Rise From the Humble

Chapter 724: Thirty-six escapes

Chapter 724 Thirty-six escapes


  Zhu Ping\'an came out from Deputy Qu\'s duty room, looked back at the chaotic duty room, was speechless, shook his head and cursed.

   "Master Zhu, what\'s the matter?"

  Gao Rui, a doctor in the Department of General Affairs of the Ministry of Industry, came a little later. When he arrived, he happened to meet Zhu Pingan who came out of the duty room, and looked at the chaotic duty room with a puzzled expression.

   "Good morning, Mr. Gao, it\'s like this. Mr. Qu worked overtime until late last night. It was so hard that he had a stroke." Zhu Pingan clasped his hands and explained to Gao Rui.

   Ah, a stroke?

  Gao Rui was stunned for a second when he heard the news that Deputy Qu had a stroke. He couldn\'t believe his ears. Can this overtime be added to the stroke? Do not make jokes.

   It can be seen that the duty room is full of doctors and decoctions. It looks like a mess. It\'s really not a joke, Gao Rui\'s face changed drastically.

   "Then I have to go and see Mr. Qu next." Gao Rui gave Zhu Ping\'an a hand, and hurried to Deputy Envoy Qu\'s duty room.

  Zhu Pingan watched Gao Rui enter the duty room from outside. About two minutes later, Gao Rui came out of the duty room with a gloomy face, apparently in a bad mood.

   "It seems that Mr. Qu is seriously ill." Gao Rui sneered, with a strong sense of irony, and was very shameless at Vice Envoy Qu\'s behavior, "I\'m incontinent."

  Uh. The vice envoy was cruel enough to him. As for him, he even did such things as urinary incontinence just to avoid the inspection of the Taicang Bank.

  It seems that the water in the Taicang bank is much deeper than I expected

  However, the deeper the water, the more water you can exercise, right? Calm waters do not make good sailors.

  The corners of Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes looked in the direction of the Taicang Bank, shining with confidence and determination.

"Hey, why hasn\'t Si Yushi come yet?" After Gao Rui stood outside for a while, he suddenly found that the supervisory censor Sinan, who had never been late in the past, hadn\'t come yet. I frowned.


   Is there anything else going on?

   I\'m looking forward to it.

  Zhu Ping\'an slightly hooked the corners of his lips. After experiencing Ding Youdun as the main envoy and Fengfeng Dun as the deputy envoy, he suddenly developed a strong curiosity about Sinan\'s escape method.

   Sure enough

   It didn\'t take long for Zhu Ping\'an and Gao Rui to get the news of the supervisory censor Sinan. It was the registration officer at the gate of Dali Temple who rushed to tell them.

"Master Gao, Lord Zhu, hurry to the Meridian Gate. When Si Yushi just arrived at Dali Temple, he was directly taken away by a few Jinyi guards outside our Yamen, saying that he was ordered to bind Si Yushi and go to the Meridian Gate to execute the court. stick." The registration official rushed to Zhu Ping\'an and Gao Rui, and hurriedly told them the news.


  Compared to Zhu Ping\'an\'s calmness, Gao Rui was caught off guard when he heard the news, his eyebrows were raised, and his voice couldn\'t help but raised by three points.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an and Gao Rui hurried from Dali Temple to Meridian Gate.

   Dali Temple is not very far from the Meridian Gate. In about ten minutes, Zhu Pingan and Gao Rui arrived at the Meridian Gate. Zhu Pingan was out of breath when he arrived at the Meridian Gate because he walked in a hurry, but Gao Rui\'s physique was much stronger than Zhu Ping\'an\'s.

   This is the first time Zhu Pingan has seen the execution staff.

There were at least a hundred people outside the Meridian Gate, and a few white-faced and beardless eunuchs sat outside the Meridian Gate. The leader was a middle-aged eunuch, who was introduced by the officials of Dali Temple as Du Taidu, who came from the inner court. Supervise.

