Rise From the Humble

Chapter 745: good strategy

Chapter 745 Good Strategy

  Although the real person Cihang and Guanyin Bodhisattva look exactly the same in terms of Dharma appearance, from the perspective of Taoism, the real person Cihang and Guanyin Bodhisattva are two completely different people.

   Give a simple example.


  For Taoism, the people of Cihang Taoism are Taoist Jurchen gods, and they were women before they practiced Taoism and became immortals.

  According to the "Tongjian of Immortals of Past Dynasties", there is a Jurchen Monarch in the Chaoyin Cave of Putuo Luojiayan. According to legend, he practiced Taoism here when he was King Shang. She often used elixir and nectar to help the people, and people in the South China Sea called her Master Cihang.

It is recorded in the ancient scripture "Lingbaojing" that Ci Hangdao was originally the youngest daughter of King Zhui of Zen Li World, and she still couldn\'t speak at the age of four. In the Akong Mountain of Fusang. There is no food in the mountains, and they are young and do not know how to pick and hunt, but they can devour the essence of the sun and the moon.

  According to the records in ancient books, it can be known that Cihangdao people were originally women, which is different from Buddhism. According to popular Buddhist views, Guanyin Bodhisattva was originally a man and later turned into a woman.

   There is another obvious difference.


  Taoism is a native religion in China, with a history of more than 4,000 years. According to the "Tongjian of Immortals of Past Dynasties", the real Cihang practiced Taoism and became an immortal when he was king of Shang; in addition, "Fengshen Yanyi" records that during the period of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, the real Cihang was one of the twelve golden immortals under Yuanshi Tianzun ,Ranked third.

According to this, it can be seen that the real person Cihang existed in Chinese history at the latest at the end of the Shang Dynasty and the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, while Buddhism was first produced in the Han Dynasty, about 400-500 BC, and was introduced to China at about During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Guanyin Bodhisattva first appeared in history only in the Han Dynasty.

In addition, there are also differences in the appearance of the two. The statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva enshrined in the temple will have a Buddhist mark with the word "卍" on its chest, while the statue of Cihang Taoist enshrined in the Taoist temple will definitely not have it. .

  Hearing the little **** talk about the real Cihang, and thinking of the religious beliefs of Buddhism and Taoism, Zhu Ping\'an probably guessed the reason why Emperor Jiajing was in a bad mood.

   Sure enough.

   What the little **** said in the next second also confirmed Zhu Pingan\'s guess.

"Coincidentally, the nineteenth day of June is also the day when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva became enlightened. Yesterday, the Holy One sent Jin Yiwei to the folks to collect folk songs, to see how the common people celebrated the enlightenment day of Zhenjun Cihang, and to see how the incense of Zhenjun Cihang is. It’s okay. But these ignorant folks, “Amitabha Buddha in every family, Avalokitesvara in every household”, most of them are praying to Guanyin Bodhisattva, and few of them are praying to Cihang Zhenjun. The incense in the temple is in full swing, but the Taoist temple The scent of incense is not satisfactory."

  The little **** leaned close to Zhu Ping\'an\'s ear and said, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, his face had an expression of resentment, and his voice was full of complaints.

"You said these ignorant people, how sad they are to the Holy One. For them, the Holy One practiced the Tao day and night, prayed for blessings, prayed to heaven to eliminate natural disasters, and prayed for the peace of the country and the people. Isn\'t it all for these ignorant people? , How many sleepless nights have you prayed for blessings in the Holy Spirit? You say they are lucky, they are blessed by the Holy Spirit, but they all worship Guanyin like white-eyed wolf!"

  The little **** was very upset for Emperor Jiajing, and when it came to the common people worshiping Guanyin and not Cihang, he wanted to spit on them.

"So, it is because of this incident that the Holy Majesty was in a bad mood. Lords Yan Shoufu, Elder Xu Ge and others who were announced to Yongshou Palace this morning, as well as the adults who stayed in Wuyi Palace, are all struggling because of this incident. It’s a short book.” The little **** then returned to the subject, “So, I didn’t pass it on to Master Zhu just now, it’s for the good of Master Zhu.”

   "Thank you again, Ping\'an." Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands and thanked him. After understanding the cause and effect, he already had an idea in his mind.

  Want to get Emperor Jiajing to see him, it seems that only

After thanking the little eunuch, Zhu Pingan returned to the Wuyi Hall. At this time, three officials in the Wuyi Hall had completed their masterpieces and were standing next to another official who was writing hard. After the masterpiece is finished, it is best to hand it over to Sizhi\'s servant in Wuyi Palace, and then forward it to Yongshou Palace.

  Generally speaking, Si Zhi’s servants would collect four or five works before presenting them to the Yongshou Palace Royal View.

  If you write an article, the servant will send another one, and if he writes an article, the servant will send another one, then the servant will lose his leg

"My colleagues, please wait for my tea time, and allow me to polish up a little bit more. After finishing it, we can send you to Cheng Yulan together." The official who was scribbling in his seat raised his head and waited apologetically. Said three colleagues and friends.

   "It\'s okay, it\'s not too late. Brother Zhang, you can write with peace of mind."

   "Hehe, I just happened to have a chat or two, brother Zhang will write slowly."

   "Hahaha, I\'m finally a little faster than Brother Zhang today. If Brother Zhang is ashamed, you can be the host and treat us to a meal another day."

  The three officials on the side smiled and relieved, they have been writing for a day, and it is not too late for this tea time.

  The official surnamed Zhang naturally responded with a smile, then lowered his head and concentrated on writing.

   It took him a day to write this article. The writing and conception are his rare masterpieces in recent years. It is only one short of the end, but it must be carefully considered, and it is absolutely impossible to ruin this masterpiece in vain.

   Zhu Pingan heard their conversation, his eyes lit up, and when he passed them, he smiled and bowed his hands to greet them.

  The three standing officials nodded in response. Their official positions were all higher than Zhu Ping\'an\'s, and their qualifications in Wuyi Hall were much older than Zhu Ping\'an\'s.

   "Didn\'t Mr. Zhu go to inspect Taicang according to the order? Why did you come to Wuyi Hall?" an official asked.

   "Oh, Xiaguan just came from Taicang." Zhu Ping\'an replied, "I just went to Qin Tianjian to ask for a good day to replace the Kumen."


Several officials nodded and didn\'t say anything else. The official just asked casually. As for Zhu Pingan\'s inspection of Taicang, it has nothing to do with them. The inspection team was reduced to only Zhu Ping\'an before the inspection. Such a joke added to their after-dinner jokes.

  Seeing this, Zhu Pingan bowed his hand again, and then went back to his office.

  The other two officials in the room were still busy writing. Seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s arrival, they just looked up, and then lowered their heads and started writing.

   Entering the room, Zhu Pingan sat down, spread out pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to study ink

  (end of this chapter)