Rise From the Humble

Chapter 668: end of petition

Chapter 668 The end of the petition

  The matter of military shoes, due to time constraints, was not investigated in court, but was sealed up as evidence and reviewed by the court.

   This is also understandable, after all, it is getting late, and even if the military shoes have the imprint of a craftsman, it will take a lot of time to check it down. If you change them, the shoes can be worn for about three years, so at least check the military shoes records for the last three years. The military shoes made by the same craftsman and in the same batch are even more complicated to distribute to the troops. The ancient times were not as electronic and informatized as the modern ones, so it would take time and effort to find them.

  However, none of the people present were blind, and they could recognize the military shoes.

that\'s enough.

  The murder case in Shuntian Mansion Prison, they also believed it early in the morning. The eight prisoners in the prison were silenced. This kind of thing hadn\'t happened in Ming Dynasty for many years, so once the news came out, there was an uproar.

  Thinking about these military shoes at this moment, everyone knows it in their hearts, and their intriguing eyes fall on Zhao Daying from time to time.

   At the moment.

  Outside the courtroom, the setting sun is already like blood.

   "This case is of great importance, and it still needs to be considered. Today, the court will not make a judgment. After the court discusses it, it will be reported to the Secretary for decision. Zhu Pingan, Zhao Daying and you two are on standby at home these few days, and you are not allowed to go out."

  The presiding judge Wang Xueyi patted the gavel, and the twists and turns, ups and downs of the Criminal Ministry\'s petition finally came to an end.


I didn\'t expect today\'s Chen Qing to end like this. How should I explain to Lord Shangshu and how to explain to Mr. Yan Ge? What a great opportunity, alas.

Wang Xueyi couldn\'t help sighing in his heart, and when he looked at Zhao Daying, he couldn\'t help but shook his head secretly, disappointed, and faintly angry, if it wasn\'t for this son who left so many handles with Zhu Pingan, how could today\'s incident be so serious? As a result, I have been implicated in being unable to communicate with Lord Shangshu and Mr. Yan Ge.

  When he looked at Zhu Ping\'an again, Wang Xueyi was even more upset.

  The culprit is this kid!

  You really don’t know how to flatter, you kid. It’s too late for others to flatter Mr. Yan Ge, but this kid dares to stroke Mr. Yan Ge’s beard. He who understands current affairs is a hero. This man surnamed Zhu is a momentary strife, and he ignores the overall situation. stupid!

  You kid take jujube pills!

  Wang Xueyi looked at Zhu Ping\'an and thought bitterly in his heart.

  However, when Wang Xueyi was about to look away, he suddenly found that this kid was dissatisfied and disdainful, and he didn\'t avoid himself at all, as if he was about to stand up and raise objections in the next second.

   "Huh? Zhu Zihou, do you still have objections to the arrangement of the hall?" Wang Xueyi preemptively stared coldly at Zhu Pingan, who had a strange look under the courtroom, and asked in a deep voice.

   "Reporting to my lord, I dare not." Zhu Pingan looked straight at Wang Xueyi, and replied lightly.

   "Don\'t dare? Is there?" Wang Xueyi looked at Zhu Ping\'an with a gloomy gaze, and said meaningfully.

   "Your Excellency, I dare not object, but I just have an immature suggestion." Zhu Pingan replied calmly.

"The official has just said that the petition case is of great importance and must be investigated. We will report to the judge after the collegiate discussion. Do you have any suggestions? Or are you dissatisfied with the official ordering you to stay at home?" Wang Xueyi said coldly asked.

   "The lower officials raised their hands in favor of the two decisions of your lord." Zhu Pingan shook his head and smiled.

   "Then you." Wang Xueyi\'s eyes fell on Zhu Ping\'an, like a tiger watching, not angry but powerful.

   "The lower official said, there is an immature suggestion, and I hope the court will make a clear decision."

   Facing Wang Xueyi\'s staring eyes, Zhu Pingan was like a newborn calf, not at all afraid to shrink back, just staring directly at Wang Xueyi, and clasped his hands back.

   "What suggestion do you have?" Wang Xueyi looked at Zhu Pingan quietly.

"My lord, it\'s all right to choose a date for the judgment to be announced, but this head can\'t be waited for. This head is covered with raw stone powder, which has the power of corrosion after being exposed to water, which is not good for the preservation of the head. Besides, it\'s hot today, but In just a few days, this head will become rotten. Today, the court, the officials, the officials, and all the lords have completed the inspection and cross-examination. Whether it is the head of a Tatar or the head of our Ming people, the court should reach a conclusion .”

  Zhu Pingan did not avoid Wang Xueyi\'s gaze, and said word by word.

  No matter when the results of this petition are announced, as long as the leaders are identified today, the goal will be achieved.

   These heads are the key to this petition.

  As long as it is confirmed that the leader is a citizen of Ming Dynasty, then the case is equivalent to being settled, and Zhao Daying will not be able to remove the charge of killing a good person and pretending to be a meritorious service. It is nothing more than a matter of time and severity of punishment.

  Things change when they are late. Zhao Daying was able to exchange heads with his uncle today, maybe there will be some shady means in the future.

  If the head is not identified today, it is not impossible for Zhao Daying to apply for a re-identification of the head in the future.

  Whether the heads will still belong to this batch of heads at that time may be uncertain.

   Moreover, even if these heads were tampered with, the results of the appraisal might be uncertain. Judging from the actions of Zhao Daying and others, as well as the obvious partiality in the court, this kind of thing is entirely possible.

  That\'s why Zhu Ping\'an insisted on asking the court to characterize the leader.

   "The matter of the leader will be decided after a collegiate discussion."

  Zhu Ping\'an\'s persecution made Wang Xueyi\'s face very dull, and the dissatisfaction in his heart reached the extreme, and he said in a low voice while suppressing his anger.

   Sure enough

Hearing the words, Zhu Pingan was slandering in his heart, and couldn\'t wait for this matter, so he stepped forward, looked at Wang Xueyi with burning eyes, and cupped his hands respectfully, "Excuse me, my lord, have you inspected the head just now?" , Cross-examination completed?"

  The thief dares!

  Wang Xueyi was furious in his heart, stared at Zhu Pingan coldly for a few seconds, and then nodded impatiently.

"The six heads of the first batch of inspections, and the eight heads of the second batch of inspections, the way of growing their beards is completely different from the bearding habits of the barbarian Tatars recorded in the "Yongle Dadian", do you think so? "

   "The heads of the third batch of inspections were soaked in water, and the traces of hair buns and net towels are obvious. Do you think so?"

  Zhu Ping\'an met Wang Xueyi\'s gaze, and asked every word, every step of the way.

  Wang Xueyi\'s pupils twitched, and he nodded after a long time.

  The ironclad evidence was solid, under the watchful eyes of everyone, finally under Zhu Ping\'an\'s pressing step by step, the leader\'s characterization was finally implemented.

  The next step is to sign and draw.

When signing and marking, Zhu Pingan carefully checked the transcripts of the petition, and brought up the mistakes and omissions in it as soon as possible. After the scribes supplemented and repaired them, Zhu Pingan pressed his fingerprints in turn on the supplemented and repaired places. , and signed his name on each transcript to prevent the transcript from being tampered with later.

  You must not have the heart to harm others, but you must have the heart to guard against others.

  (end of this chapter)