Rise From the Humble

Chapter 744: obstructed

Chapter 744 blocked

  Actually, the Wanshou Palace is not called the Wanshou Palace now, but should be called the Yongshou Palace.

Emperor Jiajing dreamed of eternal life with heaven and earth, so he named his bedroom Yongshou Palace. Until the 40th year of Jiajing, Shangmei had a whim when she was serving her bed, and she tried to set off small fireworks in the mink tent of Yongshou Palace for a little romance. The Yongshou Palace was burned down by fireworks. After the new Yongshou Palace was built in the second year, Emperor Jiajing renamed it "Longevity Palace".

  Although Yongshou Palace is right next door to Wuyi Xun, as a foreign minister, Zhu Ping\'an could only ask to see Emperor Jiajing in this way, and the internal attendant passed on the request to Yongshou Palace, and Zhu Pingan could only enter after being summoned by Emperor Jiajing.

  Yongshou Palace is the residence of Emperor Jiajing. Foreign ministers entering the emperor\'s residence without being summoned is an act of death, not to mention foreign ministers, even the emperor\'s brothers and uncles entering the emperor\'s residence without being summoned is a capital offense.

  For any emperor, entering the bedroom without being called is a taboo against the scales.

  For example, in the Qing Dynasty, one of the reasons why Emperor Kangxi abolished the crown prince (the eldest son Yinreng) was that when Emperor Kangxi was touring outside the Great Wall, the crown prince approached his tent at night and peeped in through the gap.

Entering the emperor\'s bedroom without being summoned, one may mess up the royal blood, and the concubines in the harem who are not favored by the emperor and cannot see men are all like wolves and tigers, and grasslands grow on the emperor\'s head if they are not careful; Threatening the emperor\'s personal safety, entering the emperor\'s palace without being summoned, what are you going to do? Conspiracy to assassinate the emperor? You must know that the concubines who served the bed in the Qing Dynasty were all wrapped up in the quilt and carried into the harem naked.

  So, after Zhu Pingan finished writing the scriptures, he went to find the servant in Wuyi Xunsizhi, who was also the little eunuch.

   "I would like to ask my father-in-law to communicate, and Zhu Pingan, the attendant of the Imperial Academy, Wuyi Xunsi Zhilang, and the inspector of the Taicang Bank, asks to see the Holy Majesty."

  Zhu Ping\'an handed over the written scriptures to the servant of Zai Wuyi Xunsizhi, and asked him to report to Yongshou Palace, requesting to meet Emperor Jiajing.

  The young **** who was in charge of the Wuyi Palace had a very pretty face, probably because of castration since childhood, if there is almost no male hormones, his voice is also feminine.

   "Oh, it\'s Mr. Zhu, the miscellaneous family is polite."

  After the little **** took the notebook, he didn\'t even look at it. He just looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a half-smile, raised his hand lazily, and said in a soft voice, as if he was hitting a mosquito.

   "I would like to ask my father-in-law to report that Zhu Pingan, the inspector of the Taicang Bank Treasury, asked to see the Holy Majesty. It is related to the inspection of the Taicang Bank Treasury." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands again and repeated.


  It doesn\'t matter whether you are in Taicang or Dacang.

The little **** narrowed his eyes, opened the folder and took a glance, then put the folder back in Zhu Ping\'an\'s hands indifferently, and shook his head with a smirk, "Lord Zhu wants to ask to see His Majesty. However, maybe If you want to disappoint Master Zhu, please forgive the miscellaneous family for being helpless today."

   Zhu Pingan was not angry at the young eunuch\'s arrogance either.

  There are many eunuchs in the palace who don\'t look at people with eyelids. They serve the most powerful emperor of Ming Dynasty, and they can\'t help feeling superior.

During the time of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty, these eunuchs were still restrained, but they became more and more arrogant as they went on, and later became the dynasty with the most serious power of eunuchs. Liu Jin, the head of the "Eight Tigers" during the period of Emperor Jiajing\'s brother, was so powerful They almost usurped the throne. Although Emperor Jiajing learned his brother\'s lesson and was much stricter with the eunuchs, the power of the eunuchs did not decrease much. Slowly, the status of the eunuchs rose again.

