Rise From the Humble

Chapter 726: exposed

Chapter 726 Revealed

  Looking at the busy gift-giving team outside the door, the concierge Lao Li was surprised, but at the same time he couldn\'t help but think of Miss Fifth\'s order.

  At first, he felt that Fifth Miss was thinking too much, but he didn\'t expect that so many gifts came, and they were all heavy gifts. Gifts from any family were rare in the past. Now he treats Fifth Miss like a god.

  Because Li Shu\'s orders came first, the concierge Lao Li didn\'t accept a single gift, that is, he didn\'t even dare to accept the money for honoring him.

  However, Old Li, the concierge, was still a little worried.

  The people queuing up outside this gate are all the families of dignitaries. Although the concierge, Old Li, doesn’t know much, he still knows the principle of reciprocity.

   I have never heard of anyone in the capital who closed their doors as a single family.

  Look at it.

  There are so many dignitaries and dignitaries outside the door.

  Miss Fifth ordered not to accept gifts at the beginning, did she not expect so many dignitaries to give gifts?

  If you reject them all, wouldn’t you offend too many people at once? How could my uncle still be an official at that time?

   What happened to old Li Jue, the concierge, was too unexpected.


  I have to tell Miss Fifth.

  So, the concierge Lao Li asked someone to stand in the concierge for a while, and he trotted all the way to the second hanging flower gate to find his wife, and asked his wife to ask Miss Fifth for instructions to see what to do now.

  About a quarter of an hour, Li Shu came down to the gate surrounded by a group of maids and old ladies. The maids beside her were holding up a parasol, which covered half of Li Shu\'s pretty face.

  Li Shu glanced at the people outside the door, half-covered her lips with an embroidered handkerchief in her slender hands, and whispered a few words to Qin\'er, Qin\'er listened with her head down, nodding from time to time.

   "My son-in-law went to work on errands early in the morning, and you all made a waste of time. My lady asked me to thank you for your love on behalf of my son-in-law. Everyone, please go back."

   After listening to Li Shu\'s instructions, Qin\'er came to the door, made a blessing to everyone outside the house, and said softly.

   "Where is it, young lady, you are too polite, I was the one who was rude. Please accept a little courtesy."

"Master Zhu is young, promising, and loyal to his duties. He is really a role model for an official. His future achievements will be limitless. I dare not disturb Master Zhu\'s work. This is a greeting card from Master Zhang, our supervisor, and there is a little courtesy. If it’s not a respect, I still hope to accept it.”

"Young Madam, you are welcome. I will come here uninvited, causing trouble to your house. Our adults heard that after Master Zhu and Young Madam got married in Xiangzi, we regretted not being able to congratulate him in person. We chose a small gift for ourselves. , I wish Master Zhu and the Young Madam will grow old together and have a happy marriage for a hundred years."

  People outside the mansion saluted and said hello one after another, saying all kinds of congratulations and auspicious words, and then presented greeting cards and gift lists to the concierge Lao Li one after another.

  The concierge, Lao Li, didn\'t dare to accept him, and stood there at a loss, begging Qin\'er for help with his eyes.

  Seeing this, Qin\'er came to Li Shu to ask for instructions.

Shaoqing, Qin\'er came to the door again, and said to everyone again: "Thank you for your love for my aunt. We appreciate your kindness. You can keep the invitation, but please take the gifts back. Wait for my aunt to come. Now, I will present the greeting card to my aunt, and when my aunt is free, I will visit you one by one."

   "Sending goose feathers from thousands of miles away is light and affectionate. Although this gift is small, it is our master\'s heart. Please accept our master\'s face."

"This pair of jade ties are rough stones that our lord selected all the way in the Western Regions. They have been carefully carved for more than ten days by someone. They are just to congratulate Master Zhu and the young lady on their wedding ceremony, and to wish Master Zhu and the young lady My wife has been together for a hundred years."

