Rise From the Humble

Chapter 728: one-man inspection team

Chapter 728 A one-person inspection team

  Falling off the horse.

   I gained another experience, and I have convinced these people. The imagination is really rich enough.

For the scene of Gao Rui falling into the ditch, Zhu Pingan was not very surprised, but just twitched the corners of his mouth. After experiencing Ding Youdun, Stroke Dun and Tingzhang Dun, Zhu Ping\'an\'s immunity is enough to be immune to the fall from the horse. To be honest, Zhu Ping\'an has enough mental preparation.

   But speaking of it, this Gao Rui is also a ruthless person. The ditch has a drop of more than three meters. If he falls off a horse, he will fall off the horse, and he is still crushed by the tall horse on his thigh.

  This horse must weigh at least two hundred kilograms.

  However, judging from Gao Rui\'s painful expression, it is estimated that being crushed by a horse was not what was planned.

  That’s right, just by falling from such a drop, you can recuperate for a month, and you don’t need to be crushed by a horse.

   It seems that I still need to participate in this scene.

Zhu Ping got off his horse and waded to the bottom of the ditch along the firewood road. Gao Rui\'s tall horse at the bottom of the ditch had already staggered to his feet and flicked his tail. It was not a big deal; It was soaked, and the blood was the thickest on the calf of the right leg. It is estimated that the calf had been fractured.

  Why bother, Zhu Pingan shook his head speechlessly.

   "The pain hurts me too." Gao Rui hugged his right leg, trying to correct the fractured calf, his face was covered with sweat, and his face was full of pain.

   "My lord, don\'t move."

Zhu Pingan stopped it with a voice. In modern times, Zhu Pingan learned the emergency treatment of fractures in school. At this time, you must not try to straighten the injured bone or change its position. If there is a lot of blood flow, stop the bleeding first , and then use splints or wooden sticks or branches to temporarily fix it.

Using the first aid knowledge he learned at school, Zhu Pingan stopped Gao Rui\'s bleeding urgently, and found two wooden sticks from local materials, and placed them on the inside and outside of Gao Rui\'s calf. Winding fixed.

  Afterwards, Zhu Pingan broke off a few more luxuriant branches and put them on top of Gao Rui to help him shade from the sun.

   "Master Gao, please wait here for a while, I will find a doctor for you." Zhu Pingan reminded some precautions, and then climbed up the ditch again.

   "Master Zhu, please inform me that my house is in Xicheng," Gao Rui said from the bottom of the ditch.

   "Don\'t worry, Mr. Gao, drive"

  Zhu Ping\'an responded, then got on his horse, and rode back all the way.

Zhu Pingan found a medical center, told Gao Rui\'s injury, and asked the doctor to see him. The doctor saw that Zhu Ping\'an was an official and generous, so he agreed, took a medicine box and two apprentices to follow Zhu Pingan made a medical visit.

  Zhu Pingan used another tael of silver to hire an apprentice to deliver a letter to Gao Rui\'s mansion, and then led the doctor to the direction of the ditch.

   "Fortunately, it was handled properly in the early stage, especially this item of fixation, otherwise, my lord, your leg may be useless." The doctor went down the ditch to check Gao Rui\'s injury, and said with some emotion.

After hearing what the doctor said, Gao Rui looked at Zhu Pingan gratefully and thanked him endlessly. At first, he thought that Zhu Pingan was deliberately taking revenge, and fixed him with wooden sticks like a tied pig. He didn\'t expect that it was because of this that he saved himself. legs.

  It seems that I have the heart of a villain.

   Thinking of the secret of his injury, Gao Rui looked at Zhu Pingan with a little apology.

  However, soon Gao Rui\'s eyes became firm again, dead friends don\'t die in poverty, it\'s human nature to be wise and safe in such things. If he hadn\'t made the first move to escape, maybe he, Zhu Ping\'an, would have escaped.

   "Ouch, my grandpa, how did you get hurt like this, what can I do for my concubine, woo woo woo."

Before seeing him, he heard his voice first, and there was a sound of a woman crying bitterly. Zhu Pingan looked up and saw a carriage and more than ten horses above the ditch, and then saw a young woman in colorful clothes crying. He got out of the carriage and hurried down the ditch with more than a dozen healthy servants.

   This is Gao Rui\'s family, Zhu Ping\'an understood.

   "Do you, doctor, know how to see a doctor? Why did my grandfather suffer so much?" After Mrs. Gao came down, she blamed the doctor.

   "What do you know as a woman, shut up!" Gao Rui roared angrily.

   "Master, this concubine is for your own good." Gao\'s tears flowed down her face, feeling extremely wronged.

  With the arrival of Gao Rui\'s family, the bottom of the ditch was full of chickens and dogs.

  Watching Gao Rui being carried away by his family, the morning was drawing to a close. After declining Gao Rui\'s invitation to hold a banquet to thank him, Zhu Pingan got on his horse and jumped over the ditch, continuing to rush towards the Taicang Bank.

  The day before yesterday, I was still full of ambitions and was about to complete the inspection of the Taicang Bank by the five members of the Holy One. In a blink of an eye, I was the only one left.

  Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but twitched his mouth as he rode on the horse.

  It’s different from Gao Rui and the others.

  The deeper the water in the Taicang bank, the more Zhu Ping\'an wanted to get into the water. Calm water can\'t train a superb sailor.

   After finally having a stage, I don’t have to watch from the audience anymore. If I don’t perform well, I will live up to the “good intentions” of Liu Zhengshi, Qu Fushi, Si Yushi and Gao Langzhong.

Ha ha.

  Here I come to the Taicang Bank.

  Zhu Pingan rode Shamat Heimao across the ditch, and soon saw the Taicang Bank. The location and defense of the Taicang Bank were very particular.

Visually, the location of the Taicang bank is a few tens of centimeters higher than the surrounding area. There is a military camp a few miles away from the Taicang bank. You can tell from the layout of the flags and gates, as well as the occasional rumble in the barracks. , this barracks is the station of Shenji Camp, the famous army of Ming Dynasty. The Shenji Battalion is a strategic mobile force created by Emperor Yongle, equipped with muskets, firecrackers, etc., and arquebus guns were added later. It belongs to the earliest gun artillery unit established in the world.

   During the war, the Shenji Battalion, together with the Fifth Army Battalion and the Three Thousand Battalion, went out with Emperor Yongle many times. It was the sharpest sword in the hands of Emperor Yongle. After Emperor Yongle, the Shenji Battalion has been preserved and has made immortal feats many times.

  The Shenji Battalion was a heavy weapon in the Ming Dynasty. It was stationed near the Taicang Bank. Part of its troops were assigned to assist in the defense of the Taicang Bank to deter Xiaoxiao and ensure the safety of the Taicang Bank.

  In addition to the garrison of the Shenji Battalion, the Taicang Bank itself has layers of checkpoints, which are heavily guarded. It can be said that there is no leakage, and not even a fly can fly in.

   "Stop! Taicang is an important place, idlers stay away!"

  Zhu Ping\'an was more than a hundred meters away from the Taicang Bank, when he was stopped by heavily armed guards with loud warnings.

   "Please inform the Minister of the Treasury. I am the inspector of the Taicang Bank, the inspector of the Taicang Bank, the attendant of the Imperial Academy, and the cabinet minister Zhu Pingan. Today I was ordered to inspect the Taicang Bank. This is an official document. I am sorry."

  Zhu Ping\'an got off his horse calmly, took out relevant documents from his arms, handed them to the guards who intercepted him, and asked them to pass them on for him.

  (end of this chapter)