Rise From the Humble

Chapter 727: Ma Yuetan River

Chapter 727 Ma Yuetanxi

Taicang, the household department, is the treasury of the Ming Dynasty. It is divided into two parts: the Taicang granary and the Taicang silver warehouse. The Taicang granary is located in the capital and Tongzhou, and is generally called Jingcang and Tongcang. The Taicang Bank is located in the capital, generally known as Taicang and Taicang Bank.

  The Taicang Bank is said to be located in the capital city, but due to considerations of flood prevention, waterproofing, theft prevention, and safety, the location is still far away.

  Zhu Ping\'an and Gao Rui are on their way to Taicang Bank.

   "Last year, the Ministry of Industry repaired the city wall. I was ordered to come to the Taicang Bank to withdraw the material silver. It will take another incense stick to go to the Taicang Bank. I am familiar with this road, Master Zhu, don\'t worry."

  Gao Rui, a doctor in the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Industry, slightly slowed down the speed of the horse, stretched out his whip and pointed to the distance, and said to Zhu Pingan.

   "Then Lord Laogao will lead the way." Zhu Pingan rode on the black Shamate horse and thanked Gao Rui.

  Of course, even without Gao Rui leading the way, Zhu Pingan could still find the location of the Taicang Bank. After accepting the task of inspecting the Taicang Bank, Zhu Pingan had consulted the relevant classics, and he had already remembered the location of the Taicang Bank.

"Master Zhu, you are welcome." Gao Rui smiled heartily, and slowly, with his horse\'s belly between his legs, he kept pace with Zhu Ping\'an, reminding Zhu Pingan, "The Taicang Bank is the treasury of our Ming Dynasty, and the defense is heavily guarded. Have you brought the relevant documents? If we didn\'t have the relevant documents, they might not let us in if we said something out of our mouths."

   "Since I took over the errand, I have been carrying the relevant documents close to my chest." Zhu Pingan patted his chest and said.

   "Hehe, it\'s still reassuring to work with Mr. Zhu." After hearing this, Gao Rui spoke highly of Zhu Ping\'an.

  Zhu Ping\'an was naturally modest.

"Oh, by the way, the last time I went to the Taicang Bank to withdraw material money, I also heard a strange thing. You said that the Taicang Bank is heavily guarded, and it can be said that not a single fly can fly in, but there was still a theft. case." Gao Rui said while riding his horse.

  Hearing that there was a theft in the Taicang bank, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help being very interested. He approached Gao Rui on his horse and listened carefully with great interest.

"The incident happened about the year before last. In that year, it rained heavily in our capital, and many places in our capital were flooded. Of course, when the location of the Taicang Bank was selected, we had already prepared for this situation. The location was selected at a high place. The water conservancy measures are used to prevent waterlogging, but I didn’t expect that the reservoir area still accumulated two finger deep rainwater. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be, so the relevant officials of the Taicang Bank began to check various water conservancy measures, and found that the drainage holes were blocked.” Gao Rui said slowly, "Since the drainage hole is blocked, we must dredge it quickly to prevent waterlogging from eroding the bank. Guess what you found when you dredged the drainage hole?"

   "Oh, what did you find?" Zhu Pingan asked curiously

   "During the dredging of the drainage hole, two corpses were found. Their heads were on top of each other, and there were two ingots of gold ingots between the heads." Gao Rui stretched out two fingers.

   "Two thieves? People died for money, and birds died for food." Zhu Pingan understood, but he was still a little puzzled. Why did the two thieves die head to head in the drainage hole? Could it be that the spoils were not shared equally?

   "Master Zhu is worthy of being the number one scholar, he guessed it right away." Gao Rui praised.

  Zhu Ping\'an rubbed his nose and smiled wryly. Just now you were involved in a theft case. It is obvious that the person in the drainage hole is a thief.

