Rise From the Humble

Chapter 710: Qi Haibo

Chapter 710 Qi Haibo

   "Master Li, do you know who that young general is?"

  Zhu Ping\'an returned to the room and saw that Li Chunfang had just finished writing a green poem, so he sat beside Li Chunfang, pointed to the young official standing at Yan Song\'s door waiting to be summoned, and asked Li Chunfang for advice in a soft voice.

  Li Chunfang looked along Zhu Ping\'an\'s fingers, and because the distance was a little far away, she couldn\'t help but squinted her eyes slightly to make herself see more clearly.

  After seeing the appearance of the young official standing at Yan Song\'s door, Li Chunfang smiled slightly, "I have very little contact with the military attache of the court and China, but it just so happened that I happened to have met this general a few times."

   "Oh, I would like to hear more about it." Zhu Pingan arched his hands and humbly asked Li Chunfang for advice.

   "This person is Qi Haibo, who was famous last year." Li Chunfang smiled slightly, and said slowly.

  Qi Haibo?

  Zhu Pingan was taken aback when he heard the words, I have heard of Huang Haibo and Zhou Libo, but who is this Qi Haibo? Were you famous last year? Could it be some unlucky general who was forgotten by history?

  Looking at Zhu Ping\'an\'s expression of not knowing what happened, Li Chunfang\'s smile grew wider, she stroked her stubble, and began to chant a poem in cadence:

  Xiaozhu temporarily sit back and relax, worrying about the old times and making alliances. Hu Zun come to bow to guests, wave a stag to sit and talk about soldiers.

  The toothpick is full, and the star contains the sword. I don\'t want to be named Marquis, but I hope Hai Bo is at peace.

Hearing this poem chanted by Li Chunfang, Zhu Ping\'an\'s heart seemed to clear the clouds and see the fog, and he immediately understood, "I don\'t want to be a Marquis, but I hope Haibo is peaceful." As an ancient military enthusiast, how could Zhu Ping\'an not Have you ever heard of this famous poem?

  Of course, Zhu Ping\'an knew it in his heart, but he still looked like he didn\'t know what happened and wanted to hear more about it.

  After all, as a native of Daming, I have no reason to know who that person is after hearing this poem.

  In history, this poem became widely known only after its master became famous in the fight against the Japanese.

As far as this poem is concerned, except for the heroic spirit of the poem "I don\'t want to be a Marquis, I hope Haibo is peaceful", the level of other poems is the same, and there is not much outstanding in general. , this poem has long been lost in the long river of history, without a single ripple.

   "Zihou didn\'t know something. This poem was written by General Qi several years ago." Li Chunfang explained softly.

"I don\'t want to be named Marquis, but I hope Haibo will be peaceful. This general has a lot of ambition." Zhu Pingan nodded, then slightly hooked the corners of his lips, and asked deliberately, "This general is named Qi Haibo." Is it?"

"No, no." Li Chunfang shook his head and smiled, and then explained to Zhu Pingan, "This general\'s surname is Qi and his name is Jiguang. He is from Dengzhou, Shandong. His ancestor held the position of commander of the Dengzhou Guard, and he was already a genuine fourth-rank official at a young age. However, General Qi is not a mediocre person relying on the grace of his ancestors. He came to Beijing to participate in the martial arts competition last year The test is the previous test of your Enke. His luck was not good, and the military test coincided with the Beihu Alta Khan\'s army besieging the capital. The situation was critical, and the martial test was cancelled."

   Well, it really is Qi Jiguang.

  Zhu Ping\'an nodded inwardly, and leaned over to listen carefully.

After saying this, Li Chunfang looked around cautiously, and then lowered her voice, "At that time, there were 100,000 Beihu Alta Khan troops outside the city, and there were 120,000 to 30,000 imperial guards inside the city. What does the imperial guards look like? The number of soldiers is all imaginary, only fifty or sixty thousand real. Among them, there are many meritorious service after gold-plated, there are many old and weak, and there are many soldiers who are used by the families of internal and external admirals and can fight There are less than 20,000 people."

   "So serious?" Zhu Ping\'an clicked his tongue. The situation at the time of the Gengxu Revolution was more serious than he knew.

Li Chunfang nodded, and continued: "Because of the serious situation, all the martial arts contestants who participated in the martial arts examination were mobilized. Unlike other martial arts, General Qi volunteered on his own initiative, and it is rare to have both culture and martial arts. At the time of defending the city, according to the actual situation, I wrote an article "Preparing My Answer Policy."

  When Zhu Pingan heard this, he seemed to see the scene at that time.

If it is said that Qi Jiguang\'s succession to his ancestor\'s fourth-rank swing was Qi Jiguang\'s first step on the stage of history, then this "Bei Er Da Policy" is a key step for Qi Jiguang to shine in history. Only then did they enter the field of vision of the big bosses and were appreciated. They showed their talents in this Gengxu Revolution and won a precious pot of gold for the rise.

"At that time, I went to the city gate to work in the army under the order of the Holy Majesty. I was fortunate enough to read this "Preparation for My Answer Policy". Although I don\'t understand military affairs, I also feel that this policy is very good. I am also traveling with me. Reward it to Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang was amazed, and immediately recommended General Qi to the Minister of War. General Qi was temporarily appointed as the official of the Nine Gates Banner in the capital. General Qi\'s "Preparing My Answer Policy" was also widely praised. Because of this, we I met General Qi." Li Chunfang recalled.

   "I still have a copy of General Qi\'s "Preparation for My Answers". If Zihou is interested, you can take a look." Li Chunfang looked at Zhu Ping\'an.

   "Then I would like to thank Mr. Li." Zhu Pingan smiled and cupped his hands to thank Li Chunfang.

   "Zi Hou, why are you being polite to me?" Li Chunfang also smiled, and searched from the table, found a volume of "Preparing My Answers", and handed it to Zhu Pingan.

  Zhu Ping\'an took over "Preparing My Answers" and put it in his sleeve like a treasure. Although he had read this work on Baidu in modern times, he hadn\'t seen the original version yet.

"Although the martial arts examination was canceled last year, it was a gift from the Holy Lord. General Qi and the others who participated in the defense of the capital were given the same background as Jinshi in recognition of their contributions. Because of General Qi\'s outstanding performance, the Ministry of War transferred General Qi to Arrived at Jimen to guard the border. Presumably there is an emergency situation in Jimen today, and General Qi came back to report."

   Li Chunfang glanced out as she spoke, and saw the closed door of Yan Song\'s office room, she frowned slightly on her forehead, and then looked calm again.

  Li Chunfang\'s frown was small and fleeting, but Zhu Pingan still noticed it and knew it well. Of course, Zhu Pingan would not be so stupid as to point it out.

   "Oh, by the way, Zihou asked me about General Qi, yes." Li Chunfang turned to look at Zhu Pingan and asked as if she suddenly thought of it.

   "Just now I saw General Qi\'s suave and heroic style, and I was curious." Zhu Pingan rubbed his nose and smiled.

   "Hehe, that\'s how it is. If there is a chance in the future, Zihou and I will recommend you." Li Chunfang smiled and nodded.

  (end of this chapter)