Rise From the Humble

Chapter 707: Afternoon Stories

Chapter 707 Afternoon Story

   After meeting with the three big bosses in the cabinet, Zhu Pingan followed Li Chunfang to visit several senior officials of the Sizhi cabinet in turn, and then got acquainted with other officials of the Sizhi cabinet. It was not until around ten o\'clock in the morning that he settled down.

  Zhu Ping\'an was assigned to Li Chunfang\'s office room. In addition to Li Chunfang, there were three other officials in the room. Including Zhu Ping\'an, there were five people in total.

  This room is mainly responsible for clerical matters, such as drafting documents and edicts, presenting Qing Ci, sorting memorials, etc.

   On the first day, Zhu Pingan, the newly promoted Cabinet Secretary Zhilang, was in Wuyi Hall, just like he used to go to the court for an internship in his senior year. He consulted, watched, and learned from Li Chunfang and others how to handle memorials, upload and issue documents, and other matters.

   Oh, and running errands.

  The cabinet is equivalent to the political center of the Ming Dynasty. Many orders are issued from here to the Six Ministries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple, Factory Guard and other institutions. In ancient times, there were no telephones, faxes, mails, etc., and they could only be conveyed manually.

  Zhu Pingan ran twice today.

   One leg is to go to the clan\'s mansion to convey the documents of Emperor Jiajing\'s imperial edicts and rewards to the kings. Because the kings donated silver to support the army, among them: Dai Wang Zhu Tingqi donated 5000 taels of silver, Ru Wang Zhu You coffin donated 3000 taels of silver, De Wang Zhu Zaiqian donated 1000 taels of silver and eight horses, Hui Wang Zhu Zai (Tulun) donated 1000 taels of silver , Ninghua Wang Fuguo Lieutenant offered one thousand taels of silver to help the side pay, and Emperor Jiajing was pleased to reward the kings who offered the silver.

  The other leg is to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to check the case files of Yang\'s murder case. This is a death penalty review case.

Our country can be said to be the most cautious country on the death penalty. For example, in the Ming Dynasty, any death penalty case will go through layers of review by the state, county, government, (Tao), province, and Ministry of Punishment. Finally, it must be approved by Emperor Jiajing. The death penalty can be carried out.

   Now the murder case of the Yang family has come to Emperor Jiajing. Of course, the affairs of Emperor Jiajing are the affairs of the cabinet, so this case was transferred to the cabinet.

   Without investigation, there is no right to speak, so Zhu Ping\'an was sent to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to check the files.

   Arriving at the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Zhu Ping\'an looked bewildered as he looked at the case files, which were nearly ten catties full. Fortunately, one of the chiefs of the Ministry of Punishment asked Zhu Ping\'an to be sent to the gate of Xiyuan by an officer of the Ministry of Punishment. However, the way after Xiyuan entered the gate can only depend on Zhu Pingan himself.

  By the time Zhu Pingan arrived at Wuyi Hall with a ten-jin file in his arms, his back was already dripping with sweat, and his hands were sore and limp.

  After sending the file to the designated office room, Zhu Pingan returned to his seat, picked up the teacup, and poured a cup of herbal tea, feeling the herbal tea flowing in his throat and abdomen, as if he had been born again.

   "Hehe, Zihou is exhausted." Li Chunfang asked with a smile.

   "It\'s okay, it\'s okay." Zhu Pingan replied panting.

"Hehe, it\'s better to be a young man. I went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate just now, and now my leg is almost broken. Here, for you, this is one of the few benefits we have." Li Chunfang laughed and teased, and then Handed Zhu Pingan a folding fan.

   "Thank you, Mr. Li." Zhu Pingan saw the folding fan light up, thanked Li Chunfang, took the folding fan unceremoniously, opened it with a swish, and fanned it lightly twice. A gust of cool wind followed the fan, making it much cooler.

   After a while, Zhu Pingan came over slowly, and while asking Li Chunfang for advice, he tried to sort out the memorials.