"That\'s right, these two are thieves, and they died at the scene of the theft. As for the head, that\'s interesting. It turned out that one of the thieves wanted to go to the Taicang Bank to steal the silver, but due to the tight security of the Taicang Bank , He tried all kinds of methods, but he couldn\'t get in, so he had to focus on the drainage hole. However, the design of the drainage hole took this into consideration, and the design was relatively narrow, but the thief was originally relatively thin, and he was also a He was so cruel, he was starving for two days, desperately squeezed in from the drainage hole, his clothes were torn, blood was all over his body, and he was really squeezed in.

   After the thief desperately squeezed into the silver vault, he was also lucky. After entering, he found two ingots of gold ingots. The thief was so happy, he knew he couldn\'t be too greedy, so he took the two gold ingots and put them on top of his head, and then drilled back through the drainage hole.

   Sadly, his good luck has run out and it\'s over. Just as he climbed halfway, he found that there was another person crawling in from the opposite side. This was another thief. He also wanted to climb into the silver vault through the drainage hole to steal the silver. Unexpectedly, someone had already climbed there first, so the two thieves came in. This drainage hole met in the middle.

  The drainage hole is too narrow, and it is impossible to crawl in if you are climbing upright. The drainage hole is narrow, and it is impossible to turn around. The two people just put their heads together, holding two ingots of gold ingots, and died in the drainage hole.

  If it wasn’t for the heavy rain that blocked the drainage hole, the bank officials ordered people to dredge the drainage hole, and the two thieves would not have been found. They don’t know how many years they would have to hang their heads in it. You said, why bother, someone with hands and feet, if he does something wrong, he wants to be a thief..."

  While leading the way, Gao Rui preached to Zhu Ping\'an with eloquence, ridiculing and sighing at what happened to the two thieves.


   But money is touching.

Zhu Pingan narrowed his eyes slightly. Through the back of the story, Zhu Pingan discovered the problem. These two thieves stole two large ingots of gold and died in the gutter for so long. Steal? Two large ingots of gold are not a small amount.

It seems that the Taicang Bank’s security is only for the outside world, and there are many internal management problems. If the management is as strict as the security, the two ingots of gold disappeared. Why did they not find it until it rained heavily? Just found out.

"Master Zhu, after passing the ditch in front, the Taicang Bank is just around the corner. I know there is a small road that can pass through that ditch. Master Zhu, please follow closely. Brother, I will go ahead and lead the way first. Drive, drive." ..."

  Gao Rui stretched out his whip and pointed to a deep ditch in front of him and said, Gao Rui lifted the rein vigorously left and right, waved the whip with his right hand, and increased the speed of the horse and rushed forward.

   "Drive, drive, drive..."

  Gao Rui\'s riding sound was accompanied by the sound of hooves, almost reaching the realm of the unity of man and horse, and the faster he rode, the faster he rode.

   Toss the whip and pull the rein.

  Suave and suave, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

  If this Gao Rui abandons literature and pursues martial arts, he will definitely be a hero galloping on the battlefield.

  Zhu Ping\'an followed Gao Rui closely behind, but his riding skills were not as good as Gao Rui\'s, and the black horse that killed Matt was not as good as Gao Rui\'s big horse, so he was quickly pulled away by Gao Rui.

   "This path is a bit narrow, Mr. Zhu, you should be careful." Gao Rui\'s voice came from the front.

   "Thank you, Mr. Gao, for reminding me." Zhu Pingan thanked Gao Rui\'s back.

  Gao Rui jumped on his horse and whipped his whip, showing his superb riding skills. When Zhu Pingan rode his horse to the path, Gao Rui was about to rush across the ditch.

  When he was about to cross the ditch, Gao Rui pulled the reins, and the steed under him leaped, quite like Liu Bei\'s horse jumping over Tanxi.

  Ma Rufei


   People are flying too

   I don’t know if the horse stumbled, or for some other reason, but when he was about to jump up the ditch, Zhu Pingan only heard a horse neighing, and then saw Gao Rui and the horse under him fell into the ditch all at once.

   There was a loud bang.

  In the next second, one man and one horse were already at the bottom of the ditch, and Gao Rui\'s leg was still pressed under him by the horse. Both the man and the horse looked pained...

All right.

  Zhu Pingan twitched the corners of his lips speechlessly.

  (end of this chapter)