Rise From the Humble

Chapter 711: bully me too much

Chapter 711 Deceiving me too much

  One hour is two hours, and Qi Jiguang waited for half an hour outside Yan Song\'s gate before he was summoned.

After Qi Jiguang walked into Yan Song\'s room, Zhu Ping\'an looked away and began to deal with the business affairs accumulated due to the writing of Qing Ci. After reading two memorials, Yan Song began to ask people to hand in the Qing Ci that he had written. As for Qi Jiguang, who reported the military situation, Zhu Pingan only had time to see his back as he walked out of Wuyi Hall.

  At about eleven o\'clock, Zhu Ping\'an felt that the entire Xiyuan was busy with Emperor Jiajing\'s fasting ceremony.

   Soon, the entire Xiyuan was filled with smog, and more than a thousand catties of incense sticks were wiped out. If this happened in modern times, Emperor Jiajing would have been sprayed on the dog belt by environmentalists.

   This is the second time Zhu Ping\'an has participated in Emperor Jiajing\'s feast. The last time was when he was in the Imperial Academy.

   This time Zhu Ping\'an felt a little different from last time. Last time, he was in charge of writing, painting and arranging the venue. This time, he accompanied the worship ceremony and was closer to the Zhaijiao activity center.

  Yuan Wei, Li Chunfang and others were still in charge of writing green poems in the Buddhist altar. When Zhu Pingan met Yuan Wei, he felt the envy and hatred in Yuan Wei\'s eyes, and seemed to have great opinions on his early cabinet.

  After the Zhaijiao activity started, Zhu Ping\'an couldn\'t help but thank Li Shu for her foresight. The soft leather shoes under her feet are really a magic weapon for Zhaijiao.

During the Zhaijiao activities, I prayed and knelt again and again. If I still wore the official boots before, Zhu Pingan estimated that I would have two useless feet now. Now I am wearing these soft leather shoes, kneeling so much. Ping An didn\'t feel any discomfort in his legs or feet.

  Besides kneeling and worshiping during the Zhaijiao event, Zhu Pingan observed Tao Zhongwen, an old magic stick at close range.

   But no matter how immoral he is, he can\'t change the essence of his old magic stick.

  After the Zhaijiao activity was about to end, Youdaotong sent a letter urgently. After Tao Zhongwen opened it, his face was happy, and then he thanked Emperor Jiajing who was wearing a blue cloth gossip robe.

"Reporting to the real king, the minister\'s younger brother--Zhang Yansheng, a Taoist priest from Qihe County, built the Daqing Bridge. When he dredged the river, he got a keel, weighing a thousand catties. It also protruded from the rock and sand veins, several feet long, like a god. This is the auspicious **** descended from heaven, congratulations to Zhenjun, congratulations to Zhenjun.”

  By reading Tao Zhongwen\'s lips, Zhu Ping\'an knew the content of the letter in Tao Zhongwen\'s hand. It turned out that a bone of a thousand pieces of gold had been dug out.


   It’s terrible to have no culture, what kind of keel, it’s the fossil of ancient organisms, okay?

  Zhu Ping\'an curled his lips speechlessly.

  However, Emperor Jiajing followed suit. Hearing the words, Long Yan was very happy, and as soon as he opened his golden mouth, he allocated 200,000 taels of silver, ordering him to build Yuanyue in Taihe Mountain, Huguang, perform rituals to soothe the gods, and build a funeral ceremony to pray for the Ming Dynasty.

  Taihe Mountain, also known as Wudang Mountain, is said to be a famous mountain of Taoism. Emperor Jiajing named Wudang Mountain the number one mountain in the world. Whenever there is a major event, Emperor Jiajing will make people worship in Wudang Mountain.

   Hemp eggs! Tao Zhongwen, the old wretch who wreaks havoc on the country!

  Zhu Pingan couldn\'t help but cursed Tao Zhongwen again in his heart.

  During the last feast, I wrote Qing Ci at the Buddhist altar, and I was so daring, it was just gold powder dipped in more than a dozen brushes hidden in my sleeve.

   But this old magic stick cheated Emperor Jiajing of a full two hundred thousand taels of silver with a single letter.

   Two hundred thousand taels is not a small amount.

  Last year, there was a severe drought in Ningxia and Gansu. People had nothing to eat, and they ate each other. The imperial court only distributed 200,000 taels of silver to relieve the disaster.

   Tao Zhongwen, an old god, a paleontological fossil, took away the disaster relief funds of two provinces from the treasury

  Zhu Ping\'an can no longer be disgusted with Tao Zhongwen, an old magician.

