Rise From the Humble

Chapter 746: Kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years

Chapter 746 Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years

  The two officials in the room just glanced at Zhu Pingan, then lowered their heads and began to write seriously, concentrating on the works under their pens.

  Today, the Holy Majesty was in a very bad mood, so he sent his servant to Wu Yixun early in the morning to assign a task, and let the Yaqian staff hand in an article, and if there is a good work, he will be generously rewarded.

   Yan Shoufu listened to the decree before going to Yongshou Palace, and specially called everyone together to give instructions again.

  Everyone knows that this is a mission and an opportunity to soar into the sky. If one gets the Sacred Heart, the article will stand out from the Sacred Master, and in the future, promotion and fortune will be like a smooth sailing, no, it should be said that it is a smooth rise to the top.

   Such a god-given opportunity must be taken.

  The two officials in the room were engrossed in writing the article, and the room was very quiet, except for the slight inaudible sound of pen and ink moving on the paper.

  But in the next second, I heard the sound of grinding ink. Although it was very slight, it was still very obvious in the quiet room where the needles could be heard.

  We are all writing with our hearts, why are you making trouble? !

  The two officials in the room raised their heads with some dissatisfaction, and looked at Zhu Pingan. Apart from the two of them in this room, it was Zhu Pingan. The voice could only be made by Zhu Pingan.

  Looking up, he found that Zhu Ping\'an had already laid out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and was currently studying ink, as if he was going to write on the spot.

  The two officials were slightly taken aback, and then smiled speechlessly.

   Are you, Zhu Pingan, coming to join in the fun and write an article? But don\'t you think it\'s too late? I and everyone have already started to conceive and write in the morning, and it is only now that the writing is finished.

  If you want to write a good article, how can you not have a good idea.

   Now there is only two incense sticks left before the release of the Yamen. This time is not even enough to conceive. Do you still want to join in the fun? ! Young people, your xinxing is still bad.

  This opportunity is good.

   But, alas, you\'ve missed it.


  The two officials shook their heads and smiled, then lowered their heads again and worked hard to create, and their article was almost finished. From their point of view, it means that they have finished their creation. It is estimated that Zhu Ping\'an has not finished his conception, and he hasn\'t even written a single word.

   While the two officials were concentrating on creating, Zhu Ping\'an\'s ink had already been developed.

  It was not at all what the two officials in the room had expected. After Zhu Ping\'an finished researching the ink, he picked up the pen and started writing without even thinking about it.

   I wipe

what sound? !

   It seems to be the sound of writing? !

  The sound of Zhu Pingan writing pen and ink on the paper once again attracted the attention of the two officials in the room.

   Curious, the two raised their heads again.

  It doesn’t matter if you look up, they were so shocked that they almost couldn’t hold the brush in their hands. In their sight, Zhu Ping’an moved his brush like flying and started to write on the paper.

   Damn it!

   What the **** are you thinking differently? !

  Seeing this scene, the two officials almost spit out old blood. You must know that after they received the task in the morning, they spent a whole morning and a lunch time just thinking about it.

  Zhu Ping\'an is in charge of inspecting the Taicang bank, and has not been in Wuyi, so there is absolutely no possibility of knowing the proposition of today\'s article. He just came, and he can only know it just now.

  But they didn\'t expect that Zhu Pingan didn\'t take the usual way, and he didn\'t even have an idea, but just wrote with a pen. How could they not be shocked.

Of course, this is not what shocked them the most. When they noticed the paper under Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand, they couldn\'t help but rubbed their eyes, looked carefully, and then opened their mouths which were already surprised, but now they opened even bigger. Almost enough to fit a fist in.

  You... the paper under your hand is the test book, this is the test book for official submission to the imperial examination.

  You... If you don’t conceive and don’t talk about it, why don’t you make a draft!

  During the Cao Wei period of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Zhi made a poem in seven steps, and now Zhu Ping\'an doesn\'t give in at all. Could it be said that this is the number one scholar? !

  Both officials feel a ton of hurt...

  But they still don’t believe it in their hearts. If you don’t conceive and draft, what kind of article can you write? !

  Even if you are quicker and quicker, you can\'t write any exquisite articles with this time.

  You really thought you were Cao Zhi!

But even Cao Zhi’s seven-step poem has no literary talent. It is not so much a poem as a doggerel. It was just written hastily under the threat of death. The key to brotherhood made Cao Pi feel guilty, and he couldn\'t have the cheek to kill him. With the blessing of this period of history, he was able to live forever.

  The proposition of today’s article is not simple, and Cao Zhi’s seven-step poem is not enough.

  But seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s confident and smooth writing style, they were shaken again. Could it be that Zhu Ping\'an can really write a good masterpiece? !

  Curiosity, the two officials with various ideas couldn\'t help stretching their necks, and looked at Zhu Ping\'s writing.

  Zhu Ping\'an moves his brush like a dragon king flying clouds, and his writing is like a cloud of smoke. With his hands, each character with a brush appears vividly on the paper.

  One stroke and one stroke are as straight as a dragon entering the sea, and a wave of righteousness rushes towards the face.

   What a good word!

  Even if they keep working hard, facing Zhu Ping\'an\'s handwriting, they can\'t help but feel inferior.

and many more

   What is Zhu Pingan writing here? !

  The two officials opened their mouths wide again, even more exaggerated than when they saw that Zhu Pingan had no ideas or drafts.

  When they read it, Zhu Ping\'an had already written seven characters. But just these words made the two officials lose their composure.

After reading these seven words, one of the officials couldn\'t believe his eyes, his eyeballs almost popped out, he was completely stunned, opened his mouth, and stared blankly at the seven words written by Zhu Pingan , I couldn\'t say a word for a long time.

  Another official also looked like a ghost. He took a deep breath, and it took several seconds for him to let it out slowly.

This is not true, is it?

   Is this really written by Zhu Pingan?

   It took several seconds for the two officials to regain their composure. Afterwards, the movements and expressions of the two were very consistent. They looked at the words written by Zhu Pingan, looked up at Zhu Pingan again, and then shook their heads speechlessly.

  Because the seven characters written by Zhu Ping\'an are: "Kneeling before the Buddha for three thousand years."

   Kneeling in front of the Buddha for three thousand years? !

  The two officials looked at each other, they were funny, annoyed and speechless, Zhu Ping\'an was here to make a joke, right? !

  I didn’t understand the meaning of the question! Dare to write and submit it to the imperial examination? !

  Why is Your Majesty in a bad mood? ! It is not because of the power of the Buddha, the sluggishness of Taoism, and the ignorance of the people, "Maitreya Buddha in every household, Avalokitesvara in every household", it is a pity that no one knows the true king of Cihang.

  You knelt down for three thousand years before returning to Buddha, and you are still very sincere! Kneeling in front of the Buddha is not enough, you have to kneel for three thousand years.

   My Majesty saw your article, and probably vomited three liters of blood in anger!


   Isn\'t this guy trying to attract the attention of the Holy One in this way? !


  You have the guts!

  (end of this chapter)