Rise From the Humble

Chapter 725: gift giving

Chapter 725 Gift giving

   "The insufficiency of the vertical and the strategy!"

After watching the imperial staff outside the Meridian Gate and watching Sinan being carried away, Gao Rui, a burly doctor in the Ministry of Industry and Affairs Office, was furious, like an enraged bull, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes seemed to be Sparks sputtered out, and then roared the eternal curse in a low voice filled with righteous indignation.

   "Master Zhu, it seems that we can only rely on you and me to inspect the Taicang bank this time." After a long time, Gao Rui calmed down.

   "Ping An lacks experience, and needs more advice from Mr. Gao. Ping An will do his best to assist Mr. Gao." Zhu Pingan cupped his hands.

"I feel at ease with Master Zhu\'s words, but I don\'t dare to take it as \'instructions\'. You and I cooperate with each other to complete this important task. Oh, by the way, I don\'t know how Master Zhu came to Dali Temple." Gao Rui After a moment of humility, he asked again.

   "I came here on horseback." Zhu Pingan replied.

   "Okay, I also came here on horseback. It\'s not too late. Let\'s go back to Dali Temple to get back the horses. How about riding directly to the Taicang Bank?" Gao Rui immediately suggested vigorously when he heard Zhu Ping\'an said that he came here on horseback.

   Probably because he was afraid that he would escape too.

   "Dare not to follow orders." Zhu Pingan nodded.

  Thus, the two returned directly to Dali Temple from the Meridian Gate, retrieved their horses from the Dali Temple stables, and then rode directly from Dali Temple to the Taicang Bank.

  Gao Rui probably came from an honorable family. Although he is a civil servant, he is skilled in getting on the horse, swinging the whip with one hand and holding the rein with the other.

  His mount is a maroon red western region horse with a long mane and well-proportioned muscles, and it runs like flying.

   It’s really incomparable, unlike Kill Matt’s dark horse, this guy is almost fat into a ball...

  Gao Rui rode on Juechen, followed by Zhu Pingan. The clacking of the horseshoes and the sound of "driving" the royal horse crossed the long street in the capital.

   At this time, listen to Yuxuan.

Li Shu is sitting in front of the dressing table, her slender hands are holding onto a delicate and small jade cup, mixing Kodan (ancient nail polish), her slender hands are painted with red nail polish, her pink fingers and red nail polish are very eye-catching. Li Shu is becoming more and more charming and charming, bright and unscented.

Baozi\'s little maid, Hua\'er and Qin\'er, were on the side, skillfully helping Li Shu, and putting the newly picked impatiens, Achnatherum splendens, alum, egg white, beeswax, and Western Region glue in the jade Chung one by one. Grind

"Oh, I almost forgot. Hua\'er, ask someone to notify the concierge in the lower mansion, and tell them carefully. From today until the husband unloads the treasury, if anyone comes to give gifts, no matter which mansion they are from." Yes, no matter what is given, whether it is expensive or cheap, it will not be accepted. If anyone who is not open-minded accepts even a nail, I will report to my ancestors and send this unclean hands and feet out."

  Li Shu stopped what she was doing, looked at Hua\'er with watery eyes, and gave serious instructions.

  Will someone give gifts?

  The little maid of Baozi was taken aback when she heard the words, because since my uncle was admitted to the first prize, it seemed, not seemingly, but definitely, except for those few good friends of my uncle, no one came to give gifts at all.

   "Does anyone want to give a gift? Miss, don\'t worry, I\'ll go find Mother Liu right away, and make sure she tells the concierge well."

  But Baozi’s little maid is a good girl, whether she understands it or not, but since the young lady ordered it, she must do it well.

  Qin\'er on the side also didn\'t quite understand.

"Not before, but not necessarily today." Li Shu looked forward with beautiful eyes, glanced at the two of them with a smile on her lips, and then told Qin\'er, "Qin\'er, you will go to the old ancestor\'s place later, and give the old ancestor Send two boxes of good donkey-hide gelatin cakes, and tell the ancestors what I mean by the way."

   "Yes, miss."

  Hua\'er and Qin\'er are very strong in execution, and quickly finished the things arranged by Li Shu.

  When Lao Li, the concierge, received the order, he was a little confused at first, and then he wanted to laugh a little. He felt that Miss Wu\'s order was really selling water by the riverside-it was superfluous. It is reasonable to say that someone gave gifts to Lord Hou, but as for gifts to Fifth Young Master, it means that the sun came out from the west.

  Miss Fifth really thought too much.

   No one has ever given a gift to Fifth Young Master before.

The concierge, Lao Li, took a sip of herbal tea, fanned himself, and relaxed on the chair with his eyes closed, resting his mind. Last night, he played horse hanging until midnight. Anyway, there were no outsiders in the house recently, so it happened to be here The concierge catches up on sleep.

  As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt sleepy. The doorman, Lao Li, fanned the fan more and more slowly, and soon it rested on his stomach, and he remembered the sound of snoring.

  However, after a while, the concierge Lao Li was awakened by a loud noise.

  As soon as he opened his eyes, the fan in the hands of the concierge, Lao Li, fell to the ground. What happened outside? How could there be a lot of traffic outside the gate just by squinting.

  Lao Li hurriedly got up and pushed open the door. The scene outside made Lao Li even more dumbfounded.

   There were more than a dozen people lined up to post posts just outside the concierge. Each of them was well-dressed. At first glance, they looked like the homes of dignitaries. As for the people carrying gifts and driving cars outside the gate, there were even more people, which once blocked the road outside the gate.

   Seeing the door of the gatehouse opened, there was excitement outside, and people rushed up.

   "I am the steward of Mr. Zhang\'s house, the treasurer of the Taicang Bank. Today, I was ordered to send a greeting card to your son-in-law, Mr. Zhu. This is our gift list, please pass it on. This little thing is not a respect."

  A well-dressed housekeeper squeezed in front of the drunk, sent a greeting card and a gift list to the concierge Lao Li, and quietly stuffed a piece of silver into Lao Li\'s sleeve, winked his eyes, and invited Lao Li Tongbing.

   "I am the third younger brother of Mr. Wang, who is in charge of the household department. Today, according to my brother\'s instructions, I came to visit Mr. Zhu of your mansion. This is the gift list..."

   "I am in the residence of Mr. Wang, the treasurer of the Taicang Bank, and our lord has a sister who admires Zhuangyuan Lang very much..."

  The other people were not to be outdone, and one by one squeezed forward to deliver the greeting cards, and the blessings listed on the gift list were astonishingly gorgeous, and each of them was very generous.

These people are very well dressed, and they all carry heavy gifts, such as jade antiques, valuable calligraphy and paintings, gold and silver jewelry, fine deer preserved, flying dragons, etc. The sound of playing the piano...

The concierge, Lao Li, was stunned, and he hadn\'t seen such a scene for many years. Although there were many people at the old lady\'s birthday last time, they were all relatives and friends. Haven\'t seen it for years.

  (end of this chapter)