Rise From the Humble

Chapter 708: Nan Ke Yi Niu

Chapter 708 Nan Ke Yi Niu

  In this feudal society, the words of the master, whether drunk or nonsense, are very useful.

  The little girl Zhui\'er didn\'t know whether she should go to the small kitchen to make hangover soup, and stood there looking at the little maid pitifully.

   "Chui\'er, go to the small kitchen to make a bowl of hangover soup first, and I\'ll call you later." The little girl named Baozi supported Zhu Ping\'an, and said to the little girl, Zhui\'er.

  Well, the little girl Zhui\'er had the support of Baozi\'s little maid, and wished Zhu Ping\'an a blessing, and went to the small kitchen to make hangover soup.

Zhu Pingan propped himself up and was about to go to the bedroom, but he overestimated his state after being drunk, so he propped up, but his feet went limp, and he staggered again. Ping\'an\'s head was about to hit the ground.

The little maid who was supporting Zhu Ping\'an took most of Zhu Ping\'an\'s weight at once, her face was flushed, and she almost fell down, but fortunately there was a door frame nearby, and the little maid held the door frame in time, so she didn\'t fall down .

   "Master, please slow down."

  The little maid of Baozi was very scared, not because she was afraid that she would fall by herself.

   "No, it\'s okay, I\'m not drunk." Zhu Ping\'an hiccupped, supported the shoulder of the little girl named Baozi, and stood up.

The bun girl’s face was flushed. She just took a nap. She was wearing a single dress. Is it hot? slipped into her clothes.

   Fortunately, Zhui\'er went to the small kitchen, otherwise she would be so ashamed.

   The little maid of Baozi\'s face was red and hot.

   But fortunately, after Zhu Pingan stood up, he withdrew his hand, threw off the support of Baozi\'s little maid, and staggered towards the bedroom.

The little maid of Baozi was afraid that Zhu Ping\'an would be tripped again when she crossed the threshold, so she quickly stepped forward to support Zhu Ping\'an\'s arm. Because of her weak strength, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold it up at that time, so she wrapped Zhu Ping\'an\'s arm around her neck for convenience. Zhu Ping\'an is easy to hold when he can\'t stand still and falls.

   Staggering, from the door to the big bed in the bedroom, the distance was less than three meters. The little maid of Baozi felt as if she had walked for half a century.

  However, finally helped Zhu Pingan to the bed without any risk.

"Grandfather, you drink less, so you should drink less alcohol in the future. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao are the same. They follow you, and I don\'t know how to persuade them..." After the little maid helped Zhu Pingan to the bed, she finally let out a sigh of relief. Looking at my uncle\'s drunken appearance, I couldn\'t help complaining about Liu Mu and Liu Dadao.

   "Don\'t blame them, they went in again."

  Zhu Ping\'an leaned on the bed, waved his hands with his tongue out, and did not forget to explain to Liu Mu and Liu Dadao when he was drunk.

   "My uncle, why did you drink so much wine today..." Baozi\'s little maid sat on the edge of the bed and lowered her head to take off Zhu Ping\'s shoes.

   After a while, I didn\'t hear my uncle\'s answer, only heard my uncle\'s breathing more and more heavily. The little maid of Baozi raised her head strangely, only to find that my uncle was looking at her directly...

   Eyes are always bright...

Following the uncle\'s gaze, the little maid of Baozi realized that she had just lowered her head just now, which made the collar of the unlined garment open quite a bit. I don\'t know how many sizes are bigger than the lady\'s, and you can see white flowers when you lower your head, no wonder my uncle looked straight... No, where is my uncle looking? !

   "Ah... uncle, where are you looking..."

   The little maid of Baozi couldn\'t help but exclaimed, and quickly put her hands on her collar, her little face turned red.

"Your arm, what\'s the matter, why is there a red spot on your arm, was it bitten by a mosquito?" Zhu Pingan looked at the little girl Baozi inexplicably, shook her head, and pointed to the little girl Baozi\'s arm. asked a little red dot on it.


   It turned out to be the arm that I was looking at. I thought my uncle was looking at... I was so ashamed. It turned out that my uncle didn\'t mean it, but I was thinking too much. The little maid of Baozi felt her face was hot.

   "What\'s wrong with you, what is that?" Zhu Ping\'an asked again.

  Seeing my uncle\'s probing eyes, Baozi\'s little maid blushed even more, and her voice sounded like a mosquito, "Yes...it\'s Shou Gongsha."

