Rise From the Humble

Chapter 669: Mr. Wang, please stay

Chapter 669 Mr. Wang, please stay

  The sun is getting thinner, and the music is over.

  The Ministry of Punishment’s petition was over, and the officials left in twos and threes. Wang Shenyi of the General Administration also stood up and politely declined the invitation of several acquaintances to have a drink together. He was in a bad mood and had no interest in drinking.

  Today’s result was beyond Wang Shenyu’s expectation. Zhu Ping’an’s impeachment memorial was also blamed for his negligence and ineffective inspection by the right counselor.

  If Zhao Daying is safe and sound, his fault will be made up for, but he never expected that Zhao Daying would be so disappointing, with so many people helping him, nothing could be done


  I will be criticized again when I go back.

  Wang Senju sighed, got up and walked towards the door.

   "Lord Wang, please stay."

Just when Wang Shenyi got up and took two steps, he suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind calling him, Wang Shenyi stopped in surprise, turned his head, and then saw Zhu Pingan clasping his hands at him. Face flattering smile.


  Seeing this, Wang Shen was stupefied and didn\'t understand why Zhu Pingan smiled so brightly at himself. Your enthusiasm is a bit too much. We are not familiar with each other, so the positions are still opposing.

"Hehe, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, please stay still, please wait for a while." Zhu Pingan trotted two steps to catch up with Wang Shenyi. Ping\'an and Wang Shenyi are relatives.

   "Master Zhu, what\'s the matter with you?" Wang Shenshi took a step back, keeping a distance from Zhu Ping\'an, and asked with a distant look on his face.

   "Master Wang, please do me a favor."

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s simple and honest face was full of smiles, and he rubbed his hands a little shyly, and the light in his dark eyes flashed away.

  The interaction between Zhu Ping\'an and Wang Shenshi attracted everyone\'s attention. Many people stopped and looked over curiously.

   Do me a favor?

  Wang Shenyi was taken aback for a moment, I am not familiar with you.

   "Master Wang is really warm-hearted. Ping An is here to thank Master Wang." Zhu Pingan didn\'t wait for Wang Shenshi to speak, he smiled and thanked Wang Shenshi, and blocked Wang Shenshi\'s refusal.

  Simple and rude.

Wang Shenyi has never encountered someone who asked for help like Zhu Ping\'an before. Before he could react, he thanked him. Scholars in ancient times were all concerned about face, and so many people looked at him, so Wang Shenyi said no. Say no.

   After thanking Zhu Pingan, he borrowed pens, ink, paper and inkstones from the scribes. Anyway, they were all ready-made, and the scribes of the Ministry of Punishment hadn\'t put them away yet. After Zhu Ping\'an borrowed a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, he stood there and began to write.

  Hanging the wrist to lift the pen, dipping the ink into the book.

Soon, within a few minutes, Zhu Ping\'an finished writing. He picked up the written paper and blew it close to his mouth. After drying the ink, he folded the paper into a memorial, and took the copy to the pass. The political envoy, the king, is here.

   "The lower official has a memorial. I wanted to hand it over to the Tongzheng Commissioner tomorrow, but just now the court ordered me not to go out after returning to the mansion. Now I have to ask Wang Shenshi to help me bring this memorial to the Tongzheng Commissioner."

  Zhu Ping\'an handed over the written memorial to Wang Shenyu, and asked him to bring it to the Tongzheng Envoy.

   It turned out to be a memorial.

and many more


  Wang Shenzhi reacted and his hands couldn\'t help shaking, as if the memorial in his hand suddenly became hot, and he couldn\'t hold it anymore.

   Zhu Ping An!

   Don’t you think you didn’t hurt me enough last time? Why did you put up a memorial? Are you sick that you’ll **** if you don’t go to the memorial? Why is it playing endlessly! If you are going to play, can you change the channel of the department? Why do you want to catch us and the Secretary of the General Administration?

   "Playing again?"

   "Look, who did he impeach again?"

  When they heard that Zhu Pingan had submitted the memorial to the Minister of General Affairs, all the officials were very curious. They looked at the memorial in Wang Shenyi\'s hand and whispered to each other.

  Hot potato!

  Wang Shenzhi really wanted to throw the memorial in his hand on Zhu Ping\'an\'s face, but he couldn\'t. Because accepting the memorial was originally the job of their general secretary. Suppressing the memorial, rejecting the memorial, these can be operated internally, but it is not easy to operate like Zhu Ping\'an who put it on the bright side.

   "Thank you, Mr. Wang, I won\'t bother you as an official, and I will leave."

  Zhu Ping\'an handed over the memorial to Wang Shenyi, and after thanking him, he patted his **** and left.

  Leaving Wang Shenyi to be watched by the crowd.

  Wang Counselor held the memorial in his hand and looked at Zhu Ping\'an\'s back with a look of Cao Nima.

Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, and the others also followed Zhu Pingan and left. Just now Zhu Pingan proved in court that those leaders were not Tatars, and then also cleared up the charges of falsely accusing Zhao Daying in Yunmeng County for Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, and the others. .

  The case in Yunmeng County will be withdrawn by the relevant departments later, and the few villagers who were imprisoned will also be released at that time. As for compensation or something, there is no such thing as state compensation in ancient times.

  Of course, Liu Mu, Liu Dadao and the others are already very satisfied with the result. The villagers in prison are about to be released, and Zhao Daying is about to receive the punishment he deserves. And just now Mr. Zhu also said that the heads of their relatives will be found in a few days, and then the villagers can be buried in peace.

  After Zhu Ping\'an left, Wang Shenyi was surrounded by people. Everyone was curious about the content of Zhu Ping\'an\'s memorial.

  It\'s hard to get rid of all the feelings.

  The counselor Wang had no choice but to open Zhu Ping\'an\'s memorial in a good manner, and then everyone looked over.

  The writing is good, but the content. Everyone can\'t help but turn their eyes to Zhao Qiu and the others.

  Zhao Daying, Zhao Qiu and others were also among the onlookers, and they also read Zhu Ping\'an\'s memorial immediately.

   Before finishing the memorial, Zhao Qiu\'s face turned dark.

Because Zhu Pingan\'s memorial was aimed at him, Zhu Pingan quoted today\'s petition in the memorial, and mentioned that the heads presented by Zhao Daying that day were not Tatars, but our Ming people, so impeachment The Ministry of War inspected the heads ineffectively during the merit inspection, and requested a re-inspection of the heads in the Ministry of War inventory.

  When he just made a statement, Zhao Qiu had already said that he was responsible for this part of the Ministry of War. Zhu Pingan definitely did it on purpose, deliberately targeting him for revenge.


  Pingan Zhu

  You are too much!

  Zhao Qiu\'s face was gloomy and terrifying, his face was almost distorted, his breath was full of anger, and the veins on his forehead swelled with his breath, suppressing the anger in his heart so that he would not lose his composure on the spot.

   Listening to the noisy discussion behind.

  Zhu Ping\'an slightly hooked the corners of his lips, shook his head, and walked out of the gate of the Ministry of Punishment.

  When someone slaps you on the left cheek, you give him the right cheek too. Nonsense, I am not this kind of virgin bitch!

  (end of this chapter)