Altan Khan of Mongolia invaded Datong again, and under his command Du\'er and Xin\'ai invaded Xinxing Fort in Liaodong. There was a severe famine in the second prefecture of Datong, and people had nothing to eat, but people lived on food. The Ministry of War asked the army to borrow a certain amount of money for relief;

Xu Hai, Chen Dong, Xiao Xian, Ma Ye and others, the chiefs of the pirate Wang Zhi\'s subordinates, seduced more than 10,000 Japanese pirates, drove more than 1,000 ships, and landed from Zhoushan and Xiangshan counties in Zhejiang Province. Taizhou, Wenzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing captured the city walls, killed and kidnapped residents, riots in eastern Zhejiang, Jiangnan and Jiangbei were in emergency at the same time...

   After summing it up, there are three main issues in the memorial, one is the northern prisoner, the other is the southern Japanese, and the third is lack of money.

  Da Ming is really suffering from internal and external troubles now, Zhu Pingan looked at the memorial and couldn\'t help frowning...

In the capital city in the afternoon, the sun hanging in the sky seemed to be on fire, scorching the sky and the earth. The water outside the yard was hot to the touch, and the ground was almost smoking. There was no wind, and it was so hot that it was hard to breathe. angry.

I heard that Yuxuan\'s hostess Li Shu had a bowl of homemade ice cream after lunch, and asked people to go to the ice cellar to get a few pots of ice and put them in the bedroom to cool off the heat. Each big girl has a pot.

  With the ice basin to cool down, the temperature in the room is several degrees lower than the outside. The outside is grilled, and the room is cool and comfortable.

   Take a nap in the afternoon.

   The little maid of Baozi was on duty in the suite of the master bedroom. While the young lady was taking a nap, she closed her eyes and squinted for a while on the couch, except for her coat and only her underwear.

  Because she was on duty in the suite last night, she suffered from insomnia again, so when she closed her eyes, she couldn\'t help falling asleep.

   I don\'t know how long I slept.

  By the time the little girl Baozi woke up rubbing her eyes, the sun outside was nearly halfway to the west, and the sunlight was not so poisonous anymore.

   It’s broken, why did you oversleep, did the lady wake up, didn’t you invite the second lady and the others to appreciate the lotus today?

  The little maid of Baozi hastily grabbed her hair, which was messed up with sleep, and sat up from the couch, anxiously.

Just at this time, a little girl came in with a basin of ice in the living room, and seeing the little girl Baozi woke up, she giggled, "Sister Hua\'er, you\'re awake. Miss just saw you sleeping Xiang, no one called you. I took Sister Qin\'er to the back garden to appreciate the lotus. The lady loves you so much, let us not call you, let you sleep more, and specially give you half a day off."


  When the little maid of Baozi heard the words, she couldn\'t close her mouth immediately, thinking that the young lady treated her so well, her heart was sweet.

   At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the living room. The footsteps sounded a little chaotic, as if the steps were erratic and unsteady.

   Then I smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

   Then I saw Zhu Pingan belching, wearing a crown of blue gauze fragrant leaves crookedly on his head, and walking in waddlingly.

   "Uncle, I came back so early today. The young lady and the second young lady went to the back garden to enjoy the lotus, but they haven\'t come back yet."

  The bun girl subconsciously pulled up the thin blanket to cover her neck. She was only wearing her underwear at the moment, and her little face was flushed with embarrassment.


  Zhu Ping\'an nodded, and walked towards the master bedroom, but only took two steps before he staggered and almost hit the door.

  The little maid of Baozi realized belatedly that my uncle drank too much, his face was red from drinking, and his whole body smelled of alcohol.

"My aunt, be careful...Chui\'er, go to the small kitchen and bring me a bowl of hangover soup." Regardless of her own clothes, the little maid hurriedly got off the couch and supported Zhu Pingan, lest Zhu Pingan should be hit and fall Poured it, and at the same time asked the little girl Zhui\'er to go to the small kitchen to bring hangover soup.

   "No, no need, I\'m not drunk, just help me to the bedroom and lie down for a while." Zhu Ping\'an shook his head and waved his hands with his tongue out.

  (end of this chapter)