   "Oh, it turns out that this is Shou Gongsha." Zhu Pingan looked suddenly enlightened, and then withdrew his gaze, as if he was drunk and didn\'t notice the abnormality of Baozi\'s little maid.


   Seeing this, the little maid of Baozi breathed a sigh of relief, pulled up her collar, and helped Zhu Pingan take off her shoes. After taking off her shoes, in order to ease the embarrassment, the little maid asked again, "Master, why did you drink so much today?"

"Oh, it\'s the first time I went to the cabinet to be on duty today. I received a banquet at noon, and the Shangguan gave me wine. I didn\'t dare to refuse, and I don\'t know how much I drank..." Zhu Pingan shook his head and replied, then stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, and said something ,"Thirsty…"

   "Grandpa, you sit down, I\'ll pour water."

  Hearing the words, the little maid of Baozi got up from the edge of the bed and went to the side to pour water. There was hot water in the master bedroom, and it was very convenient to pour water.

   "Master, here comes the water."

  The bun girl poured half a cup of hot water, and then mixed it with cold boiled water. After testing that the water temperature was just right, she brought it to Zhu Pingan.

   "Well, thanks..."

  Zhu Ping\'an thanked him, and reached out to take the cup.


  The next second, her hand touched the hand of Baozi\'s little maid.

   The little maid of Baozi didn\'t know whether Zhu Ping\'an did it on purpose or not, so she pulled her hand back nervously, but found that Zhu Ping\'s grip was so tight that she couldn\'t pull it back no matter how hard she pulled.

   "Come and feed me." Zhu Pingan said in a hoarse voice while holding the hand of Baozi\'s little maid.

   "Grand...uncle..." No matter how stupid the little girl was, she realized that something was wrong, and she couldn\'t help opening her eyes wide, a little frightened.

   "Good boy..." Zhu Pingan coaxed hoarsely,

   "Grandpa, let go quickly, it won\'t be good if someone sees you." Baozi\'s little maid shook her head.

   "See what\'s wrong..." Zhu Pingan teased cheekily.

   "Uncle..." Baozi\'s little maid was so anxious that she was about to cry.

   "Do you want to feed me or not?" Zhu Pingan grabbed the hand of Baozi\'s little maid, and deliberately raised his voice towards the door.

   "Grandpa, keep your voice down, someone saw you..."

   Seeing this, the little maid of Baozi quickly stretched out her small hand to cover Zhu Ping\'an\'s mouth, looked worriedly at the door, and was relieved to see that there was no one at the door, and then patted her chest in fear.

   "Your hands are fragrant." Zhu Pingan licked his lips, looking at the little maid with burning eyes.

  Seeing Zhu Ping\'an\'s confident look, the little bun girl bit her mouth in compromise, reached out to touch Zhu Ping\'an\'s hand, and fed Zhu Ping\'an the water in the cup.

   Unexpectedly, after feeding the water, Zhu Ping\'an went too far and wanted to pull the little maid on the bed.

   "My lord, don\'t, don\'t..." The little maid of Baozi struggled feebly like a small boat in a violent storm, shaking her head again and again, on the verge of crying.

   "Why not, the close girl is my uncle\'s half-pull, if it doesn\'t hurt, it doesn\'t hurt, if you don\'t touch it, don\'t touch it..." Zhu Ping\'an smiled badly.

   Baozi little maid crying

   Baozi’s little maid is struggling


  But the fate of being dragged to bed by Zhu Pingan still hasn\'t changed...

  The day is full of clothes

   The following plot should go without saying.

  The little maid of Baozi was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, crying helplessly, watching my uncle\'s strong body pressed down like a mountain...

  However, just when she was about to change from a girl to a woman, she suddenly heard a cry in her ear:

   "Sister Hua\'er, wake up..."

   "Sister Hua\'er, wake up..."

   "Sister Hua\'er, are you having a nightmare? Why do you keep yelling no?"

"Sister Hua\'er, are you awake? Just now, the lady saw that you were sleeping soundly, and no one called you. She took Sister Qin\'er to enjoy the lotus in the back garden. The lady loves you so much, let us not call you, let us You sleep more, I specially gave you half a day off."


  The little maid of Baozi opened her eyes, and saw the big and concerned face of the little girl Zhuier appearing in front of her eyes...

  From this moment, Baozi\'s little maid did not speak to Zhui\'er for three whole days.

For three days in a row, Zhui\'er was confused, why did Sister Hua\'er ignore me, she looked at me with a scary look, as if I owed Sister Hua\'er several hundred taels of silver, did I do something wrong recently? something happened...

  (end of this chapter)