  The people outside the door were indomitable and sincere, and what they said was sincere, making people feel as if they would be embarrassed if they didn\'t accept it.

   "Miss, what should I do?" Qin\'er didn\'t know how to reply, so she had to come to Li Shu again and ask Li Shu for instructions.

"These people are either from the Taicang Bank, or they are related to the Taicang Bank. They don\'t come here with good intentions to give gifts. They come to stick a knife. The handle of the knife is held in their hands, and the tip of the knife is inserted into the husband\'s heart. If If you accept the gift, you will give them a handle, and your husband will be controlled by them. How can you check the treasury in the future. Those who come to give gifts are guilty and have dirty hands and feet. No matter who comes to give gifts in the future, they will all Accept invitations, but not gifts. With invitations, it will be convenient for your husband to find out who you are." Li Shu glanced at the people outside the door, rolled her eyes, and whispered.


   It turned out to be like this, then they are all bad people.

  Qin\'er and Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er, suddenly realized when they heard the words, especially Hua\'er, if Li Shu hadn\'t glared at her, this girl would have come to the door to curse.

"Thank you, adults, for your kindness, but since it is a heart, then we can understand it. You adults can leave the greeting card, but please take the gift back. It is hot today, everyone, please don\'t stand outside. Go back." Qin\'er went to the door again and said to everyone.

   Everyone was naturally indomitable again, assuming that they would not give up until the gift was given.

  After Qin\'er understood the meaning, she knew what to do. No matter what they said, she just refused to accept the gift.

  Do not eat soft or hard food, and do not drink a drop of water.

   Today I don’t accept gifts, if I want to accept them, I only accept greeting posts.

"Master Zhu has a clean and honest family style, he is really a role model for us. Master Zhu is honest, we can\'t be villains and let Master Zhu break the rules. How about this, then we will leave the greeting cards, and each of us will take the gift home. Take the rest back." The people outside the door had bumped into walls too many times, and they seemed to have given up, and a person who seemed to be the leader stepped forward and said, "However, we still have a few potted flowers here, so I will put them in the yard for adults. Let’s embellish it here. The pots are made of pottery, and the flowers are ordinary flowers. They are not worth a few pennies at all. They are just for looking good. Whoever says to accept a few pots of small flowers will not get involved with greed. Please don’t refuse any more. gone."

Soon, a few girls came forward with a small flower pot each. The flower pots were indeed ordinary pottery pots with a diameter of more than ten centimeters. The flowers in the pots were also ordinary chrysanthemums, Roses, peonies, and the like are not expensive species. In terms of value alone, this potted flower is only worth a few pennies.

   After counting, there are only six potted flowers in total.

  It’s about twenty texts.

  Looking like this, it really is nothing, just twenty coins, no matter whether it is law or favor, there will be no problem.

   In this way, there is no need to accept gifts, and it also gives the other party a step down, so that the other party can go back to the business, which serves multiple purposes.

  The concierge Lao Li and others all looked at Li Shu.

   "Bring me a pot and have a look." Li Shu casually pointed to a pot of chrysanthemums and said.

  The girl outside the mansion who was holding the chrysanthemum came forward, held the chrysanthemum in both hands very respectfully, and handed it to Li Shu.

  The leader outside the mansion gate couldn\'t help but smile on his face when he saw this.

   "This potted flower looks unique."

Li Shu took a closer look, her cherry lips curved slightly, and she stretched out her slender hand to pick up the flower pot, but it was not just slipping or something, the flower pot slipped from Li Shu\'s hand just after receiving the flower pot. on the ground.

   With a bang, the flowerpot shattered.


   There was a sound of exclamation.

  I saw a heavy ingot of gold rolled out of the soil of the flower pot that was broken on the ground.

   It was revealed.

  People outside the mansion had no choice but to leave in desperation with gifts and flower pots, leaving only letters of greeting.

  (end of this chapter)