Rise From the Humble

Chapter 709: night watch

Chapter 709 Night watch

  In the evening, the sun finally restrained its fiery temper, and it was rare to be mild, and the steaming heat dissipated a lot.

  It\'s almost time to get off work.

   Sure enough, the sound of bell and chime sounded soon.

get off work.

  Sizhi\'s first day went well.

  Zhu Pingan stretched out from the sea of ​​memorials, let out a long breath, put down his rolled up sleeves again, reached out to pick up the cup in front of him, and took a big gulp of herbal tea.

   get up

Just as he was about to speak to several colleagues in the room and was about to leave after work, he heard footsteps coming from Wuyi Hall, then he heard footsteps approaching the door, and then he heard the voice of a drake coming from A voice came from the door, "The Holy Majesty is sympathetic to the hard work of the adults, and specially ordered the slaves to bring the dinner to the adults. Please enjoy the adults slowly."


   Four dishes, one soup, and a basket of steamed buns were brought in by a young eunuch.

After the little **** left, Zhu Pingan got up and looked at the delicious four dishes and one soup. He was a little surprised, and then said happily: "Hey, the benefits of Wuyi Palace are good, and there is also dinner. Isn\'t it possible to have dinner every day in the future?" Koufu tasted the cooking skills of the royal chef, and the two dishes and one porridge in the palace test last time are still unforgettable to me."

  As soon as Zhu Pingan finished speaking, he saw two other colleagues in the room look up and look at him like an idiot.

   "Hehe, Zihou doesn\'t know something. Wuyi Hall does not serve dinner every day. Every time dinner is served, it means that today he will be on duty in Wuyi Hall." Li Chunfang got up and shook his head with a smile, explaining.


   Doesn\'t that mean that you have to work overtime all night today? ! Now Zhu Pingan finally understood why those two colleagues saw him that way.


  Life is like being raped, if you can\'t resist, then enjoy it.

   Zhu Pingan did it.

   Now Li Chunfang and the other three have seen Zhu Pingan\'s appetite. Zhu Pingan ate half of a basket of steamed buns alone. With Zhu Pingan\'s new force, the four dishes and one soup in this office room are also available on CD for the first time.

   There is really nothing to say about the craftsmanship of the imperial chef.

After dinner, Zhu Ping\'an went to the gate of the palace as if he was digesting food, informed Liu Mu and Liu Dadao who were waiting outside the palace gate, and told them to go back and tell Li Shu that tonight at Wuyi The hall is on duty at night, so I won\'t go back.

  After returning to Wuyi Hall, Zhu Ping\'an received the task.

  green words

  green words

   It is still a green word.

  Emperor Jiajing will hold a fasting ceremony at the Taiyi Hall at noon tomorrow, and needs Qingci prayers, to communicate with the Qing Dynasty, and then present Qingci to the cabinet and the Imperial Academy.

  Yan Song attached great importance to it, ordering the people in the Wuyi Hall to immediately put down what they were doing and devote themselves to the important matter of Qing Ci, so as not to miss the holy feast at noon tomorrow.

  Qingci is such an empty-headed thing, even Zhu Ping\'an is good at it, but it still takes a lot of brains to write.

  In the history of Qingci, there are only a few famous ones. Excluding those by Yan Song, Li Chunfang, Yuan Wei and others, there are not many left. These green words known as "Wuzhu" cannot be used so easily, just like good steel is used on the edge of a knife, it must be used at a critical moment.

  So, Zhu Ping\'an could only rack his brains and create his own green words.

  Night fell slowly, and the Wuyi Hall was brightly lit. All the officials were concentrating on composing Qing Ci, especially the elder Yan Songyan who was serious and responsible, and Yan Shifan who came to report work was left behind to compose Qing Ci.

   Has been working hard until late at night, Zhu Pingan and others carried their tired bodies one after another, and went to bed in the low value hut.

  Zhu Ping\'an was assigned to sleep in a room on the side, the room number was "Wuxu", which was close to the toilet in Wuyi Hall.

Although Wuxu Value House is a single room, it is too low and too small. It is estimated to be about 5 square meters. Don\'t even think about it, the bathroom, etc. It is several times simpler than the simplest office in a certain county that Zhu Pingan saw in modern times.

  The quilt has a musty smell

  Fortunately, the room was so hot in the middle of the night that there was no need for a quilt, Zhu Ping\'an twitched his lips mockingly.

   Sultry heat, mosquito bites, Zhu Pingan didn\'t know how he fell asleep.

The next day, Zhu Pingan got up early and was woken up by people who came to the toilet one after another. After getting up, Zhu Pingan went to the toilet, followed other officials to a corner of Wuyi Hall to wash, and then had breakfast together .

  Before the bell rang and it was not time for work, the elders Yan Song, Xu Jie, and Lu Ben all went to their respective offices early to devote themselves to writing.

  The leaders worked so hard, no one dared to be lazy, so Zhu Pingan also consciously started working with all the officials.

  Going to the bathroom on the way, passing through the Wuyi Hall, seeing the scene of painstakingly writing poems up and down in the Wuyi Hall, Zhu Pingan shook his head and sighed

  Military and national affairs are nothing compared to a green poem.

   After going to the toilet, when returning, Zhu Pingan witnessed a young official from the Ministry of War who came to report Al Da Khan\'s invasion of Jiliao army, waiting outside the door of Yan Songyan\'s office.

The reason

It turned out that Yan Song hadn\'t finished writing the Qing Ci in the hands of Yan Ge, so the people on duty outside asked the official who reported the military situation to wait outside, waiting for Yan Ge to finish writing a Qing Ci, and then went in to report, saving money It interrupted Yan Ge\'s train of thought.

The last time an official came to report on the Japanese pirates invading Taizhou and other places in the south of the Yangtze River, he didn’t know that Mr. Yan Ge was writing Qingci, so he pushed the door and went in. As a result, he interrupted Mr. Yan Ge’s thoughts and killed Mr. Yan Ge. Qing Ci is not good enough.

   Not only the officials who reported the military situation were severely punished, but the people on duty outside were also severely criticized.

Therefore, from then on, the people on duty outside have a long memory. Every time Mr. Yan Ge writes Qing Ci, he pays special attention to it. Let\'s talk about this article again, lest someone interrupt Yan Ge\'s train of thought again.

  Zhu Ping\'an returned to the room, and after completing the assigned tasks, he took advantage of the time to pour tea and walked around the door.

  I found that the official who reported Altan Khan\'s invasion of Jiliao army was still standing straight outside Yange\'s old gate.

But what made Zhu Ping\'an curious was that the official had been waiting at the door for so long, and there was no emotion on his face. He was still standing upright, like a spear holding up to the sky, but his sharp edge was restrained, as if he could pierce the sky once released of.

   It\'s not easy. This person, with such a grand appearance, shouldn\'t be an unknown person.

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s eyes lit up involuntarily. After thinking for a while, he shook his head again, unable to guess who this person was. During the Jiajing period, there were many famous military generals, such as Hu Zongxian, Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou, Tan Lun, and there were many military generals and officials who had no place to display their talents in history. How could I guess.

  (end of this chapter)