   Cultivate your way and recite your scriptures in the deep mountains, but how can you torment me, Daming! The overthrow of the Ming Dynasty a hundred years later was due to the "credit" of these gods, otherwise why would the Ming Dynasty be so short-lived.

  At this moment, Tao Zhongwen, who has a fairy demeanor and a childlike face, is becoming more and more wretched and ugly in Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes.

Because of the "dragon bone", Emperor Jiajing\'s Long Yan was very happy. Yan Song, who performed outstandingly in this sacrificial ceremony, also received a special award from Emperor Jiajing. He was rewarded with a "green hat" that must have been made by himself. The merit of fasting and offering sacrifices, and two excellent Qingci written by Yan Song.

  Yuan Wei also received a special award from Emperor Jiajing. During this fasting ceremony, a green poem written by Yuan Wei was also favored by Emperor Jiajing.

   Li Chunfang is also, Suye\'s pretentious Qing Ci was also favored by Emperor Jiajing.

  As for Zhu Ping\'an, like other people who participated in the fasting ceremony, he was only rewarded by Emperor Jiajing "a catty of ice from other officials".

Yuan Wei wore the fragrant leaf crown specially rewarded by Emperor Jiajing, and walked in front of Zhu Pingan proudly. When he passed in front of Zhu Pingan, he gave Zhu Pingan a contemptuous look, and flicked the fragrant leaf crown deliberately, with a complacent expression. Walk away from Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes.

   "Wearing a cuckold and being so proud is really a role model for forgiveness."

  Zhu Ping\'an looked at Yuan Wei\'s back as he swayed away, and curled his lips speechlessly.

  Emperor Jiajing was very happy when he was fasting at noon, but when he was about to get off work in the afternoon, his temper was sent to the cabinet.

  Under the temper of Emperor Jiajing, the cabinet was like a boat about to capsize in a storm.

   This is the first time Zhu Pingan has seen Emperor Jiajing lose his temper.

  When Emperor Jiajing stepped into the cabinet, Zhu Pingan felt a great pressure, lowered his head like a quail, and knelt down to plead guilty with everyone.

  The reason why Emperor Jiajing lost his temper was that Jinkou Yuyan allocated 200,000 taels of money to order Tao Zhongwen to perform the ceremony of soothing the gods and build the ceremony at Jianyuan Mountain in Wudang Mountain during the feast.

  The problem lies in the two hundred thousand taels.

After the feast, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of War wrote a letter at this juncture. The Ministry of Household said that disaster relief and military expenditures were huge, and the treasury was in short supply. The Ministry of Industry said that the cost of repairing the capital city wall was huge; , Shangshu asked to borrow 300,000 silver from the military salary for relief.

   In short, there is a shortage of silver in the library.

  Three parts wrote to Emperor Jiajing, please withdraw the 200,000 taels from the internal treasury for the cost of building Yuanyue in Taihe Mountain.

  What is the internal library?

The inner treasury is a concept corresponding to the national treasury. The inner treasury is the inner carrier warehouse. It is the small treasury of Emperor Jiajing. Minority leaders, Ming vassal states directly attacked the tribute income to Emperor Jiajing, the pocket money allocated from the treasury every year, ransacked homes, and sent eunuchs to various places to collect mining taxes, mountain taxes, grave taxes, river taxes, etc.

  It is not easy to save.

   This is the lifeblood of Emperor Jiajing, and the reliance on Emperor Jiajing\'s practice of alchemy.

   Emperor Jiajing spent a lot of money in alchemy. Musk, cinnabar, mercury, lead, mica, lead mother and other alchemy materials were expensive. The amount used by Emperor Jiajing to cultivate alchemy was astronomical, and alchemy was like burning money.

It\'s not that Emperor Jiajing didn\'t pay attention to the treasury, but if the money from the treasury was spent on alchemy, the ministers would not allow it, because they were a little brainless and even threatened their lives. Emperor Jiajing had no choice but to give up using the money from the treasury to refine alchemy idea.

   Therefore, Emperor Jiajing could only rely on the inner treasury to support his cultivation and alchemy.

  In Emperor Jiajing’s view, Jianyuan Yue performed the ritual of calming the gods, which was the same project as Fengchan Taishan’s sacrifice to the heavens.

  Now the minister wants Emperor Jiajing to pay money from the internal treasury, how can Emperor Jiajing bear it.

  Alchemy, you don’t want me to use treasury money, okay, let me use my own money! Now, Jian Yuanyue is doing the ceremony of calming the gods. Your treasury should have been released, but now you want to use my private money!

   Bullied me too much!

  You guys are so brave!

  (end of this chapter)