Rise From the Humble

Chapter 782: stunned

Chapter 782 Dumbfounded

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, you are also stunned by the statistics of Mr. Zhu, hehehe, to be honest, we haven\'t slowed down yet, hahaha" Seeing this, the officials on the side of Zhang Guanku didn\'t know what to do. He bumped Zhang Guanku\'s arm with his hand, pointed to the rice paper in front of Zhu Ping\'an, and laughed.

   "Hmm, cough, cough, ha ha" Zhang Guanku, Jia Langzhong and the others pulled out ugly smiles.

  After Zhao Langzhong came back to his senses, he almost couldn\'t help but say "Fuck", he was stepped on his toes by Jia Langzhong who was familiar with him, and he choked back.

  Others don\'t know the inside story, but they know it all too well. They regard Taicang as a prison, and regard it as their own money bag. How much silver has been brought into Taicang, how much money has been paid out, how much silver and how much gold there is now, they can\'t be clear.

  Although they don\'t know what the numbers wrapped in Zhu Ping\'an\'s arc-shaped ghostly symbols mean, but the actual silver and gold numbers written by Zhu Ping\'an are exactly the same as the real bank\'s inventory.

   What the hell, Zhu Ping\'an only took less than a cup of tea to figure it out? !

  When the ghost hand Zhang unfolded the rice paper, his eyes had been looking at Zhu Pingan all the time, just to yell at Zhu Pingan to attract everyone\'s attention when Zhu Pingan was copying his numbers on the spot, tearing Zhu Ping\'s ugly face.

   "Oh, it\'s impossible, it\'s impossible."

However, when he saw the numbers shown by Zhu Ping\'an, his first reaction was, um, it\'s different from ours, and he was about to open his mouth to laugh, when he suddenly choked his throat like a drake, and choked it with only one note Back to the throat, the whole person was completely stunned, staring at the numbers Zhu Pingan showed in disbelief, shaking his head softly as if struck by five thunders.

  The whole person is crazy.

The numbers shown by Zhu Ping\'an are exactly the same as the numbers he finally got out of all kinds of tricks and abacus calculations. It is the number on the big account that was written in advance based on the account book in Taicang.

  How is it possible, this is impossible!

   Guishou Zhang couldn’t believe his eyes, couldn’t accept this reality, couldn’t accept that a person who couldn’t even make an abacus came up with such accurate data in less than one-tenth of his time.

   This feeling is as if an adult witnessed a baby knocking a strong man to the ground with one fist, which is so weird and unbelievable.

  However, this is the truth.

1,237,250 taels of silver and 316,500 taels of gold, Zhu Ping\'an didn\'t even need an abacus, he calculated the numbers easily and casually, and it took him a lot of effort. Tiger\'s power, it took ten times as long to use the abacus to come up with a number that is not bad at all.

  In the field he is best at, the person he despises the most, uses a gesture that is almost humiliating, stretches out a finger and gets fucked.

The reason why Guishou Zhang despised and ridiculed Zhu Pingan before was because of his accountant ability, which was almost like ghosts and gods. Among them, he was most proud of his arithmetic skills. It is no exaggeration to say that he surpassed his accountant in Daming. No more than five people.

  Relying on the strength of the accountant, although Guishou Zhang is not an official, the officials in Taicang, including Zhang Guanku and others, treat him with courtesy, even the reckless Zhao Langzhong is very polite to him.

  As time goes by, Guishou Zhang has become more and more self-esteemed, and it is precisely because of this that Guishou Zhang despises and laughs at Zhu Pingan.

  But now, the numbers recorded on Zhu Pingan\'s rice paper are like slaps in the face, slapping Guishou Zhang\'s face fiercely.

   Now Guishou Zhang finally understands that it\'s not that Zhu Pingan doesn\'t know how to make abacus, but that he doesn\'t need abacus.

  You can calculate quickly and accurately without using an abacus, and it is several times faster than using an abacus. If it were you, would you still learn and use an abacus?

  I thought of when I laughed at Zhu Ping\'an just now.

  Ghost Hand Zhang was so ashamed for a moment that he wished he could become a mouse, burrow into the ground and never come out.

  Aren\'t you the champion? !

   Don’t study your Four Books, Five Classics, Stereotyped Articles, what kind of arithmetic? !

  The other four accountants were not much better, all of them were stunned, as if they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

   "Hehe, look, the figures calculated by Mr. Zhu shocked the accountants."

   The onlookers who didn\'t know what was going on laughed one after another.

Although Zhang Guanku, Jia Langzhong, Zhao Langzhong and other Taicang high-level officials were smiling, their faces became paler and paler, the chills on their backs became more and more violent, and their hearts felt like ice was frozen. outside.

   Without the need for an abacus, Zhu Ping\'an can accurately and quickly calculate the data of the inventory in this short time of less than a cup of tea.

  Zhu Ping\'an alone is more than ten times faster than Guishou Zhang and their five top old accountants combined.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s arithmetic skill deeply shocked them.

  It made them have to think about something they never dared to think about before. Is three days enough for Zhu Pingan to recheck Taicang\'s three-year account book? !

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s performance just now made them have no doubt about this possibility.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s calculation skills are so superb, what has Bao Buqi seen in the ledger? !

   Deep thinking and fear

   Sweating profusely.

"Ahem, what\'s the matter, what\'s wrong with Zihou? Look at how surprised you all are." Jia Langzhong coughed, stepped forward and patted Guishou Zhang and the others on the shoulders, squinting their eyes and looking at them slightly. He laughed, adding a bit of tone to the typo.

  Under Jia Langzhong\'s reminder, Guishou Zhang and other accountants recovered from being hit by Zhu Pingan\'s magical algorithm.

   "Hehe, yes, Mr. Zhu made a mistake."

   "Well, our five abacuses, the calculated data are not bad at all, which shows that we are correct, Master Zhu\'s is different, Master Zhu made a mistake."

   "Well, exactly."

   Guishou Zhang and others expressed their opinions one after another, saying that Zhu Ping\'an made a mistake.

"A lot of people must be right? Sometimes the truth is in the hands of a few people." Zhu Pingan glanced at Guishou Zhang and others, smiled slightly, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Again, we Together, I will do the calculation with you one by one."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Pingan cupped his hands again and said to Zhang Guyi, the blood-dropping sword, "Zhang Baihu, please isolate the four accountants two by two, and check the calculations in groups of two. I am in a group with this accountant named Zhang. Every time you check a number, check it together.”

  The addition of a number and a number, this method of checking, although time-consuming, but it can be seen that the number is wrong.

   "Don\'t worry, my lord."

  Zhang Gu nodded, waved his hand, and several Dongchang fanzi descended like tigers, and separated the accountants except Guishou Zhang into two groups and separated them into two empty rooms.

   "Please." Zhu Pingan stretched out his right hand and smiled at the ghost hand Zhang.

It is very easy to add two numbers. The officials present can calculate it even if they calculate slowly, and any group of calculation mistakes can be found in time. In addition, Zhang Guyi also picked out four Dongchang fans who can count. , check together.

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, even if Guishou Zhang and others wanted to make a mistake, they couldn\'t make a mistake.

  Time passed minute by minute.

  When the sun went down, the final calculation results came out: Taicang actually deposited 1,237,250 taels of silver and 316,500 taels of gold.

   It is not bad at all with Zhu Pingan\'s previous calculation.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s calculation was actually correct? !

  When the final result came out, all the officials in the room gasped and were stunned on the spot.

  (end of this chapter)