In the early days of Jiajing, when Zhang Cong was the chief assistant, the eunuchs in the palace would bow down and salute when they saw Zhang Cong. , the eunuchs always looked straight at Xia Yan, and Xia Yan would nod to the eunuch; and when Yan Song was the chief assistant, Yan Song would take the initiative to say hello to the eunuch, and would stuff a red envelope from time to time.

   From this, we can see the changes in the eunuch\'s status and mentality. These eunuchs are all spoiled.

   "Please also make it public."

  When Zhu Pingan received the zhezi, he took advantage of the opportunity to put a piece of broken silver in the little eunuch\'s hand.

  The little **** pinched the silver in his palm, and accurately pinched out the weight of the silver, five taels of silver, and the smile on his face became alive with the ingot of silver.

"Hehehe, it\'s not embarrassing Master Zhu, but for the good of Master Zhu. Today, the Holy Majesty is in a bad mood. In the morning, Li Chenghua, the censor of Zhejiang Province, asked Chen officials to investigate five things, and they were all stopped Outside the second door, Eunuch Wan who delivered the booklet was reprimanded, and Li Yushi was also reprimanded by Yan Ge."

  The little **** put the silver into his sleeve, looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he tugged on Zhu Ping\'an\'s sleeve with the orchid up his sleeve, leaned close to Zhu Ping\'an\'s ear, and whispered softly.

   "Thank you, father-in-law, for telling me, otherwise Ping\'an might have to make the same mistakes as Li Yushi." Zhu Ping\'an cupped his hands in thanks.

   "No matter where, the miscellaneous family also fell in love with Mr. Zhu." The little **** smiled and shook his head.


  Zhu Pingan rolled his eyes in his heart, with a look of saltiness and pride on his face, he hit the snake with the stick and then asked, "I don\'t know what my father-in-law knows, why is the Holy One troubled, although Ping\'an is stupid, but he also wants to share the worries of the Holy One."

   "Master Zhu, do you know what the adults in Wuyi Palace are writing today?" The little **** squinted his eyes and asked back.

   "But Qing Ci?" Zhu Pingan said.

   "Yes and no." The little **** smiled and shook his head with a mysterious look.

   "Please excuse me, my father-in-law." Zhu Pingan said and quietly stuffed a piece of silver into the hand of the little eunuch.

   Do what you like.

  Zhu Ping\'an "likes" dealing with such interested people.

  The little **** pinched the silver in his palm, and the smile on his face became even more vivid. He put the silver in his sleeve, looked at Zhu Pingan and asked softly, "Does Master Zhu know what the next two days will be?"

  Zhu Ping\'an shook his head. I only know that there will be three days until the Taicang bank will replace the warehouse door. As for the two days, I don\'t know.

   "In two days, it will be June 19th, which is the day when Daoist Cihang becomes enlightened." The little **** explained.

  Real person Cihang? !

Zhu Ping was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and thought of some classic fairy tale novels he had read in modern times, and then remembered the real person Cihang, who also appeared in "Fengshen Yanyi", who was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, who was a "Taoist" One of the Twelve Golden Immortals, Cihang Daoist, also known as Cihang Guanyin, is one of the most classic immortals in ancient Chinese legends. His dojo is located in Luojia Cave, Putuo Mountain. .

   Is this image familiar?

   Is it exactly the same as Guanyin Bodhisattva?

  Generally speaking, the general public regards the real person Cihang and Guanyin Bodhisattva as the same person, but Taoism calls it Cihang Taoist, Buddhism calls it Guanyin Bodhisattva, and folks call it Guanyin Empress.

  However, for professional religious people of Taoism and Buddhism, there is a difference between the two, especially for Taoism. Daoist Cihang and Guanshiyin Bodhisattva are different gods and Buddhas, and there is a very clear and obvious difference between them.

  (end of this chapter)