  Below, there are three officials lying face down on the ground, with their jackets lifted and trousers pulled down. The one on the right is our supervisory censor, Sinan.

  There are two rows of brightly dressed Jinyi guards on the left and right, holding court staffs, which are wrapped with iron sheets, and there are blood-stained barbs on the iron sheets.

"Master Ma, the Zajia doesn\'t understand. The Zajia is appointed as the governor of Guanglu Temple by the emperor, and he is dedicated and loyal. As the young minister of Guanglu Temple, you don\'t want to help the Zajia. Ku Jinyin, hehe, fortunately, the Holy Majesty did not listen to your slander, Mr. Ma. Hehe, oh, yes, it’s all right for you, Mr. Ma, to frame me. The Holy Majesty fasted and prayed for the people of the world, and you, a traitor, dared to accuse the Holy Majesty , accused the Holy One of wasting manpower, material resources, and financial resources to pay homage to those unwarranted things, saying that the Holy Majesty went astray. Hehe, if you, Mr. Ma, can\'t bear this imperial stick, don\'t blame the miscellaneous family. Put the stick"

Standing in front of Ma Congqian and the others, Du Tai looked down at Ma Congqian, pinched the orchid and pointed at Ma Congqian, sneered at him in a high-pitched voice, and finally left a word in a sinister manner, stood on tiptoes, and waved his hand to make the execution begin .


  The hundred captains standing behind followed suit and shouted.


   Captain Jinyi took a look at Du Tai\'s position, and began to execute the court staff. He raised the court staff high, and dropped it forcefully. In an instant, the three people\'s buttocks were covered with blood.


  Three cries of gnashing of teeth in pain made people feel pain when they heard it.

During the execution of the court rod, Zhu Pingan learned the whole story from a father-in-law. Among the three people who were beaten by the court rod was Ma Congqian, a Jinshi in the 14th year of Jiajing. Qing.

  Yesterday, Ma Shaoqing wrote a letter to impeach Du Tai, the admiral of Guanglu Temple, for embezzling the treasury of the Mohist government. In the second half of the memorial, he also accused Emperor Jiajing of spending money and going astray.

   His colleague Zhang Shantai in the Ministry of Industry signed a letter with him.

  Supervision Censor Sinan is a good friend of Zhang Shantai. He and Sinan were filled with righteous indignation when they heard about this incident last night, and they attached their names to the first half of the memorial that night.

   This melody will open the sky.

  Emperor Jiajing was notoriously obsessed with cultivating Taoism and alchemy. Emperor Jiajing even tried to achieve Taoism and immortality through this, to hold the power of the Ming Dynasty forever, and enjoy the highest blessing in the world forever.

   As a result, Ma Congqian wrote a letter impeaching Du Tai for embezzling the inner treasury of Momo. In the second half of the memorandum, he said that Emperor Jiajing wasted money in the feast and went astray in practicing Taoism and alchemy.

  Emperor Jiajing couldn\'t bear his good temper, let alone his bad temper. Speaking of which, Ma Congqian and the others were beaten with court sticks and not directly beheaded, even if Emperor Jiajing was a wise king.

   Ma Congqian was the chief culprit and was ordered to have a court staff of eighty, Zhang Shantai was ordered to have a court staff of sixty, and the supervisory censor Sinan was only ordered to have a staff of thirty because he only attached his name to the upper half.


   Ma Congqian died under the imperial staff. Zhang Shantai fainted, hanged his breath, and was rescued by his family members and doctors.

   Supervisor Censor Si Nan was lighter, but his skin was also bruised. The doctor said that without March, he would never get out of bed.


  Hehe, I missed the inspection of the Taicang bank perfectly.

  Zhu Pingan watched Si Yushi\'s family carry Si Yushi away, and couldn\'t help but twitched his mouth. This Si Yushi is also a talent, and Emperor Jiajing cooperated with the performance.

  (end of this chapter)