\'t help but feel a chill down his back when facing the emperor\'s anger. The wrath of the emperor, laying down millions of corpses, bleeding and drifting, this is not a joke.

"Return to the Holy Lord, there is a shortfall in Taicang\'s account, and there are three hundred and sixty-seven thousand five hundred and forty-three taels of silver in the false account, and there is a shortfall of eight hundred and eighty-nine thousand and ninety-five taels of silver and four hundred thousand taels of gold in Taicang. There are 903,800 taels of silver that are not pure silver, and 125,500 taels of gold are not pure gold..." After calming down, Zhu Pingan repeated again.

   "Are you sure? How did the account go short?" Emperor Jiajing\'s voice came out from between his teeth, his face was gloomy, like the sky before a storm.

"I\'m sure, you can use the head of the item as a guarantee. For example, it is obvious that the Ministry of War received salaries recorded in the account books of Taicang. The salary received by the Ministry of War in the previous year was 108,000 taels, plus the reward of 32,000 taels. 140,000 taels, but last year the Taicang account stated that the Ministry of War received a salary of 199,000 taels, which was almost twice as much. According to my investigation, last year the Ministry of War only increased the vacancies of three officials. The salary was nearly doubled. There are still many falsehoods and shortfalls. This is the review record of Weichen, and the falsehoods and shortfalls have been recorded."

  Zhu Ping\'an raised his head, replied with eloquence, and then gave an example of a false account. After speaking, he took out a roll of thick rice paper sewn with needlework from his sleeve, and held his hands above his head respectfully.

   This stack of rice paper is Zhu Pingan\'s account books of the Taicang bank re-stated with the re-examination accounting form. It is a thick stack full of forms and small characters.

   Emperor Jiajing heard Zhu Pingan\'s example, and his face was full of anger in an instant, and the clouds were clouded, but this false account was short of more than 90,000 silver! More than 90,000 silver is enough to relieve drought and flood disasters in several prefectures!

  Huang Jin came down and took the double-entry accounting form from Zhu Ping\'an, and handed it to Emperor Jiajing respectfully with both hands.

Emperor Jiajing turned a page casually and saw a completely different bookkeeping method from today\'s. He was taken aback at first glance, but Emperor Jiajing was also a person whose talent determined his intelligence. After reading it for a while, he understood Zhu Pingan\'s re-examination accounting form Then I discovered the advantages of this re-examination accounting form, in which false accounts and deficits are very obvious.



  Shocking, Emperor Jiajing\'s face became darker the more he looked at it, and the temperature around him dropped again and again, all dropping below zero, as if he was in an ice cellar within a radius of three meters.

After reading it, Emperor Jiajing suddenly kicked over the cases in front of him, and said murderously: "I\'m so angry! I\'m so angry! This group of rats! Silverfish! Eat inside and out! Guard yourself and steal! It\'s a waste of my trust! Come on!" , I have passed on my order to **** all the officials from Taicang to the Ministry of Punishment, and let the factory guards assist them to guard them strictly!"

   "Follow the order."

  An internal waiter serving in the main hall gave the order, and hurried to the outside of the hall to announce the order.

"Huang Ban, draw up the decree. Since I came to the throne, all the ministers who have been in charge of treasury and the ministers who have been dispatched to check the treasury are all trusted officials. I don\'t know if the kings and ministers are ashamed. I blame myself for being ignorant and deeply ashamed. I have handed over to the Ministry of Officials to check the titles and strictly discuss them. This case is written by Yan Song, a scholar of Huagaidian, and Xu, a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion. Li Mo, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and He Ao, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, jointly tried the case of the deficit of the Taicang bank. All the officials involved in the case, regardless of their rank or meritorious service, will be punished strictly. All senior officials above the third rank in Beijing should attend side trial. All officials below the Minister of the Ministry of Households shall avoid according to the law and shall not Participation, if there is any violation, it will be punished as the same party involved in the case.”

  After issuing the oral order, Emperor Jiajing ordered Huang Jin to draft an imperial decree, hand it over to Wuyi Hall, and distribute it to all government offices.

  When the imperial decree was passed to the Wuyi Hall, all the ministers in the hall were shaken, and the impact was comparable to that of a grand ceremony, and soon the entire government and the public were shaken.

   So far

  In history, the biggest treasury deficit case has been unveiled.

The rut of history has also deflected here. There was no such case of treasury deficit in the history of Ming Dynasty. was untied. However, now Zhu Pingan has fanned the wings of the butterfly, lifted the cover, and exposed this big case to the world.


  After this case, the deficit of the treasury of the Ming Dynasty will be curbed, and the treasury will be more abundant than in history.


  When natural disasters and man-made disasters occur, Ming has the financial resources to provide disaster relief; when foreign enemies invade, Ming has the financial resources to organize an army to defend against the enemy.


  Emperor Chongzhen did not have to hang Meishan, but became the master of ZTE.

  Of course, who can tell in the future.

  Actually, when His Highness Zhu Pingan heard the imperial decree dictated by Emperor Jiajing, he felt somewhat unwilling.

  Zhu Ping\'an also knew that he was not qualified to interrogate the case, but when he heard that Emperor Jiajing handed over the case to Yan Song for trial, Zhu Ping\'an still felt a little helpless.

  Emperor Jiajing still trusted Yan Song in his heart.

   But in Zhu Pingan\'s view, this case has a lot to do with the strict party, and it must be the case. But if Yan Song presides over the trial, it is doomed not to find out the root cause.

   But fortunately, Xu Jie, Li Mo and others participated in the presiding trial together. Although the root cause cannot be found, some big fish can\'t escape.

  (end of this chapter)